Standardized extracts for nutraceuticals
herbal extract for food supplement
Ficus Foveolata Extract Powder
Product Name : Ficus Foveolata Extract Powder Ficus foveolata is found in Thailand also known as Maa-Kra-Tuep-Rong. The botanical characteristics is scandent shrup, leaves are oblong-elliptic, bark brown and fruit globose . The phytochemicals constituents of this plant include flavonoilds, β-Sitosterol and stigmasterol. In traditional of medicine, it use ficus extract for sexual tonic, general tonic or blood tonic, relieves physical exhaustion and backache.
Product Name : Ficus Foveolata Extract Powder Ficus foveolata is found in Thailand also known as Maa-Kra-Tuep-Rong. The botanical characteristics is scandent shrup, leaves are oblong-elliptic, bark brown and fruit globose . The phytochemicals constituents of this plant include flavonoilds, β-Sitosterol and stigmasterol. In traditional of medicine, it use ficus extract for sexual tonic, general tonic or blood tonic, relieves physical exhaustion and backache.
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Mucuna Pruriens Extract Powder
Product Name : Mucuna Pruriens Extract Powder Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. is a plant in the family Fabaceae, it is commonly known as Velvet bean and Ma-mui (in Thai). The Velvet bean is an annual climbing legume it has white to dark purple flowers. The pods of Velvet bean contain seeds, the pods are covered with hairs that are readily dislodged and can cause intense irritation to the skin. The velvet beans have been used in traditional medicine for Parkinson’s disease, nervous disorders and management of male fertility such as increase semen volume, sperm count and sperm motility. The pharmacologically...
Product Name : Mucuna Pruriens Extract Powder Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. is a plant in the family Fabaceae, it is commonly known as Velvet bean and Ma-mui (in Thai). The Velvet bean is an annual climbing legume it has white to dark purple flowers. The pods of Velvet bean contain seeds, the pods are covered with hairs that are readily dislodged and can cause intense irritation to the skin. The velvet beans have been used in traditional medicine for Parkinson’s disease, nervous disorders and management of male fertility such as increase semen volume, sperm count and sperm motility. The pharmacologically...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Pithecellobium Tenue Extract Powder
Product Name : Pithecellobium Tenue Extract Powder Kum-Lung-Chang-san (in Thai) a plant vine. There are all sectors in the sustain release properties are the relief of pain after lumbar pain. Body aches. And nourish the body with the other herbs in the formula was ancient.
Product Name : Pithecellobium Tenue Extract Powder Kum-Lung-Chang-san (in Thai) a plant vine. There are all sectors in the sustain release properties are the relief of pain after lumbar pain. Body aches. And nourish the body with the other herbs in the formula was ancient.
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herbal extract for food supplement
Butea Superba Extract Powder
Product Name : Butea superba Extract Powder Butea is a big - sized climbing plant with similar characteristics to those of Pueraria mirifica, except for a larger and thicker leaf. The root is cylindrical in shape and yellow in color and Butea superba is typically found in the northern, northeastern, and western regions of Thailand. Butea Superba, an alternative remedy of natural health products to improve sexual performance. Erectile dysfunction is the inaability of a man to maintain erection of the penis. The famous oral therapy for erectile dysfunction is sildenafil citrate that widely known as viagra. Butea Superba extract...
Product Name : Butea superba Extract Powder Butea is a big - sized climbing plant with similar characteristics to those of Pueraria mirifica, except for a larger and thicker leaf. The root is cylindrical in shape and yellow in color and Butea superba is typically found in the northern, northeastern, and western regions of Thailand. Butea Superba, an alternative remedy of natural health products to improve sexual performance. Erectile dysfunction is the inaability of a man to maintain erection of the penis. The famous oral therapy for erectile dysfunction is sildenafil citrate that widely known as viagra. Butea Superba extract...
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Tongkat Ali Extract Powder
Product Name : Tongkat Ali Extract Powder Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi is the name of this plant in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is a small tree. In the traditional medicine, its root was used for treating the amebic dysentary, for lowering the fever, antimalarial and for enhancing the sexual performance. Nowadays, there are many research reports reveal that the active ingredients of Tongkat Ali can enhancing the sexual performance due to its triterpenoid. Which enhanced the male hormone, Testosterone, the essential hormone of the male. So then, we able be used the Tongkat Ali extract in the form...
Product Name : Tongkat Ali Extract Powder Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi is the name of this plant in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is a small tree. In the traditional medicine, its root was used for treating the amebic dysentary, for lowering the fever, antimalarial and for enhancing the sexual performance. Nowadays, there are many research reports reveal that the active ingredients of Tongkat Ali can enhancing the sexual performance due to its triterpenoid. Which enhanced the male hormone, Testosterone, the essential hormone of the male. So then, we able be used the Tongkat Ali extract in the form...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Elephantopus Scaber Extract Powder
Product Name : Elephantopus Scaber Extract Powder Elephantopus scaber also known as Do-Mai-Ru-Lom (in Thai), Elephant's foot or Solomon's seal. In the Southeast Asia it is used as a sexual tonic, diuretic, fever reduce, eliminate bladder stones, as well as to treat nephritis, edema, dampness, chest pain, pneumonia, scabies, arthralgia and leukemia. The phytochemicals constituents of this plant include flavonoilds, deoxyelephantopin, 11,13, dihydrodeoxyelephantopin, lupeol, epifriedelinol and stigmasterol. Pharmacological activities is anti-bacteria, anti-virus, Hepatoprotection, Anti-tumor and balance blood pres
Product Name : Elephantopus Scaber Extract Powder Elephantopus scaber also known as Do-Mai-Ru-Lom (in Thai), Elephant's foot or Solomon's seal. In the Southeast Asia it is used as a sexual tonic, diuretic, fever reduce, eliminate bladder stones, as well as to treat nephritis, edema, dampness, chest pain, pneumonia, scabies, arthralgia and leukemia. The phytochemicals constituents of this plant include flavonoilds, deoxyelephantopin, 11,13, dihydrodeoxyelephantopin, lupeol, epifriedelinol and stigmasterol. Pharmacological activities is anti-bacteria, anti-virus, Hepatoprotection, Anti-tumor and balance blood pres
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Dong Quai Extract Powder
Product Name : Dong Quai Extract Powder The roots of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels, known as Dong Quai, which has a purple stem and white umbrella-shaped flowers. This plant is typically found in Asia. Dong Quai is one of the most important Chinese herbs that has been used in traditional medicine. The most prominent benefit of Dong Quai is used to treat menstrual problems, such as menstrual pain and scanty menstruation. Pharmacological effects include anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The active components of Dong Quai includ Ferulic acid, Polysaccharides and Phenolic compounds.
Product Name : Dong Quai Extract Powder The roots of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels, known as Dong Quai, which has a purple stem and white umbrella-shaped flowers. This plant is typically found in Asia. Dong Quai is one of the most important Chinese herbs that has been used in traditional medicine. The most prominent benefit of Dong Quai is used to treat menstrual problems, such as menstrual pain and scanty menstruation. Pharmacological effects include anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The active components of Dong Quai includ Ferulic acid, Polysaccharides and Phenolic compounds.
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Glycine Max Extract Powder
Product Name : Glycine Max Extract Powder Soy is a leguminous plant, known and used as human food source for 5000 years, first in China, then in the Far East. It is considered to be a source of complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them and at the same time a rich source of fibers, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and also contains isoflavone so it can heal any health...
Product Name : Glycine Max Extract Powder Soy is a leguminous plant, known and used as human food source for 5000 years, first in China, then in the Far East. It is considered to be a source of complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them and at the same time a rich source of fibers, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and also contains isoflavone so it can heal any health...
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Guava Extract Powder
Product Name : Guava Extract Powder Guava is a low evergreen tree or shrub 6 to 25 feet high, with wide - spreading branches and square, downy twigs. It is a tropical and semitropical plant. The flowers are white, incurved petals, 2 or 3 in the leaf axils, they are fragrant, with four to six petals and yellow anthers. Guava is well known for its high amount of vitamin C, 4-10 times higher than that of an orange. The fruit and the leaf contain bitter-tasting substances, such as tannin, and essential oils. The fruit also contains a large number of ...
Product Name : Guava Extract Powder Guava is a low evergreen tree or shrub 6 to 25 feet high, with wide - spreading branches and square, downy twigs. It is a tropical and semitropical plant. The flowers are white, incurved petals, 2 or 3 in the leaf axils, they are fragrant, with four to six petals and yellow anthers. Guava is well known for its high amount of vitamin C, 4-10 times higher than that of an orange. The fruit and the leaf contain bitter-tasting substances, such as tannin, and essential oils. The fruit also contains a large number of ...
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Pueraria Mirifica Extract Powder
Product Name : Pueraria Mirifica Extract Powder Pueraria mirifica is found in tropical forest of Thailand. It has long been utilized among Thai Women for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. The rhizome of pueraria mirifica is rich in phytoestogens including estrogenic phenol, miroestrol, and deoxymiroestrol that enhance estrogenic activity. Additioanlly, the high content of puerarin, genistein, daidzein, daidzin and genistein provides strong anti-oxidant effect, skin lightening, and skin nourishment. The molecular structure of isoflavones contained in pueraria mirifica are surprisingly similar to that of the mammal estrogens. The estrogenic isoflavones can even compete with natural estrogen fro binding to the...
Product Name : Pueraria Mirifica Extract Powder Pueraria mirifica is found in tropical forest of Thailand. It has long been utilized among Thai Women for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. The rhizome of pueraria mirifica is rich in phytoestogens including estrogenic phenol, miroestrol, and deoxymiroestrol that enhance estrogenic activity. Additioanlly, the high content of puerarin, genistein, daidzein, daidzin and genistein provides strong anti-oxidant effect, skin lightening, and skin nourishment. The molecular structure of isoflavones contained in pueraria mirifica are surprisingly similar to that of the mammal estrogens. The estrogenic isoflavones can even compete with natural estrogen fro binding to the...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Centotheca Lappacea Extract Powder
Product Name : Centotheca Lappacea Extract Powder Centotheca lappacea, a grass known in Thai as “Ya Hee Yoom” or “Ya Repair”, belongs to the traditional medicine in Thailand and many Southeast Asia countries for wound healing and muscle tightening in post labor women. The traditional usage is from the smoke of the burning grass both in the dry or fresh plant with wood fuel. The postpartum women, wearing a Thai traditional dress called “Sarong” will stand over the pile of burning wood with the grass to be smoked on the treated area. Another way to use is by boiling the...
Product Name : Centotheca Lappacea Extract Powder Centotheca lappacea, a grass known in Thai as “Ya Hee Yoom” or “Ya Repair”, belongs to the traditional medicine in Thailand and many Southeast Asia countries for wound healing and muscle tightening in post labor women. The traditional usage is from the smoke of the burning grass both in the dry or fresh plant with wood fuel. The postpartum women, wearing a Thai traditional dress called “Sarong” will stand over the pile of burning wood with the grass to be smoked on the treated area. Another way to use is by boiling the...
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Giant Curcuma Extract Powder
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Powder Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Powder Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Asparagus racemosus Extract Powder
Product Name : Asparagus racemosus Extract Powder Asparagus racemosus Willd. is also called Shatavari in India and Rak-Samsip or Samroi-Rak in Thailand. Rak-Samsip is a small woody cliamber, the leaves are of pine needle shape. The roots are tuberous, finger shaped and clustered. Asparagus racemosus is mainly known for its phytoestrogenic properties. Its root has been used of the Ayuravedic medicine for female’s health such as increase in milk secretion, aphrodisiac, prevent abortion and antispasmodic. The major active constituents of Rak-Samsip are Steroidal saponins known as Shatavarins, Triterpeniods and Flavonoids. These compounds have many properties such as galactagogue, treatment of...
Product Name : Asparagus racemosus Extract Powder Asparagus racemosus Willd. is also called Shatavari in India and Rak-Samsip or Samroi-Rak in Thailand. Rak-Samsip is a small woody cliamber, the leaves are of pine needle shape. The roots are tuberous, finger shaped and clustered. Asparagus racemosus is mainly known for its phytoestrogenic properties. Its root has been used of the Ayuravedic medicine for female’s health such as increase in milk secretion, aphrodisiac, prevent abortion and antispasmodic. The major active constituents of Rak-Samsip are Steroidal saponins known as Shatavarins, Triterpeniods and Flavonoids. These compounds have many properties such as galactagogue, treatment of...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Baelfruit Extract Powder
Product Name : Baelfruit Extract Powder Bael fruit is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia and grown all over parts of Thailand. It is an attractive and characteristically sweet aroma fruit and known to be a good source of natural antioxidants and bioactive compounds. Every part (stem, bark, root, leaves and fruits) has medicinal virtues and have long known as herbal medicines. Its peel is hard and greenish to brownish depending on ripening stage; the pulp contains many functional and bioactive compounds which may protect us against chronic diseases. The uses of bael fruit in aspects of food have...
Product Name : Baelfruit Extract Powder Bael fruit is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia and grown all over parts of Thailand. It is an attractive and characteristically sweet aroma fruit and known to be a good source of natural antioxidants and bioactive compounds. Every part (stem, bark, root, leaves and fruits) has medicinal virtues and have long known as herbal medicines. Its peel is hard and greenish to brownish depending on ripening stage; the pulp contains many functional and bioactive compounds which may protect us against chronic diseases. The uses of bael fruit in aspects of food have...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Garcinia Extract Powder
Product Name : Garcinia Extract Powder Garcinia is a big-sized perennial plant commonly found in evergreen forests in the Southern region of Thailand. The fruit contains fruiting acids such as Hydroxycitric acid, Tartaric acid, Malic acid and Ascorbic acid that are strong antioxidant activity. The weight gains when the capacity of strong glycogen in the liver and muscles reaches the limit, the additional glucose in converted into fat and stored in the body. (-) - Hydroxycitric acid (-) - HCA] contained in Garcinia extract is a potent inhibitor of ATP lyase, which is the catalyze of the extramitochondrial cleavage. The limitation...
Product Name : Garcinia Extract Powder Garcinia is a big-sized perennial plant commonly found in evergreen forests in the Southern region of Thailand. The fruit contains fruiting acids such as Hydroxycitric acid, Tartaric acid, Malic acid and Ascorbic acid that are strong antioxidant activity. The weight gains when the capacity of strong glycogen in the liver and muscles reaches the limit, the additional glucose in converted into fat and stored in the body. (-) - Hydroxycitric acid (-) - HCA] contained in Garcinia extract is a potent inhibitor of ATP lyase, which is the catalyze of the extramitochondrial cleavage. The limitation...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Konjac Extract Powder
Product Name : Konjac Extract Powder Konjac or Stanley’s water-tub is the same type of herbaceous plant as Taro. It has been consumed as food for a long time. The Japanese believe that the starch from Konjac, when eaten helps to clean the intestine. The active ingredient that is commercially product is glucomannan. It is a long-chain carbohydrate consists of glucose, mannose, and fructose. A recent research found that glucomannan provides low calories. The viscosity of this substance decreases the absorption of glucose from the intestine. It is, therefore, suitable for weight-controlling people.
Product Name : Konjac Extract Powder Konjac or Stanley’s water-tub is the same type of herbaceous plant as Taro. It has been consumed as food for a long time. The Japanese believe that the starch from Konjac, when eaten helps to clean the intestine. The active ingredient that is commercially product is glucomannan. It is a long-chain carbohydrate consists of glucose, mannose, and fructose. A recent research found that glucomannan provides low calories. The viscosity of this substance decreases the absorption of glucose from the intestine. It is, therefore, suitable for weight-controlling people.
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herbal extract for food supplement
Terminalia Extract Powder
Product Name : Terminalia Extract Powder Terminalia chebula belongs to the family of Combretaceae, locally known in Thai as “Samor Thai”. It is popular herbal in Thailand, India and South-East Asia because the whole plant have high medicinal value and traditionally used for the treatment of various ailments for human beings. Some of the folk medicine used this plant as laxative and treatment of asthma, sore throat, vomiting, hiccough, ulcers, gout, heart and bladder diseases. The Samor Thai tree is tall about 25-35 m in height. The fruit about 1-2 inches in size, it has five lines on the outer...
Product Name : Terminalia Extract Powder Terminalia chebula belongs to the family of Combretaceae, locally known in Thai as “Samor Thai”. It is popular herbal in Thailand, India and South-East Asia because the whole plant have high medicinal value and traditionally used for the treatment of various ailments for human beings. Some of the folk medicine used this plant as laxative and treatment of asthma, sore throat, vomiting, hiccough, ulcers, gout, heart and bladder diseases. The Samor Thai tree is tall about 25-35 m in height. The fruit about 1-2 inches in size, it has five lines on the outer...
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Sunchoke Extract Powder
Product Name : Sunchoke Extract Powder Sunchoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a species of sunflower in family Asteraceae. It is commonly known as Jerusalem arichoke, Sunroot, Sunchoke, Earth apple and also called Kaen-ta-wan in Thailand. Sunchoke is a herbaceous perennial plant, its flowers have yellow color. The tubers have light to dark brown color and look like ginger root. Sunchoke tuber as food is consumed in the form of fresh and cooked such as salad, roasted, steamed, boiled and fried. The main compounds in tuber are Inulin and Fructo-oligosaccharide. These compounds are a group of Polysaccharide. It can’t digest in...
Product Name : Sunchoke Extract Powder Sunchoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a species of sunflower in family Asteraceae. It is commonly known as Jerusalem arichoke, Sunroot, Sunchoke, Earth apple and also called Kaen-ta-wan in Thailand. Sunchoke is a herbaceous perennial plant, its flowers have yellow color. The tubers have light to dark brown color and look like ginger root. Sunchoke tuber as food is consumed in the form of fresh and cooked such as salad, roasted, steamed, boiled and fried. The main compounds in tuber are Inulin and Fructo-oligosaccharide. These compounds are a group of Polysaccharide. It can’t digest in...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Senna Extract Liquid
Product Name : SennaExtract Liquid Senna is a small perennial shrub. It is native to tropical Africa and is now cultivated throughout that continent. Senna is obtained from two species: the frist one is known commercially as Tinnevelly Senna and grown predominantly in India. and the pods of Senna are used, the pods having a gentler action. The active principles of Senna are anthraquinone glycosides (Sennoside A and B), which act primarily on the colon. Added to this there are about 10% of mucilage, and tartrates, which inhibit the absorption of fluid from the gut and thus enhance the laxative...
Product Name : SennaExtract Liquid Senna is a small perennial shrub. It is native to tropical Africa and is now cultivated throughout that continent. Senna is obtained from two species: the frist one is known commercially as Tinnevelly Senna and grown predominantly in India. and the pods of Senna are used, the pods having a gentler action. The active principles of Senna are anthraquinone glycosides (Sennoside A and B), which act primarily on the colon. Added to this there are about 10% of mucilage, and tartrates, which inhibit the absorption of fluid from the gut and thus enhance the laxative...
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herbal extract for food supplement
White Kidney Bean Extract Powder
Product Name : White Kidney Bean Extract Liquid The White Kidney plant (Phaseolusvulgaris) is native to Europe and Asia. Benefits Starch blocker : the seed of white kidney-be an can act as ablocker of the α-amylase enzyme. Prevents the break down of starch into dextrin and ultimately glucose, cause by Phaseolamininhibited α-amylase. SciencificData The product conta ins an α-amylase inhibitor extracted from kidney beans with the Phaseolamin. This component is intended to block the action o f pancreatic α-amylase in the intestine, inhibiting the conve rsion of the large starch molecules into small sugar molecules, which c an be directly...
Product Name : White Kidney Bean Extract Liquid The White Kidney plant (Phaseolusvulgaris) is native to Europe and Asia. Benefits Starch blocker : the seed of white kidney-be an can act as ablocker of the α-amylase enzyme. Prevents the break down of starch into dextrin and ultimately glucose, cause by Phaseolamininhibited α-amylase. SciencificData The product conta ins an α-amylase inhibitor extracted from kidney beans with the Phaseolamin. This component is intended to block the action o f pancreatic α-amylase in the intestine, inhibiting the conve rsion of the large starch molecules into small sugar molecules, which c an be directly...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Cactus Extract Powder
Product Name : Cactus Extract Powder Cactus is a plant native to originate in the desert. Their distinctive appearance is a result of adaptations to conserve water in dry and/or hot environments. In most species, the stem has evolved to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have evolved into spines. Many species are used for ornamental plants, and some are also grown for food, feed, fruits, a boundary fence and other uses.
Product Name : Cactus Extract Powder Cactus is a plant native to originate in the desert. Their distinctive appearance is a result of adaptations to conserve water in dry and/or hot environments. In most species, the stem has evolved to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have evolved into spines. Many species are used for ornamental plants, and some are also grown for food, feed, fruits, a boundary fence and other uses.
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herbal extract for food supplement
Capsicum Extract Powder
Product Name : Capsicum Extract Powder Capsicum or Chili is a long-living herbaceous plant originally from the tropical areas in South America. Now, it is widely cultivated in most tropical areas of the world. Capsicum is used as a stomachic, a carminative, and as a digestive when there is a small amount of gastric juice. It is also used as an expectorant, an anti-emetic, and as a perspirant. In traditional medicine, Capsicum mixed with Myrrh will have highly antiseptic property and used as a rubefacient for relieving of muscle pain. In cosmetics, the Capsicum extract is used as an anticellulite for...
Product Name : Capsicum Extract Powder Capsicum or Chili is a long-living herbaceous plant originally from the tropical areas in South America. Now, it is widely cultivated in most tropical areas of the world. Capsicum is used as a stomachic, a carminative, and as a digestive when there is a small amount of gastric juice. It is also used as an expectorant, an anti-emetic, and as a perspirant. In traditional medicine, Capsicum mixed with Myrrh will have highly antiseptic property and used as a rubefacient for relieving of muscle pain. In cosmetics, the Capsicum extract is used as an anticellulite for...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Beleric Extract Powder
Product Name : Beleric Extract Powder Beleric (BelericMyrobalan, Ink Nut) is a big-sized perennial tree commonly found in tropical areas. In traditional Thai medicineit is used as laxative and expectorant for the relief of amoebic diseases, etc. Recently, research has shown that anthraquinone is the most important irritant herbal compounds. It significantly alters gastrointestinal motility to the extent. Beside, sennosides can inhibit the absorption of fluid from the gut and enhance laxative action. Therefore this type of herbs is used as laxatives, cathartics and purgatives.
Product Name : Beleric Extract Powder Beleric (BelericMyrobalan, Ink Nut) is a big-sized perennial tree commonly found in tropical areas. In traditional Thai medicineit is used as laxative and expectorant for the relief of amoebic diseases, etc. Recently, research has shown that anthraquinone is the most important irritant herbal compounds. It significantly alters gastrointestinal motility to the extent. Beside, sennosides can inhibit the absorption of fluid from the gut and enhance laxative action. Therefore this type of herbs is used as laxatives, cathartics and purgatives.
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Stevia Extract Powder
Product Name : Stevia Extract Powder Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (Asteraceae) commonly called Stevia and Ya-Wan (in Thai). It is native to the northern region of South America and also cultivated in some regions of Asia, Europe, Canada and India. Stevia are perennial semi-shrub up to 30 cm. in height and leaves are sessile, 3-4 cm. long, elongate-lanceolate. Stevia leaf extract is a natural alternative to artificial sweetener. Steviol glycosides perform as a sweetener including Stevioside, Rebaudioside A, Rebaudioside B, Rebaudioside C, Rebaudioside D, Rebaudioside F, Dulcoside A, Rubusoside, and Steviolbioside. The main sweet component is Stevioside. It is 300 times...
Product Name : Stevia Extract Powder Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (Asteraceae) commonly called Stevia and Ya-Wan (in Thai). It is native to the northern region of South America and also cultivated in some regions of Asia, Europe, Canada and India. Stevia are perennial semi-shrub up to 30 cm. in height and leaves are sessile, 3-4 cm. long, elongate-lanceolate. Stevia leaf extract is a natural alternative to artificial sweetener. Steviol glycosides perform as a sweetener including Stevioside, Rebaudioside A, Rebaudioside B, Rebaudioside C, Rebaudioside D, Rebaudioside F, Dulcoside A, Rubusoside, and Steviolbioside. The main sweet component is Stevioside. It is 300 times...
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Psyllium Husk Extract Powder
Product Name : Psyllium Husk Extract Powder Psyllium is an annual, acaulescent herb, native to Asia It is extensively grow worldwide. The seeds are used. Psyllium was also used topically to treat skin irritations, including poison ivy reactionsand insect bites and stings. In Chinese and Indian traditional medicines, it is use to treat diarrhea, hemorrhoids, bladder problems, and high blood pressure. Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative and is high in both fiber and mucilage. Its seeds contain 10 - 30 % mucilage in the form of arabinoxylans. The laxative properties of psyllium are due to the swelling of the husk...
Product Name : Psyllium Husk Extract Powder Psyllium is an annual, acaulescent herb, native to Asia It is extensively grow worldwide. The seeds are used. Psyllium was also used topically to treat skin irritations, including poison ivy reactionsand insect bites and stings. In Chinese and Indian traditional medicines, it is use to treat diarrhea, hemorrhoids, bladder problems, and high blood pressure. Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative and is high in both fiber and mucilage. Its seeds contain 10 - 30 % mucilage in the form of arabinoxylans. The laxative properties of psyllium are due to the swelling of the husk...
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Coix Lacryma Extract Powder
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
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Cassia siamea Extract Powder
Product Name : Cassia Siamea also known as Cassod Tree, Khee-lek (in Thai). The leaves even-pinnate, young leaves covered with greenish brown and flowers have yellow color. It is a medicinal plant popularly used in Thailand. The fresh young flowers and young leaves have been used as vegetables in Thailand. They can be prepared as food by cooking with coconut milk, curry paste and cooked as a curry which is used as a mild laxative and sleeping aid. The young leaves contain barakol. That can depress central nervous system, help to relieve of stress and sleep easy.
Product Name : Cassia Siamea also known as Cassod Tree, Khee-lek (in Thai). The leaves even-pinnate, young leaves covered with greenish brown and flowers have yellow color. It is a medicinal plant popularly used in Thailand. The fresh young flowers and young leaves have been used as vegetables in Thailand. They can be prepared as food by cooking with coconut milk, curry paste and cooked as a curry which is used as a mild laxative and sleeping aid. The young leaves contain barakol. That can depress central nervous system, help to relieve of stress and sleep easy.
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Ginseng Extract Powder
Product Name : Ginseng Extract Powder Ginseng is a deciduous perennial herb with typical light colored fleshy root, the root is long and slender and sometimes resembles the shape of the human body. The taste of ginseng root is sweet at first but with a bitter aftertaste. The leaves are dark green colored and oval shaped. The main active ingredients of ginseng are ginsenosides. These steroid-like phytochemicals have adaptogenic properties, used for diabetes, migraine, infections, radiation and chemotherapy protection, to aid in sleep, and to stimulate the appetite.
Product Name : Ginseng Extract Powder Ginseng is a deciduous perennial herb with typical light colored fleshy root, the root is long and slender and sometimes resembles the shape of the human body. The taste of ginseng root is sweet at first but with a bitter aftertaste. The leaves are dark green colored and oval shaped. The main active ingredients of ginseng are ginsenosides. These steroid-like phytochemicals have adaptogenic properties, used for diabetes, migraine, infections, radiation and chemotherapy protection, to aid in sleep, and to stimulate the appetite.
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Jiaogulan Extract Powder
Product Name : Jiaogulan Extract Powder Jiaogulan is a perennial liana plant, which grows in Asia including China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia. It is a popular herbal tea in China and some Asian countries. Jiaogulan contains a large quantity of saponin glycoside, known also as “gypenosides” that effect on body systems like blood pressure, the reproductive system, the digestive system, the immune system, mental functions and more.
Product Name : Jiaogulan Extract Powder Jiaogulan is a perennial liana plant, which grows in Asia including China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia. It is a popular herbal tea in China and some Asian countries. Jiaogulan contains a large quantity of saponin glycoside, known also as “gypenosides” that effect on body systems like blood pressure, the reproductive system, the digestive system, the immune system, mental functions and more.
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Moringa Seed Extract Powder
Product Name : Moringa Seed Extract Powder Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) is a tree native to northern Thailand. It is also known as the “miracle tree”. All its parts (leaves, flowers, root, bark, fruits, wood and seeds) are very useful for pharmacological and nutritional properties. It has gained a lot of popularity, due to its remarkable source of nutrition such as vitamin and mineral and many health benefits. As an example, the crushed seeds are known for their very high capacity to purify water. Moreover the active ingredient of natural cationic peptide are many useful for cosmetic product.
Product Name : Moringa Seed Extract Powder Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) is a tree native to northern Thailand. It is also known as the “miracle tree”. All its parts (leaves, flowers, root, bark, fruits, wood and seeds) are very useful for pharmacological and nutritional properties. It has gained a lot of popularity, due to its remarkable source of nutrition such as vitamin and mineral and many health benefits. As an example, the crushed seeds are known for their very high capacity to purify water. Moreover the active ingredient of natural cationic peptide are many useful for cosmetic product.
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Echinacea Extract Powder
Product Name : Echinacea Extract Powder Echinacea species are perennials that belong to the Aster family and originate in eastern North America. Echinacea contains numerous active phytochemicals such as high-molecular-weight polysaccharides, caffeic acid derivatives, and alkyl amides contribute to its immunostimulatory action. Cichoric acid (a caffeic acid derivative) has also been shown to inhibit integrase, an important enzyme in viral reproduction. Echinacea has also exhibited anti-inflammatory action which is often attributed to the alkyl amides and high-molecular-weight polysaccharides. Oral preparations are popular in Europe and the United States for prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections (URI).Has been suggested...
Product Name : Echinacea Extract Powder Echinacea species are perennials that belong to the Aster family and originate in eastern North America. Echinacea contains numerous active phytochemicals such as high-molecular-weight polysaccharides, caffeic acid derivatives, and alkyl amides contribute to its immunostimulatory action. Cichoric acid (a caffeic acid derivative) has also been shown to inhibit integrase, an important enzyme in viral reproduction. Echinacea has also exhibited anti-inflammatory action which is often attributed to the alkyl amides and high-molecular-weight polysaccharides. Oral preparations are popular in Europe and the United States for prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections (URI).Has been suggested...
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Goji Berry Extract Powder
Product Name : Goji Berry Extract Powder Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum), also known as goji berry. Goji berry fruits are 1-2 cm. long, bright orange-red ellipsoid berries of the Solanaceae family. Goji berry fruits have been use a traditional Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years which have functions of nourishes the liver, kidney and brightening the eyes, reducing blood glucose and serum lipids, anti-aging, immuno-modulating, ant-icancer, anti-fatigue, and male fertility-facilitating. Many functional components in goji berry fruits including flavonoids, carotenoids and polysaccharides. Carotenoids have been reported the composition including zeaxanthin and lutein which important on the main retina pigments and...
Product Name : Goji Berry Extract Powder Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum), also known as goji berry. Goji berry fruits are 1-2 cm. long, bright orange-red ellipsoid berries of the Solanaceae family. Goji berry fruits have been use a traditional Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years which have functions of nourishes the liver, kidney and brightening the eyes, reducing blood glucose and serum lipids, anti-aging, immuno-modulating, ant-icancer, anti-fatigue, and male fertility-facilitating. Many functional components in goji berry fruits including flavonoids, carotenoids and polysaccharides. Carotenoids have been reported the composition including zeaxanthin and lutein which important on the main retina pigments and...
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Plukaow Extract powder
Product Name : Plukaow Extract Powder Used aerial parts of the herb. Used in formulas of herbal aroma and this herbal quitting formula. Main chemical components : Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Essentral oil as Quercetin, Aristolactam B, Methyl nonyl ketone it acts on the lung channel. The pungent flavour dissolves boils. It has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxicating, dissolving boils and draining pus. It used to treat abscesses in both internal organs and external infections. It is always an important medicine for treating pulmonary abscess because the herb is mainly acting in lung. In addition, it is able to clear...
Product Name : Plukaow Extract Powder Used aerial parts of the herb. Used in formulas of herbal aroma and this herbal quitting formula. Main chemical components : Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Essentral oil as Quercetin, Aristolactam B, Methyl nonyl ketone it acts on the lung channel. The pungent flavour dissolves boils. It has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxicating, dissolving boils and draining pus. It used to treat abscesses in both internal organs and external infections. It is always an important medicine for treating pulmonary abscess because the herb is mainly acting in lung. In addition, it is able to clear...
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Reishi Extract Powder
Product Name : Reishi Extract Powder ( Ling - zhi, Hed-lin - jue ) is well known as the Holly mushroom with its cure - all health benefits. It can only be cultivated in mountainous areas of Asia. In traditional Thai medicine, has long been utilized as a balancing remedy that naturally enhances immune system. β - 1, 3 - D - glucan founded in the fungus has been proven as activator of the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells (WBC) especially macrophage, lymphocyte, NK cell therefore lower the risk of cancer, diuretic, bronchitis, and immune...
Product Name : Reishi Extract Powder ( Ling - zhi, Hed-lin - jue ) is well known as the Holly mushroom with its cure - all health benefits. It can only be cultivated in mountainous areas of Asia. In traditional Thai medicine, has long been utilized as a balancing remedy that naturally enhances immune system. β - 1, 3 - D - glucan founded in the fungus has been proven as activator of the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells (WBC) especially macrophage, lymphocyte, NK cell therefore lower the risk of cancer, diuretic, bronchitis, and immune...
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Andrographis Extract Powder
Product Name : Andrographis Paniculata Extract Powder Andrographis is a plant native to India and Sri Lanka. All parts have a bitter taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand. It grows up to a height of 30-110 cm in moist shady places with glabrous leaves and white flowers with rose-purple spots on the petals. Its leaves usage is popular in Scandinavian countries as a cold and influenza remedy and used traditionally in Ayurvedic Thai and Chinese medicine to treat fever associated with infectious diseases.
Product Name : Andrographis Paniculata Extract Powder Andrographis is a plant native to India and Sri Lanka. All parts have a bitter taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand. It grows up to a height of 30-110 cm in moist shady places with glabrous leaves and white flowers with rose-purple spots on the petals. Its leaves usage is popular in Scandinavian countries as a cold and influenza remedy and used traditionally in Ayurvedic Thai and Chinese medicine to treat fever associated with infectious diseases.
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Dong Quai Extract Powder
Product Name : Dong Quai Extract Powder The roots of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels, known as Dong Quai, which has a purple stem and white umbrella-shaped flowers. This plant is typically found in Asia. Dong Quai is one of the most important Chinese herbs that has been used in traditional medicine. The most prominent benefit of Dong Quai is used to treat menstrual problems, such as menstrual pain and scanty menstruation. Pharmacological effects include anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The active components of Dong Quai includ Ferulic acid, Polysaccharides and Phenolic compounds.
Product Name : Dong Quai Extract Powder The roots of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels, known as Dong Quai, which has a purple stem and white umbrella-shaped flowers. This plant is typically found in Asia. Dong Quai is one of the most important Chinese herbs that has been used in traditional medicine. The most prominent benefit of Dong Quai is used to treat menstrual problems, such as menstrual pain and scanty menstruation. Pharmacological effects include anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The active components of Dong Quai includ Ferulic acid, Polysaccharides and Phenolic compounds.
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Product Name : Innovacan Rich of purified beta-1,3/ 1,6-glucan, extracted from yeast cell walls, fine, free-flowing light-beige powder form, excellent for foundation of dietary supplements and fundamental foods. The present natural product used for improves food texture and also responsible for specific binding with macrophages, thus improving the immune response and providing healthy living.
Product Name : Innovacan Rich of purified beta-1,3/ 1,6-glucan, extracted from yeast cell walls, fine, free-flowing light-beige powder form, excellent for foundation of dietary supplements and fundamental foods. The present natural product used for improves food texture and also responsible for specific binding with macrophages, thus improving the immune response and providing healthy living.
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Pine Extract Powder
Product Name : Pine Extract Powder Pines are native to most of the Northern Hemisphere, they are evergreen, resinous tree.The bark of most pines is thick and scaly, but some species have thin, flaking bark. Pines are among the most commercially important of tree species, valued for their timber and wood pulp throughout the world. It is known that pine bark contains numerous of proanthocyanidins that have potent antioxidant activity to promote healthy body and skin..
Product Name : Pine Extract Powder Pines are native to most of the Northern Hemisphere, they are evergreen, resinous tree.The bark of most pines is thick and scaly, but some species have thin, flaking bark. Pines are among the most commercially important of tree species, valued for their timber and wood pulp throughout the world. It is known that pine bark contains numerous of proanthocyanidins that have potent antioxidant activity to promote healthy body and skin..
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Java Tea Extract Powder
Product Name : Java Tea Extract Powder Java tea is also known as Cat's whiskers, Kidney Tea and Yaa Nuat Maeo (in Thai). Java Tea is herbaceous shrub,found mainly throughout South East Asia, which usually grows to a height of no more than 1.5 meter, producing aunique blue to light violet flowers that looks like cat's whiskers. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb,especially in South East Asia to treat diabetes, kidney stones, urinary disorders, high blood pressure. In addition,Java Tea helps relieve pain, caused by arthritis. This herb contains chemical
Product Name : Java Tea Extract Powder Java tea is also known as Cat's whiskers, Kidney Tea and Yaa Nuat Maeo (in Thai). Java Tea is herbaceous shrub,found mainly throughout South East Asia, which usually grows to a height of no more than 1.5 meter, producing aunique blue to light violet flowers that looks like cat's whiskers. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb,especially in South East Asia to treat diabetes, kidney stones, urinary disorders, high blood pressure. In addition,Java Tea helps relieve pain, caused by arthritis. This herb contains chemical
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Ginseng Extract Powder
Product Name : Ginseng Extract Powder Ginseng is a deciduous perennial herb with typical light colored fleshy root, the root is long and slender and sometimes resembles the shape of the human body. The taste of ginseng root is sweet at first but with a bitter aftertaste. The leaves are dark green colored and oval shaped. The main active ingredients of ginseng are ginsenosides. These steroid-like phytochemicals have adaptogenic properties, used for diabetes, migraine, infections, radiation and chemotherapy protection, to aid in sleep, and to stimulate the appetite.
Product Name : Ginseng Extract Powder Ginseng is a deciduous perennial herb with typical light colored fleshy root, the root is long and slender and sometimes resembles the shape of the human body. The taste of ginseng root is sweet at first but with a bitter aftertaste. The leaves are dark green colored and oval shaped. The main active ingredients of ginseng are ginsenosides. These steroid-like phytochemicals have adaptogenic properties, used for diabetes, migraine, infections, radiation and chemotherapy protection, to aid in sleep, and to stimulate the appetite.
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Tinospora Crispa Extract Powder
Product Name : Tinospora Crispa Extract Powder Tiliacora triandra is known as Borapet (in Thai). It is a climber plant. It is found in primary rainforests or mixed deciduous forests throughout a large part of Asia and Africa, including all parts of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. In Thai traditional medicine, the stems of Borapet has been used as an antipyretic, treatment of diabetes and control of blood pressure. The chemical constituents of Borapet are Terpenoids and Terpenoid glycosides such as Borapetoside A, B, C, D, E, F and G, Tinocrisposide, the bitter compounds Alkaloids such as N-formylannonaine, N-formylnornuciferine, N-acetylnornuciferine and...
Product Name : Tinospora Crispa Extract Powder Tiliacora triandra is known as Borapet (in Thai). It is a climber plant. It is found in primary rainforests or mixed deciduous forests throughout a large part of Asia and Africa, including all parts of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. In Thai traditional medicine, the stems of Borapet has been used as an antipyretic, treatment of diabetes and control of blood pressure. The chemical constituents of Borapet are Terpenoids and Terpenoid glycosides such as Borapetoside A, B, C, D, E, F and G, Tinocrisposide, the bitter compounds Alkaloids such as N-formylannonaine, N-formylnornuciferine, N-acetylnornuciferine and...
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Roselle Extract Powder
Product Name : Roselle Extract Powder Roselle (Hibiscus) is a small-sized shrub originating in Thailand. The sour taste of Roselle is attributed to organic acids, which have the property of lowering fatty substances in the blood by activating bile acid that acts to dissolve fatty substances. The parts used are sepals and bracts, which are purplish-red in color due to Anthocyanin. The organic acids in Roselle are Hibiscic acid, Citric acid, Ascorbic acid, etc. It also helps to protect against Calculus, which can cause Calculosis.
Product Name : Roselle Extract Powder Roselle (Hibiscus) is a small-sized shrub originating in Thailand. The sour taste of Roselle is attributed to organic acids, which have the property of lowering fatty substances in the blood by activating bile acid that acts to dissolve fatty substances. The parts used are sepals and bracts, which are purplish-red in color due to Anthocyanin. The organic acids in Roselle are Hibiscic acid, Citric acid, Ascorbic acid, etc. It also helps to protect against Calculus, which can cause Calculosis.
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Wood Ear Mushroom Extract Powder
Product Name : Wood Ear Mushroom Extract Powder Wood ear Mushroom (Auricularia auricular-judae) is commonly known as Hed-Hoo-Noo-Dam (in Thai). It’s a species ofedible Auriculariales fungus. It can be found throughout the year in temperate regions worldwide. The fruiting body is distinguished by its noticeably ear-like shape and brown coloration; it grows upon wood especially elder wood. The fruiting bodies of wood ear mushroom have been used traditional medicine for anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and anticoagulant activity. The main active ingredient is Polysaccharides. The wood ear mushroom has many benefits such as reducing blood sugar, reducing blood cholesterol and anticoagulant.
Product Name : Wood Ear Mushroom Extract Powder Wood ear Mushroom (Auricularia auricular-judae) is commonly known as Hed-Hoo-Noo-Dam (in Thai). It’s a species ofedible Auriculariales fungus. It can be found throughout the year in temperate regions worldwide. The fruiting body is distinguished by its noticeably ear-like shape and brown coloration; it grows upon wood especially elder wood. The fruiting bodies of wood ear mushroom have been used traditional medicine for anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and anticoagulant activity. The main active ingredient is Polysaccharides. The wood ear mushroom has many benefits such as reducing blood sugar, reducing blood cholesterol and anticoagulant.
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Black pepper Extract Powder
Product Name : Black pepper Extract Powder The black pepper is a well known as spice around the world and is used in almost every home. This herb is also known as Prik thai dum (in Thai).It is produced from the still-green unripe drupes of the pepper plant. The drupes are dried in the sun for several days, during which the pepper around the seed shrinks and darkens into a thin, wrinkled black layer. Once dried called black pepper. This plant contains chemical essential oil and pungent alkaloid compounds such as piperine and chavicine, while the oil contains sabinene, pinene,...
Product Name : Black pepper Extract Powder The black pepper is a well known as spice around the world and is used in almost every home. This herb is also known as Prik thai dum (in Thai).It is produced from the still-green unripe drupes of the pepper plant. The drupes are dried in the sun for several days, during which the pepper around the seed shrinks and darkens into a thin, wrinkled black layer. Once dried called black pepper. This plant contains chemical essential oil and pungent alkaloid compounds such as piperine and chavicine, while the oil contains sabinene, pinene,...
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Longan Extract Powder
Product Name : Longan Extract Powder Longan also known as "dragon's eye" due to an ovoid, white eye shaped mark on the pit. It is commonly found in the northern part of Thailand. and is by a wide margin Thailand’s greatest fruit export and considered as a fruit full of vitamins sucrose C, B1, and B2 and glucose, Moreover, Longan Seed Extract contains procyanidin B2 which is a subgroup of proanthocyanidins found in Grape Seed Extract.
Product Name : Longan Extract Powder Longan also known as "dragon's eye" due to an ovoid, white eye shaped mark on the pit. It is commonly found in the northern part of Thailand. and is by a wide margin Thailand’s greatest fruit export and considered as a fruit full of vitamins sucrose C, B1, and B2 and glucose, Moreover, Longan Seed Extract contains procyanidin B2 which is a subgroup of proanthocyanidins found in Grape Seed Extract.
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Moringa Seed Extract Powder
Product Name : Moringa Seed Extract Powder Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) is a tree native to northern Thailand. It is also known as the “miracle tree”. All its parts (leaves, flowers, root, bark, fruits, wood and seeds) are very useful for pharmacological and nutritional properties. It has gained a lot of popularity, due to its remarkable source of nutrition such as vitamin and mineral and many health benefits. As an example, the crushed seeds are known for their very high capacity to purify water. Moreover the active ingredient of natural cationic peptide are many useful for cosmetic product.
Product Name : Moringa Seed Extract Powder Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) is a tree native to northern Thailand. It is also known as the “miracle tree”. All its parts (leaves, flowers, root, bark, fruits, wood and seeds) are very useful for pharmacological and nutritional properties. It has gained a lot of popularity, due to its remarkable source of nutrition such as vitamin and mineral and many health benefits. As an example, the crushed seeds are known for their very high capacity to purify water. Moreover the active ingredient of natural cationic peptide are many useful for cosmetic product.
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Apple Extract Powder
Product Name : Apple Extract Powder Malus domestica Borkh is also known as Apples that have been grown for thousands of years in Asia, Europe and werebrought to North America by European colonists. Apple is one of the most widely consumed fruit, it is the good source of phenolic phytochemicals, mineral and dietary fiber. Recent studies have shown that the consumption of apple help to reduced risk of some cancers, cardiovascular disease, asthma and diabetes. In addition, apples have been found to have very strong antioxidant activity, inhibit cancer cell proliferation, decrease lipid oxidation and lower cholesterol.The phytochemical constituents of...
Product Name : Apple Extract Powder Malus domestica Borkh is also known as Apples that have been grown for thousands of years in Asia, Europe and werebrought to North America by European colonists. Apple is one of the most widely consumed fruit, it is the good source of phenolic phytochemicals, mineral and dietary fiber. Recent studies have shown that the consumption of apple help to reduced risk of some cancers, cardiovascular disease, asthma and diabetes. In addition, apples have been found to have very strong antioxidant activity, inhibit cancer cell proliferation, decrease lipid oxidation and lower cholesterol.The phytochemical constituents of...
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Du-Zhong Extract Powder
Product Name : Du-Zhong Extract Powder Du-Zhong or Hardy rubber tree is a large deciduous tree that is native to the central region of China. Its cortex has been used as a crude drug named Eucommiae. The bark has been used in natural medicine, with the Chinese name Du-Zhong. Recently, tea made from the leaf has been consumed as a health tonic in China, Korea and Japan. The pharmaceutical effects of Du-Zhong are closely related to protein metabolism, especially that of collagen. It is well known that during the aging process, collagen and non-collagenous protein metabolism is depressed....
Product Name : Du-Zhong Extract Powder Du-Zhong or Hardy rubber tree is a large deciduous tree that is native to the central region of China. Its cortex has been used as a crude drug named Eucommiae. The bark has been used in natural medicine, with the Chinese name Du-Zhong. Recently, tea made from the leaf has been consumed as a health tonic in China, Korea and Japan. The pharmaceutical effects of Du-Zhong are closely related to protein metabolism, especially that of collagen. It is well known that during the aging process, collagen and non-collagenous protein metabolism is depressed....
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Ginger Extract Powder
Product Name : Ginger Extract Powder Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
Product Name : Ginger Extract Powder Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
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Safflower Extract Powder
Product Name : Safflower Extract Powder Safflower is a herbaceous plant that grows in the Northern region of Thailand. Thai traditional medicine used it for blood nourishment, relieving pain on the skin, decreasing blood lipid, and prevent plugged blood vessel. The active ingredient of Safflower is Carhamin, which is yellow in color, and is safe for consumption. The seed is used as an expectorant, a remedy for skin diseases, edema, uterus pain after birth, and emmenagogue. Also it has certain oils, which is the best grade of vegetable oils. Due to its content of high unsaturated fatty acids up to 90%,...
Product Name : Safflower Extract Powder Safflower is a herbaceous plant that grows in the Northern region of Thailand. Thai traditional medicine used it for blood nourishment, relieving pain on the skin, decreasing blood lipid, and prevent plugged blood vessel. The active ingredient of Safflower is Carhamin, which is yellow in color, and is safe for consumption. The seed is used as an expectorant, a remedy for skin diseases, edema, uterus pain after birth, and emmenagogue. Also it has certain oils, which is the best grade of vegetable oils. Due to its content of high unsaturated fatty acids up to 90%,...
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Reishi Extract Powder
Product Name : Reishi Extract Powder ( Ling - zhi, Hed-lin - jue ) is well known as the Holly mushroom with its cure - all health benefits. It can only be cultivated in mountainous areas of Asia. In traditional Thai medicine, has long been utilized as a balancing remedy that naturally enhances immune system. β - 1, 3 - D - glucan founded in the fungus has been proven as activator of the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells (WBC) especially macrophage, lymphocyte, NK cell therefore lower the risk of cancer, diuretic, bronchitis, and immune...
Product Name : Reishi Extract Powder ( Ling - zhi, Hed-lin - jue ) is well known as the Holly mushroom with its cure - all health benefits. It can only be cultivated in mountainous areas of Asia. In traditional Thai medicine, has long been utilized as a balancing remedy that naturally enhances immune system. β - 1, 3 - D - glucan founded in the fungus has been proven as activator of the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells (WBC) especially macrophage, lymphocyte, NK cell therefore lower the risk of cancer, diuretic, bronchitis, and immune...
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Mung Bean Extract Powder
Product Name : Mung Bean Extract Powder Mung bean also known as green bean, Tua-Kheaw (in Thai). The beans are small, which is green with the husk, and yellow when dehusked. The bean is a rich source of protein, fiber, fatty acids, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, beta-carotene, folic acid, calcium, phosphor, irons and isoflavones. Because of mung beans also contain high in fiber, low in saturated fat, low in sodium, and contain no cholesterol. They are useful for immune system, metabolism, heart and other organs by protect against free radicals and diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
Product Name : Mung Bean Extract Powder Mung bean also known as green bean, Tua-Kheaw (in Thai). The beans are small, which is green with the husk, and yellow when dehusked. The bean is a rich source of protein, fiber, fatty acids, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, beta-carotene, folic acid, calcium, phosphor, irons and isoflavones. Because of mung beans also contain high in fiber, low in saturated fat, low in sodium, and contain no cholesterol. They are useful for immune system, metabolism, heart and other organs by protect against free radicals and diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
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Coix Lacryma Extract Powder
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
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Pueraria Mirifica Extract Powder
Product Name : Pueraria Mirifica Extract Powder Pueraria mirifica is found in tropical forest of Thailand. It has long been utilized among Thai Women for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. The rhizome of pueraria mirifica is rich in phytoestogens including estrogenic phenol, miroestrol, and deoxymiroestrol that enhance estrogenic activity. Additioanlly, the high content of puerarin, genistein, daidzein, daidzin and genistein provides strong anti-oxidant effect, skin lightening, and skin nourishment. The molecular structure of isoflavones contained in pueraria mirifica are surprisingly similar to that of the mammal estrogens. The estrogenic isoflavones can even compete with natural estrogen fro binding to the...
Product Name : Pueraria Mirifica Extract Powder Pueraria mirifica is found in tropical forest of Thailand. It has long been utilized among Thai Women for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. The rhizome of pueraria mirifica is rich in phytoestogens including estrogenic phenol, miroestrol, and deoxymiroestrol that enhance estrogenic activity. Additioanlly, the high content of puerarin, genistein, daidzein, daidzin and genistein provides strong anti-oxidant effect, skin lightening, and skin nourishment. The molecular structure of isoflavones contained in pueraria mirifica are surprisingly similar to that of the mammal estrogens. The estrogenic isoflavones can even compete with natural estrogen fro binding to the...
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Tongkat Ali Extract Powder
Product Name : Tongkat Ali Extract Powder Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi is the name of this plant in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is a small tree. In the traditional medicine, its root was used for treating the amebic dysentary, for lowering the fever, antimalarial and for enhancing the sexual performance. Nowadays, there are many research reports reveal that the active ingredients of Tongkat Ali can enhancing the sexual performance due to its triterpenoid. Which enhanced the male hormone, Testosterone, the essential hormone of the male. So then, we able be used the Tongkat Ali extract in the form...
Product Name : Tongkat Ali Extract Powder Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi is the name of this plant in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is a small tree. In the traditional medicine, its root was used for treating the amebic dysentary, for lowering the fever, antimalarial and for enhancing the sexual performance. Nowadays, there are many research reports reveal that the active ingredients of Tongkat Ali can enhancing the sexual performance due to its triterpenoid. Which enhanced the male hormone, Testosterone, the essential hormone of the male. So then, we able be used the Tongkat Ali extract in the form...
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Bitter melon Extract Powder
Product Name : Bitter melon Extract Powder Bitter melon also known as bitter gourd or Momordica charantia is a tropical vine that belongs to the gourd family and is closely related to zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumber. Bitter melon is a plant that gets its name from its taste. It becomes more and more bitter as it ripens. It grows in a number of areas, including Asia, South America, the Caribbean, and East Africa. It’s cultivated around the world for its edible fruit, which is considered a staple in many types of Asian cuisine. People have used bitter melon for...
Product Name : Bitter melon Extract Powder Bitter melon also known as bitter gourd or Momordica charantia is a tropical vine that belongs to the gourd family and is closely related to zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumber. Bitter melon is a plant that gets its name from its taste. It becomes more and more bitter as it ripens. It grows in a number of areas, including Asia, South America, the Caribbean, and East Africa. It’s cultivated around the world for its edible fruit, which is considered a staple in many types of Asian cuisine. People have used bitter melon for...
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Stevia Extract Powder
Product Name : Stevia Extract Powder Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (Asteraceae) commonly called Stevia and Ya-Wan (in Thai). It is native to the northern region of South America and also cultivated in some regions of Asia, Europe, Canada and India. Stevia are perennial semi-shrub up to 30 cm. in height and leaves are sessile, 3-4 cm. long, elongate-lanceolate. Stevia leaf extract is a natural alternative to artificial sweetener. Steviol glycosides perform as a sweetener including Stevioside, Rebaudioside A, Rebaudioside B, Rebaudioside C, Rebaudioside D, Rebaudioside F, Dulcoside A, Rubusoside, and Steviolbioside. The main sweet component is Stevioside. It is 300 times...
Product Name : Stevia Extract Powder Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (Asteraceae) commonly called Stevia and Ya-Wan (in Thai). It is native to the northern region of South America and also cultivated in some regions of Asia, Europe, Canada and India. Stevia are perennial semi-shrub up to 30 cm. in height and leaves are sessile, 3-4 cm. long, elongate-lanceolate. Stevia leaf extract is a natural alternative to artificial sweetener. Steviol glycosides perform as a sweetener including Stevioside, Rebaudioside A, Rebaudioside B, Rebaudioside C, Rebaudioside D, Rebaudioside F, Dulcoside A, Rubusoside, and Steviolbioside. The main sweet component is Stevioside. It is 300 times...
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Psyllium Husk Extract Powder
Product Name : Psyllium Husk Extract Powder Psyllium is an annual, acaulescent herb, native to Asia It is extensively grow worldwide. The seeds are used. Psyllium was also used topically to treat skin irritations, including poison ivy reactionsand insect bites and stings. In Chinese and Indian traditional medicines, it is use to treat diarrhea, hemorrhoids, bladder problems, and high blood pressure. Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative and is high in both fiber and mucilage. Its seeds contain 10 - 30 % mucilage in the form of arabinoxylans. The laxative properties of psyllium are due to the swelling of the husk...
Product Name : Psyllium Husk Extract Powder Psyllium is an annual, acaulescent herb, native to Asia It is extensively grow worldwide. The seeds are used. Psyllium was also used topically to treat skin irritations, including poison ivy reactionsand insect bites and stings. In Chinese and Indian traditional medicines, it is use to treat diarrhea, hemorrhoids, bladder problems, and high blood pressure. Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative and is high in both fiber and mucilage. Its seeds contain 10 - 30 % mucilage in the form of arabinoxylans. The laxative properties of psyllium are due to the swelling of the husk...
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White Mulberry Extract Powder
Product Name : White Mulberry Extract Powder White mulberry is a deciduous tree that belongs to the Moraceae family. This plant is widely distributed in Asia and all parts of this plant including roots, fruits, twigs and leaves are of great importance in traditional medicine. This plant has remarkable effects in lowering serum glucose and blood cholesterol levels enabling their use in traditional Chinese herbal and folk medicines. The leaves has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of metabolic disorders. These properties are due to the presence of many bioactive components such as flavonoids, polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, steroids...
Product Name : White Mulberry Extract Powder White mulberry is a deciduous tree that belongs to the Moraceae family. This plant is widely distributed in Asia and all parts of this plant including roots, fruits, twigs and leaves are of great importance in traditional medicine. This plant has remarkable effects in lowering serum glucose and blood cholesterol levels enabling their use in traditional Chinese herbal and folk medicines. The leaves has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of metabolic disorders. These properties are due to the presence of many bioactive components such as flavonoids, polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, steroids...
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Tinospora Crispa Extract Powder
Product Name : Tinospora Crispa Extract Powder Tiliacora triandra is known as Borapet (in Thai). It is a climber plant. It is found in primary rainforests or mixed deciduous forests throughout a large part of Asia and Africa, including all parts of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. In Thai traditional medicine, the stems of Borapet has been used as an antipyretic, treatment of diabetes and control of blood pressure. The chemical constituents of Borapet are Terpenoids and Terpenoid glycosides such as Borapetoside A, B, C, D, E, F and G, Tinocrisposide, the bitter compounds Alkaloids such as N-formylannonaine, N-formylnornuciferine, N-acetylnornuciferine and...
Product Name : Tinospora Crispa Extract Powder Tiliacora triandra is known as Borapet (in Thai). It is a climber plant. It is found in primary rainforests or mixed deciduous forests throughout a large part of Asia and Africa, including all parts of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. In Thai traditional medicine, the stems of Borapet has been used as an antipyretic, treatment of diabetes and control of blood pressure. The chemical constituents of Borapet are Terpenoids and Terpenoid glycosides such as Borapetoside A, B, C, D, E, F and G, Tinocrisposide, the bitter compounds Alkaloids such as N-formylannonaine, N-formylnornuciferine, N-acetylnornuciferine and...
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Wood Ear Mushroom Extract Powder
Product Name : Wood Ear Mushroom Extract Powder Wood ear Mushroom (Auricularia auricular-judae) is commonly known as Hed-Hoo-Noo-Dam (in Thai). It’s a species ofedible Auriculariales fungus. It can be found throughout the year in temperate regions worldwide. The fruiting body is distinguished by its noticeably ear-like shape and brown coloration; it grows upon wood especially elder wood. The fruiting bodies of wood ear mushroom have been used traditional medicine for anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and anticoagulant activity. The main active ingredient is Polysaccharides. The wood ear mushroom has many benefits such as reducing blood sugar, reducing blood cholesterol and anticoagulant.
Product Name : Wood Ear Mushroom Extract Powder Wood ear Mushroom (Auricularia auricular-judae) is commonly known as Hed-Hoo-Noo-Dam (in Thai). It’s a species ofedible Auriculariales fungus. It can be found throughout the year in temperate regions worldwide. The fruiting body is distinguished by its noticeably ear-like shape and brown coloration; it grows upon wood especially elder wood. The fruiting bodies of wood ear mushroom have been used traditional medicine for anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and anticoagulant activity. The main active ingredient is Polysaccharides. The wood ear mushroom has many benefits such as reducing blood sugar, reducing blood cholesterol and anticoagulant.
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Grape Seed Extract Powder
Product Name : Grape Seed Extract Powder Grape is a climbing shrub indigenous to Europe and Northern region of Asia. It is now cultivated in warm and tropical areas as well. The extract from the grape seed contains main active ingredient of proanthocyanidins (OPCs). OPCs effectively protect collagen matrix of connective tissue, protect against free radical damage, and inhibit collagen damage caused by inflammation and infection. OPCs protect against free-radical damage, suggested to be a major cause of the ageing process. The antioxidant effect is 50 times greater than that of vitamin C and E. OPCs stimulate nitric...
Product Name : Grape Seed Extract Powder Grape is a climbing shrub indigenous to Europe and Northern region of Asia. It is now cultivated in warm and tropical areas as well. The extract from the grape seed contains main active ingredient of proanthocyanidins (OPCs). OPCs effectively protect collagen matrix of connective tissue, protect against free radical damage, and inhibit collagen damage caused by inflammation and infection. OPCs protect against free-radical damage, suggested to be a major cause of the ageing process. The antioxidant effect is 50 times greater than that of vitamin C and E. OPCs stimulate nitric...
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Green Tea Extract Powder
Product Name : Green Tea Extract Powder Green Tea originates from south of China, India, Thailand, and Indochina. Picked up by its leaf, Green Tea is dried through the process of baking or roasting with moderate temperature, to prevent fermentation, caused by an enzyme. Green Tea leaves have the active constituents in Tannins, such as Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (+)-Catechin, (+)-Gallocatechin. Catechins in green tea leaves are though to be the main components which suppress the growth of microorganisms including Streptococcus mutans, caused including dental cavities. The product reportedly is easily dissolved in common solvents used in oral care.
Product Name : Green Tea Extract Powder Green Tea originates from south of China, India, Thailand, and Indochina. Picked up by its leaf, Green Tea is dried through the process of baking or roasting with moderate temperature, to prevent fermentation, caused by an enzyme. Green Tea leaves have the active constituents in Tannins, such as Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (+)-Catechin, (+)-Gallocatechin. Catechins in green tea leaves are though to be the main components which suppress the growth of microorganisms including Streptococcus mutans, caused including dental cavities. The product reportedly is easily dissolved in common solvents used in oral care.
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Helicteres Isora Extract Powder
Product Name : Helicteres Isora Extract Powder Helicteres isora Linn. is a plant in the Family Sterculiaceae with the common name of East Indian screw tree and Porkabit in Thai. East Indian screw tree is a sub-deciduous shrub or small tree with grey coloured bark. Flowers solitary or in sparse clusters, with red petals turning pale blue when old. Fruits are greenish brown, beaked, cylindrical, and spirally twisted on ripening. The twisted shape of the fruit is what lends most of it names like screw tree. The fruits and bark of Porkabit has been used in traditional medicine in India for...
Product Name : Helicteres Isora Extract Powder Helicteres isora Linn. is a plant in the Family Sterculiaceae with the common name of East Indian screw tree and Porkabit in Thai. East Indian screw tree is a sub-deciduous shrub or small tree with grey coloured bark. Flowers solitary or in sparse clusters, with red petals turning pale blue when old. Fruits are greenish brown, beaked, cylindrical, and spirally twisted on ripening. The twisted shape of the fruit is what lends most of it names like screw tree. The fruits and bark of Porkabit has been used in traditional medicine in India for...
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Holy Basil Dried Powder
Product Name : Holy Basil Dried Powder Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi or Holy basil) belongs to Family Lamiaceae and is cultivated abundantly throughout tropical and semitropical region of India and other Asian countries. It has been widely known for its medicinal value for thousands of years. Different parts of the plant are traditionally used in Ayurveda and Siddha systems for the treatment of diverse ailments like infections, skin diseases, hepatic disorders and as an antidote for snake bite and scorpion sting. Holy basil is an erect, many branched subshrub, 30–60 cm tall with hairy stems and simple opposite green or purple...
Product Name : Holy Basil Dried Powder Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi or Holy basil) belongs to Family Lamiaceae and is cultivated abundantly throughout tropical and semitropical region of India and other Asian countries. It has been widely known for its medicinal value for thousands of years. Different parts of the plant are traditionally used in Ayurveda and Siddha systems for the treatment of diverse ailments like infections, skin diseases, hepatic disorders and as an antidote for snake bite and scorpion sting. Holy basil is an erect, many branched subshrub, 30–60 cm tall with hairy stems and simple opposite green or purple...
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Pandan Extract Powder
Product Name : Pandan Extract Powder Pandanus amaryllifolius is a tropical plant which is known commonly as pandan leaves and is used widely in Southeast Asian cooking as a natural flavoring and used in traditional medicine in Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. The plant is rare in the wild, but is widely cultivated. It is an upright, green plant with fan-shaped sprays of long, narrow, blade-like leaves and woody aerial roots. The plant is sterile, their flowers only very rarely and is propagated by cuttings. The compounds that found in Pandan are Polyphenols, Chlorophyll, Alkaloids etc. and major compound contributing to...
Product Name : Pandan Extract Powder Pandanus amaryllifolius is a tropical plant which is known commonly as pandan leaves and is used widely in Southeast Asian cooking as a natural flavoring and used in traditional medicine in Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. The plant is rare in the wild, but is widely cultivated. It is an upright, green plant with fan-shaped sprays of long, narrow, blade-like leaves and woody aerial roots. The plant is sterile, their flowers only very rarely and is propagated by cuttings. The compounds that found in Pandan are Polyphenols, Chlorophyll, Alkaloids etc. and major compound contributing to...
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Jiaogulan Extract Powder
Product Name : Jiaogulan Extract Powder Jiaogulan is a perennial liana plant, which grows in Asia including China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia. It is a popular herbal tea in China and some Asian countries. Jiaogulan contains a large quantity of saponin glycoside, known also as “gypenosides” that effect on body systems like blood pressure, the reproductive system, the digestive system, the immune system, mental functions and more.
Product Name : Jiaogulan Extract Powder Jiaogulan is a perennial liana plant, which grows in Asia including China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia. It is a popular herbal tea in China and some Asian countries. Jiaogulan contains a large quantity of saponin glycoside, known also as “gypenosides” that effect on body systems like blood pressure, the reproductive system, the digestive system, the immune system, mental functions and more.
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Moringa Seed Extract Powder
Product Name : Moringa Seed Extract Powder Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) is a tree native to northern Thailand. It is also known as the “miracle tree”. All its parts (leaves, flowers, root, bark, fruits, wood and seeds) are very useful for pharmacological and nutritional properties. It has gained a lot of popularity, due to its remarkable source of nutrition such as vitamin and mineral and many health benefits. As an example, the crushed seeds are known for their very high capacity to purify water. Moreover the active ingredient of natural cationic peptide are many useful for cosmetic product.
Product Name : Moringa Seed Extract Powder Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) is a tree native to northern Thailand. It is also known as the “miracle tree”. All its parts (leaves, flowers, root, bark, fruits, wood and seeds) are very useful for pharmacological and nutritional properties. It has gained a lot of popularity, due to its remarkable source of nutrition such as vitamin and mineral and many health benefits. As an example, the crushed seeds are known for their very high capacity to purify water. Moreover the active ingredient of natural cationic peptide are many useful for cosmetic product.
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White Tea Extract Powder
Product Name : White Tea Extract Powder What is 'white tea'? Well, just like those other teas, White tea come from the Camellia sinensis plant. But the leaves are picked and harvested before the leaves open fully, when the buds are still covered by fine White hair. Hence the name. White tea is scarcer than the other traditional teas, and quite a bit more expensive. White tea is similar to green tea, in that it's undergone very little processing and no fermentation. But there is a noticeable difference in taste. Most green teas have a distinctive 'grassy' taste to them,...
Product Name : White Tea Extract Powder What is 'white tea'? Well, just like those other teas, White tea come from the Camellia sinensis plant. But the leaves are picked and harvested before the leaves open fully, when the buds are still covered by fine White hair. Hence the name. White tea is scarcer than the other traditional teas, and quite a bit more expensive. White tea is similar to green tea, in that it's undergone very little processing and no fermentation. But there is a noticeable difference in taste. Most green teas have a distinctive 'grassy' taste to them,...
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Abelmoschus esculentus Extract Powder
Product Name : Abelmoschus esculentus Extract Liquid Abelmoschus esculentus or Hibiscus esculentus is a plant in the Family Malvaceae with the common name of Okra and Kajiab-mon or Kajiab-kheow in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India, Africa, Southern European, America and South Asian. Okra is used as vegetables both in the green and dried state. In Asia, okra is typically prepared as traditional medicine as a dietary meal in the treatment of gastric irritations because the fruit has high mucilage content. Pharmacological effects include antidiabetic activity, antioxidant and decreased gastric irritations. In cosmetic used for emollient and moisturizer. The active components of ...
Product Name : Abelmoschus esculentus Extract Liquid Abelmoschus esculentus or Hibiscus esculentus is a plant in the Family Malvaceae with the common name of Okra and Kajiab-mon or Kajiab-kheow in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India, Africa, Southern European, America and South Asian. Okra is used as vegetables both in the green and dried state. In Asia, okra is typically prepared as traditional medicine as a dietary meal in the treatment of gastric irritations because the fruit has high mucilage content. Pharmacological effects include antidiabetic activity, antioxidant and decreased gastric irritations. In cosmetic used for emollient and moisturizer. The active components of ...
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Lemongrass Dried Powder
Product Name : Lemongrass Dried Powder Lemongrass is a long-living herbaceous plant originating from the southern region of India and Sri Lanka. Nowadays, it is widely cultivated in tropical areas worldwide. Lemongrass is used as a food seasoning and an aromatic additive. It possesses digestive and carminative properties because of a high amount of essential oils. It also has a protective property against some types of fungus and bacterium.
Product Name : Lemongrass Dried Powder Lemongrass is a long-living herbaceous plant originating from the southern region of India and Sri Lanka. Nowadays, it is widely cultivated in tropical areas worldwide. Lemongrass is used as a food seasoning and an aromatic additive. It possesses digestive and carminative properties because of a high amount of essential oils. It also has a protective property against some types of fungus and bacterium.
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Apple Extract Powder
Product Name : Apple Extract Powder Malus domestica Borkh is also known as Apples that have been grown for thousands of years in Asia, Europe and werebrought to North America by European colonists. Apple is one of the most widely consumed fruit, it is the good source of phenolic phytochemicals, mineral and dietary fiber. Recent studies have shown that the consumption of apple help to reduced risk of some cancers, cardiovascular disease, asthma and diabetes. In addition, apples have been found to have very strong antioxidant activity, inhibit cancer cell proliferation, decrease lipid oxidation and lower cholesterol.The phytochemical constituents of...
Product Name : Apple Extract Powder Malus domestica Borkh is also known as Apples that have been grown for thousands of years in Asia, Europe and werebrought to North America by European colonists. Apple is one of the most widely consumed fruit, it is the good source of phenolic phytochemicals, mineral and dietary fiber. Recent studies have shown that the consumption of apple help to reduced risk of some cancers, cardiovascular disease, asthma and diabetes. In addition, apples have been found to have very strong antioxidant activity, inhibit cancer cell proliferation, decrease lipid oxidation and lower cholesterol.The phytochemical constituents of...
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Allium cepa Extract Powder
Product Name : Allium cepa Extract Powder Onion (Allium Cepa) is a bulbous perennial plant, it is native to the Northern hemisphere. However, it has been cultivated and used as traditional remedies in the Middle East for millennia. Nowadays, it is grown worldwide mostly used in culinary field. In Thailand, Allium Cepa is used as a traditional medicine for flatulence, diuretics, cure dandruff, and hair loss prevention. In recent research reports has also revealed that the extract of the onion could be used to treat scars by reducing the production of the collagen fibrils within the scars, it also has...
Product Name : Allium cepa Extract Powder Onion (Allium Cepa) is a bulbous perennial plant, it is native to the Northern hemisphere. However, it has been cultivated and used as traditional remedies in the Middle East for millennia. Nowadays, it is grown worldwide mostly used in culinary field. In Thailand, Allium Cepa is used as a traditional medicine for flatulence, diuretics, cure dandruff, and hair loss prevention. In recent research reports has also revealed that the extract of the onion could be used to treat scars by reducing the production of the collagen fibrils within the scars, it also has...
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Emblic Extract Powder
Product Name : Emblic Extract Powder Emblic (Emblicmyrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree) is a deciduous tree. In Thai traditional medicine, the fruit is used as an anti-tussive and an expectorant. The dried fruit was used as an astringent, an anti-diarrheal, an anti-dysenteric, and a remedy of hemorrhoid. The leaves were used as a remedy of prickly heat. In the research, the dried fruit extract of emblic can produced skin-whitening agent. Moreover, its properties are antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and promote hair growth antioxidant. The active ingredients from the emblic fruit are polyphenolic compounds, such as gallic acid, corilagin, chebulagic...
Product Name : Emblic Extract Powder Emblic (Emblicmyrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree) is a deciduous tree. In Thai traditional medicine, the fruit is used as an anti-tussive and an expectorant. The dried fruit was used as an astringent, an anti-diarrheal, an anti-dysenteric, and a remedy of hemorrhoid. The leaves were used as a remedy of prickly heat. In the research, the dried fruit extract of emblic can produced skin-whitening agent. Moreover, its properties are antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and promote hair growth antioxidant. The active ingredients from the emblic fruit are polyphenolic compounds, such as gallic acid, corilagin, chebulagic...
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Reishi Extract Powder
Product Name : Reishi Extract Powder ( Ling - zhi, Hed-lin - jue ) is well known as the Holly mushroom with its cure - all health benefits. It can only be cultivated in mountainous areas of Asia. In traditional Thai medicine, has long been utilized as a balancing remedy that naturally enhances immune system. β - 1, 3 - D - glucan founded in the fungus has been proven as activator of the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells (WBC) especially macrophage, lymphocyte, NK cell therefore lower the risk of cancer, diuretic, bronchitis, and immune...
Product Name : Reishi Extract Powder ( Ling - zhi, Hed-lin - jue ) is well known as the Holly mushroom with its cure - all health benefits. It can only be cultivated in mountainous areas of Asia. In traditional Thai medicine, has long been utilized as a balancing remedy that naturally enhances immune system. β - 1, 3 - D - glucan founded in the fungus has been proven as activator of the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells (WBC) especially macrophage, lymphocyte, NK cell therefore lower the risk of cancer, diuretic, bronchitis, and immune...
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Coccinia Grandis Extract Powder
Product Name : Coccinia grandis Extract Powder Coccinia grandis L. J. Voigt or Coccinia indica or Cocinia cordifolia is a plant in the Family Cucurbitaceae with the common name of Ivy gourd and Tum lung in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India Tropical Africa, Australia and other tropical countries. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice of Bangladesh as well as Indian medicine. Coccinia grandis is an climbing shrub with white flower. Every part of the plant exhibit pharmacological activities, and is annual employed for treating various human ailments. Pharmacological effects include hypoglycemic activity, anti-oxidant, anti-inflam matory, antibacterial...
Product Name : Coccinia grandis Extract Powder Coccinia grandis L. J. Voigt or Coccinia indica or Cocinia cordifolia is a plant in the Family Cucurbitaceae with the common name of Ivy gourd and Tum lung in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India Tropical Africa, Australia and other tropical countries. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice of Bangladesh as well as Indian medicine. Coccinia grandis is an climbing shrub with white flower. Every part of the plant exhibit pharmacological activities, and is annual employed for treating various human ailments. Pharmacological effects include hypoglycemic activity, anti-oxidant, anti-inflam matory, antibacterial...
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Coix Lacryma Extract Powder
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
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Product Name : Innovacan Rich of purified beta-1,3/ 1,6-glucan, extracted from yeast cell walls, fine, free-flowing light-beige powder form, excellent for foundation of dietary supplements and fundamental foods. The present natural product used for improves food texture and also responsible for specific binding with macrophages, thus improving the immune response and providing healthy living.
Product Name : Innovacan Rich of purified beta-1,3/ 1,6-glucan, extracted from yeast cell walls, fine, free-flowing light-beige powder form, excellent for foundation of dietary supplements and fundamental foods. The present natural product used for improves food texture and also responsible for specific binding with macrophages, thus improving the immune response and providing healthy living.
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Echinacea Extract Powder
Product Name : Echinacea Extract Powder Echinacea species are perennials that belong to the Aster family and originate in eastern North America. Echinacea contains numerous active phytochemicals such as high-molecular-weight polysaccharides, caffeic acid derivatives, and alkyl amides contribute to its immunostimulatory action. Cichoric acid (a caffeic acid derivative) has also been shown to inhibit integrase, an important enzyme in viral reproduction. Echinacea has also exhibited anti-inflammatory action which is often attributed to the alkyl amides and high-molecular-weight polysaccharides. Oral preparations are popular in Europe and the United States for prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections (URI).Has been suggested...
Product Name : Echinacea Extract Powder Echinacea species are perennials that belong to the Aster family and originate in eastern North America. Echinacea contains numerous active phytochemicals such as high-molecular-weight polysaccharides, caffeic acid derivatives, and alkyl amides contribute to its immunostimulatory action. Cichoric acid (a caffeic acid derivative) has also been shown to inhibit integrase, an important enzyme in viral reproduction. Echinacea has also exhibited anti-inflammatory action which is often attributed to the alkyl amides and high-molecular-weight polysaccharides. Oral preparations are popular in Europe and the United States for prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections (URI).Has been suggested...
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Marigold Extract Powder
Product Name : Marigold Extract Powder Marigold traditionally the plant is claimed to treat skin diseases like sores, wounds, burns, ulcers, eczema etc. It has also been used against piles, kidney troubles, muscular pain, boils, carbuncles and earache. In Thailand, Marigold can grown in all area. The yellow or golden - orangeflowers of marigold are contains a large of flavonoids and lutein. Quercetagetin is flavonoid; it show antibacterial properties and Lutein is carotenoid; it acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells against the damage effect of free radicals.
Product Name : Marigold Extract Powder Marigold traditionally the plant is claimed to treat skin diseases like sores, wounds, burns, ulcers, eczema etc. It has also been used against piles, kidney troubles, muscular pain, boils, carbuncles and earache. In Thailand, Marigold can grown in all area. The yellow or golden - orangeflowers of marigold are contains a large of flavonoids and lutein. Quercetagetin is flavonoid; it show antibacterial properties and Lutein is carotenoid; it acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells against the damage effect of free radicals.
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Horsetail Extract Powder
Product Name : Horsetail Extract Powder Equisetum arvense L. commonly known as horsetail. It is a plant showing aerial stems, branched with regular verticilies 2-23 mm. in diameter. Leaves reduced to small scales, usually fused into sheaths around stems and branches. Spore clusters are long-stalked, blunt-tipped cones at tip of fertile stems. The horsetail has been used in form of a herbal tea in folk medicine as a diuretic agent since antiquity. Extract from horsetail is used as a pain relieving agent, antinociceptive, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The active components of horsetail include Flavonoids and Triterpenoids such as Kaempferol, Apigenin, Ursolic...
Product Name : Horsetail Extract Powder Equisetum arvense L. commonly known as horsetail. It is a plant showing aerial stems, branched with regular verticilies 2-23 mm. in diameter. Leaves reduced to small scales, usually fused into sheaths around stems and branches. Spore clusters are long-stalked, blunt-tipped cones at tip of fertile stems. The horsetail has been used in form of a herbal tea in folk medicine as a diuretic agent since antiquity. Extract from horsetail is used as a pain relieving agent, antinociceptive, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The active components of horsetail include Flavonoids and Triterpenoids such as Kaempferol, Apigenin, Ursolic...
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Tiliacora Triandra Extract Powder
Product Name : Tiliacora Triandra Extract Powder Tiliacora triandra is also known as Bai Yanang or Yanang (in Thai). Yanang is a species of flowering plant native to mainland Southeast Asia and used particularly in the cuisines of northeast Thailand and Laos. It is a climbing plant with mostly single, smooth, oval - shaped, deep green leaves and yellowish flowers. In traditional Southeast Asian medicine, it has been used as an herbal medicine for fever relief, alcohol intoxication, anti-inflammation, antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-bacterial. Yanang leaves contain polyphenols, flavonoilds, alkaloids, β-carotene and minerals such as calcium and iron.
Product Name : Tiliacora Triandra Extract Powder Tiliacora triandra is also known as Bai Yanang or Yanang (in Thai). Yanang is a species of flowering plant native to mainland Southeast Asia and used particularly in the cuisines of northeast Thailand and Laos. It is a climbing plant with mostly single, smooth, oval - shaped, deep green leaves and yellowish flowers. In traditional Southeast Asian medicine, it has been used as an herbal medicine for fever relief, alcohol intoxication, anti-inflammation, antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-bacterial. Yanang leaves contain polyphenols, flavonoilds, alkaloids, β-carotene and minerals such as calcium and iron.
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Luo Han Guo Extract Powder
Product Name : Luo Han Guo Extract Powder Siraitia grosvenorii is an herbaceous perennial vine, is native to Southern China and Northern Thailand. This species is well known for its fruit which is commonly called “ Luo Han Guo”. Luo Han Guo is a perennial vine of the Cucurbitaceae family, it is a climbing plant the vine attains a length of 3 to 5 m. The narrow, heart-shaped leaves are 10-20 cm. long. The fruit is round 5-7 cm. in diameters. The fruit of this plant has been used for sweetener because extract from fruit is nearly 300 times sweeter...
Product Name : Luo Han Guo Extract Powder Siraitia grosvenorii is an herbaceous perennial vine, is native to Southern China and Northern Thailand. This species is well known for its fruit which is commonly called “ Luo Han Guo”. Luo Han Guo is a perennial vine of the Cucurbitaceae family, it is a climbing plant the vine attains a length of 3 to 5 m. The narrow, heart-shaped leaves are 10-20 cm. long. The fruit is round 5-7 cm. in diameters. The fruit of this plant has been used for sweetener because extract from fruit is nearly 300 times sweeter...
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Tamarind Extract Powder
Product Name : Tamarind Extract Powder Tamarind is a big-sized perennial plant with sour-tasting leaf, flower, and pod. It originates in Madagascar in the tropical area of South Africa and is spread throughout the world. Medical research has indicated that the seed extract contains Xyloglucan with free radical scavenging and immunizing activities. Tamarind can be used as a laxative and an expectorant due to organic acids such as tartaric acid, citric acid, malic acid, etc. In traditional medicine, the juice is used as a beverage for patients with constipation. In addition, substances like gum and pectin cause Tamarind meat to ...
Product Name : Tamarind Extract Powder Tamarind is a big-sized perennial plant with sour-tasting leaf, flower, and pod. It originates in Madagascar in the tropical area of South Africa and is spread throughout the world. Medical research has indicated that the seed extract contains Xyloglucan with free radical scavenging and immunizing activities. Tamarind can be used as a laxative and an expectorant due to organic acids such as tartaric acid, citric acid, malic acid, etc. In traditional medicine, the juice is used as a beverage for patients with constipation. In addition, substances like gum and pectin cause Tamarind meat to ...
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Goji Berry Extract Powder
Product Name : Goji Berry Extract Powder Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum), also known as goji berry. Goji berry fruits are 1-2 cm. long, bright orange-red ellipsoid berries of the Solanaceae family. Goji berry fruits have been use a traditional Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years which have functions of nourishes the liver, kidney and brightening the eyes, reducing blood glucose and serum lipids, anti-aging, immuno-modulating, ant-icancer, anti-fatigue, and male fertility-facilitating. Many functional components in goji berry fruits including flavonoids, carotenoids and polysaccharides. Carotenoids have been reported the composition including zeaxanthin and lutein which important on the main retina pigments and...
Product Name : Goji Berry Extract Powder Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum), also known as goji berry. Goji berry fruits are 1-2 cm. long, bright orange-red ellipsoid berries of the Solanaceae family. Goji berry fruits have been use a traditional Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years which have functions of nourishes the liver, kidney and brightening the eyes, reducing blood glucose and serum lipids, anti-aging, immuno-modulating, ant-icancer, anti-fatigue, and male fertility-facilitating. Many functional components in goji berry fruits including flavonoids, carotenoids and polysaccharides. Carotenoids have been reported the composition including zeaxanthin and lutein which important on the main retina pigments and...
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Allium cepa Extract Powder
Product Name : Allium cepa Extract Powder Onion (Allium Cepa) is a bulbous perennial plant, it is native to the Northern hemisphere. However, it has been cultivated and used as traditional remedies in the Middle East for millennia. Nowadays, it is grown worldwide mostly used in culinary field. In Thailand, Allium Cepa is used as a traditional medicine for flatulence, diuretics, cure dandruff, and hair loss prevention. In recent research reports has also revealed that the extract of the onion could be used to treat scars by reducing the production of the collagen fibrils within the scars, it also has...
Product Name : Allium cepa Extract Powder Onion (Allium Cepa) is a bulbous perennial plant, it is native to the Northern hemisphere. However, it has been cultivated and used as traditional remedies in the Middle East for millennia. Nowadays, it is grown worldwide mostly used in culinary field. In Thailand, Allium Cepa is used as a traditional medicine for flatulence, diuretics, cure dandruff, and hair loss prevention. In recent research reports has also revealed that the extract of the onion could be used to treat scars by reducing the production of the collagen fibrils within the scars, it also has...
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Coriander Extract Powder
Product Name : Coriander Extract Powder Coriander is native to Thailand. The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobe at the base of the plant, slender and look like a feather higher on the flowering stems. The flowers are small umbels with white or very pale pink color. All parts of the plant (leaves, seed and root) are edible and most commonly used in cooking. Both the leaves and seeds are rich in volatile essential oils that act mainly on the digestive system, stimulating the appetite and relieving irritation. Moreover, it has been used as a folk medicine in many countries
Product Name : Coriander Extract Powder Coriander is native to Thailand. The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobe at the base of the plant, slender and look like a feather higher on the flowering stems. The flowers are small umbels with white or very pale pink color. All parts of the plant (leaves, seed and root) are edible and most commonly used in cooking. Both the leaves and seeds are rich in volatile essential oils that act mainly on the digestive system, stimulating the appetite and relieving irritation. Moreover, it has been used as a folk medicine in many countries
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Plukaow Extract powder
Product Name : Plukaow Extract Powder Used aerial parts of the herb. Used in formulas of herbal aroma and this herbal quitting formula. Main chemical components : Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Essentral oil as Quercetin, Aristolactam B, Methyl nonyl ketone it acts on the lung channel. The pungent flavour dissolves boils. It has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxicating, dissolving boils and draining pus. It used to treat abscesses in both internal organs and external infections. It is always an important medicine for treating pulmonary abscess because the herb is mainly acting in lung. In addition, it is able to clear...
Product Name : Plukaow Extract Powder Used aerial parts of the herb. Used in formulas of herbal aroma and this herbal quitting formula. Main chemical components : Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Essentral oil as Quercetin, Aristolactam B, Methyl nonyl ketone it acts on the lung channel. The pungent flavour dissolves boils. It has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxicating, dissolving boils and draining pus. It used to treat abscesses in both internal organs and external infections. It is always an important medicine for treating pulmonary abscess because the herb is mainly acting in lung. In addition, it is able to clear...
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Mangosteen Extract Powder
Product Name : Mangosteen Extract Powder Mangosteen is THE Queen of the tropical fruits with a sweet and sour taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand and can only be harvested once a year during raining season. In Thailand, Mangosteen is dominantly found in the Eastern and Southern regions. The fruit is 5 - 8 cm in diameter with a thick reddish - purple epicarp ( peel ) covering the aril or pulp which is segmented like that of an orange. The active ingredients in the epicarp of Mangosteen are consisting of more than 40 Xanthones (mainly Mangostins e.g. alpha-,...
Product Name : Mangosteen Extract Powder Mangosteen is THE Queen of the tropical fruits with a sweet and sour taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand and can only be harvested once a year during raining season. In Thailand, Mangosteen is dominantly found in the Eastern and Southern regions. The fruit is 5 - 8 cm in diameter with a thick reddish - purple epicarp ( peel ) covering the aril or pulp which is segmented like that of an orange. The active ingredients in the epicarp of Mangosteen are consisting of more than 40 Xanthones (mainly Mangostins e.g. alpha-,...
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Plai Extract Powder
Product Name : Plai Extract Powder Plai extract is herbaceous plant that consists of big rhizome.It is consider as the same family as Ginger. The aerial parts usually die in summer and winter then regrows in the raining season. It was originally found in Southeast Asia. In traditional medicine, it Plai extract was utilized as treatment to relieve minor pain and ache due to the present of essential oils such as Curcumin. Curcumin is an effective ingredient Plai extract for anti-inflammation, arthritis treatment, and pain relief. It functions by numbing the nerve ending that resulted in pain and strain alleviation....
Product Name : Plai Extract Powder Plai extract is herbaceous plant that consists of big rhizome.It is consider as the same family as Ginger. The aerial parts usually die in summer and winter then regrows in the raining season. It was originally found in Southeast Asia. In traditional medicine, it Plai extract was utilized as treatment to relieve minor pain and ache due to the present of essential oils such as Curcumin. Curcumin is an effective ingredient Plai extract for anti-inflammation, arthritis treatment, and pain relief. It functions by numbing the nerve ending that resulted in pain and strain alleviation....
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Acanthus Extract Powder
Product Name : Acanthus Extract Powder Acanthus ilicifolius Linn is a plant in the Family Ac anthaceae with the common name of Sea holly and Nguag-plaa-moa in Thai. It grows as an erect, spreading or scrambling shrubby herb, up to 1.5 m tall, usually with a great many stems. Its leaves are dark green, stiff, with sharp spines at the end of each deep lobe. Flowers are blue, purple or white, and occur in spikes terminal on the branches. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice Indian and Chinese medicine, the plant is used in the...
Product Name : Acanthus Extract Powder Acanthus ilicifolius Linn is a plant in the Family Ac anthaceae with the common name of Sea holly and Nguag-plaa-moa in Thai. It grows as an erect, spreading or scrambling shrubby herb, up to 1.5 m tall, usually with a great many stems. Its leaves are dark green, stiff, with sharp spines at the end of each deep lobe. Flowers are blue, purple or white, and occur in spikes terminal on the branches. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice Indian and Chinese medicine, the plant is used in the...
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Cinnamomum Porrectum Extract Powder
Product Name : Cinnamomun porrectum Extract Powder Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.) Kosterm., (common name Thep Taro), is a rare medicinal and aromatic tree mostly distributed throughout southern Thailand such as Phang Nga, Krabi, Trang and Pattalung. It is traditionally used for heart tonic, decrease colic, carminative, antipyretic and flavoring food. Cinnamomum porrectumshould be developed as a source of medicinal extracts which related using of Thai traditional medicine for health care products such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.The main compound are Polyphenols andEssential oilssuch as Safrole, Elemicin, Eucalyptol, Terpinelo, etc.
Product Name : Cinnamomun porrectum Extract Powder Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.) Kosterm., (common name Thep Taro), is a rare medicinal and aromatic tree mostly distributed throughout southern Thailand such as Phang Nga, Krabi, Trang and Pattalung. It is traditionally used for heart tonic, decrease colic, carminative, antipyretic and flavoring food. Cinnamomum porrectumshould be developed as a source of medicinal extracts which related using of Thai traditional medicine for health care products such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.The main compound are Polyphenols andEssential oilssuch as Safrole, Elemicin, Eucalyptol, Terpinelo, etc.
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Chrysanthemum Extract Powder
Product Name : Chrysanthemum Extract Powder Chrysanthemum indicum is a herb common in Asia. It been one of the principal herbs in traditional Chinese medicinesince the ancient times. It reaches to a height of about 40 cms. The leaves are alternates and about 7 cms.Chrysanthemum gives out a mild fragrance, which most traditional medicine uses as a mild laxative, anti-bacterial, and Inflammatory. As mostly will be used in beverages.
Product Name : Chrysanthemum Extract Powder Chrysanthemum indicum is a herb common in Asia. It been one of the principal herbs in traditional Chinese medicinesince the ancient times. It reaches to a height of about 40 cms. The leaves are alternates and about 7 cms.Chrysanthemum gives out a mild fragrance, which most traditional medicine uses as a mild laxative, anti-bacterial, and Inflammatory. As mostly will be used in beverages.
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Andrographis Extract Powder
Product Name : Andrographis Paniculata Extract Powder Andrographis is a plant native to India and Sri Lanka. All parts have a bitter taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand. It grows up to a height of 30-110 cm in moist shady places with glabrous leaves and white flowers with rose-purple spots on the petals. Its leaves usage is popular in Scandinavian countries as a cold and influenza remedy and used traditionally in Ayurvedic Thai and Chinese medicine to treat fever associated with infectious diseases.
Product Name : Andrographis Paniculata Extract Powder Andrographis is a plant native to India and Sri Lanka. All parts have a bitter taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand. It grows up to a height of 30-110 cm in moist shady places with glabrous leaves and white flowers with rose-purple spots on the petals. Its leaves usage is popular in Scandinavian countries as a cold and influenza remedy and used traditionally in Ayurvedic Thai and Chinese medicine to treat fever associated with infectious diseases.
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Coccinia Grandis Extract Powder
Product Name : Coccinia grandis Extract Powder Coccinia grandis L. J. Voigt or Coccinia indica or Cocinia cordifolia is a plant in the Family Cucurbitaceae with the common name of Ivy gourd and Tum lung in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India Tropical Africa, Australia and other tropical countries. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice of Bangladesh as well as Indian medicine. Coccinia grandis is an climbing shrub with white flower. Every part of the plant exhibit pharmacological activities, and is annual employed for treating various human ailments. Pharmacological effects include hypoglycemic activity, anti-oxidant, anti-inflam matory, antibacterial...
Product Name : Coccinia grandis Extract Powder Coccinia grandis L. J. Voigt or Coccinia indica or Cocinia cordifolia is a plant in the Family Cucurbitaceae with the common name of Ivy gourd and Tum lung in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India Tropical Africa, Australia and other tropical countries. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice of Bangladesh as well as Indian medicine. Coccinia grandis is an climbing shrub with white flower. Every part of the plant exhibit pharmacological activities, and is annual employed for treating various human ailments. Pharmacological effects include hypoglycemic activity, anti-oxidant, anti-inflam matory, antibacterial...
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Broccoli Extract Powder
Product Name : Broccoli Extract Powder Broccoli is originally come from the eastern Mediterranean area and to be introduced to Europe, especially to Italy. Broccoli has large flower heads, usually green in color, arranged in a tree-like structure on branches sprouting from a thick, edible stalk. The mass of flower heads is surrounded by leaves, resembles cauliflower, which is a different cultivar group of the same species. It’s high in Vitamin, Mineral nutrients and dietary fiber such as Vitamin C, A, K, Potassium andCalcium. Now, it’s has been widely popular in the world, used in food supplement for health such...
Product Name : Broccoli Extract Powder Broccoli is originally come from the eastern Mediterranean area and to be introduced to Europe, especially to Italy. Broccoli has large flower heads, usually green in color, arranged in a tree-like structure on branches sprouting from a thick, edible stalk. The mass of flower heads is surrounded by leaves, resembles cauliflower, which is a different cultivar group of the same species. It’s high in Vitamin, Mineral nutrients and dietary fiber such as Vitamin C, A, K, Potassium andCalcium. Now, it’s has been widely popular in the world, used in food supplement for health such...
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Ginkgo Biloba Extract Powder
Product Name : Ginkgo Biloba Extract Powder Ginkgo or Maidenhair tree is a big-sized perennial deciduous tree, originally came from the Southeastern part of China. It increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters and boosts oxygen levels in the brain, improved short and long-term memory, increased reaction time and improved mental clarity Ginkgo constituents are beneficial for a variety of imbalances and deterioration in the brain and body. Standardized Ginkgo Extract inhibits platelet activity factor (PAF), Excessive PAF can help cause cardiovascular disease, brain damage, hearing disorders and other immune and inflamm atory diseases. Studies have confirmed that ginkgo increases blood flow ...
Product Name : Ginkgo Biloba Extract Powder Ginkgo or Maidenhair tree is a big-sized perennial deciduous tree, originally came from the Southeastern part of China. It increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters and boosts oxygen levels in the brain, improved short and long-term memory, increased reaction time and improved mental clarity Ginkgo constituents are beneficial for a variety of imbalances and deterioration in the brain and body. Standardized Ginkgo Extract inhibits platelet activity factor (PAF), Excessive PAF can help cause cardiovascular disease, brain damage, hearing disorders and other immune and inflamm atory diseases. Studies have confirmed that ginkgo increases blood flow ...
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Pine Extract Powder
Product Name : Pine Extract Powder Pines are native to most of the Northern Hemisphere, they are evergreen, resinous tree.The bark of most pines is thick and scaly, but some species have thin, flaking bark. Pines are among the most commercially important of tree species, valued for their timber and wood pulp throughout the world. It is known that pine bark contains numerous of proanthocyanidins that have potent antioxidant activity to promote healthy body and skin..
Product Name : Pine Extract Powder Pines are native to most of the Northern Hemisphere, they are evergreen, resinous tree.The bark of most pines is thick and scaly, but some species have thin, flaking bark. Pines are among the most commercially important of tree species, valued for their timber and wood pulp throughout the world. It is known that pine bark contains numerous of proanthocyanidins that have potent antioxidant activity to promote healthy body and skin..
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Product Name : Collagen Collagen is a group of naturally occurring proteins especially founded in mammals. It is the main component of connective tissue making up to 30 percent of the protein in human bodies. It is mostly found in the skin, joints, teeth, bones, tendons, and blood vessels. and makes up 70 percent of the protein in the skin Collagen has great tensile strength the keeps the joints fluid, and strength in connective tissues. Fish collagen peptide is a protein extracted from fish and widely utilized in processed through hydrolysis to obtain the low molecular weight peptide. Collagen is widely...
Product Name : Collagen Collagen is a group of naturally occurring proteins especially founded in mammals. It is the main component of connective tissue making up to 30 percent of the protein in human bodies. It is mostly found in the skin, joints, teeth, bones, tendons, and blood vessels. and makes up 70 percent of the protein in the skin Collagen has great tensile strength the keeps the joints fluid, and strength in connective tissues. Fish collagen peptide is a protein extracted from fish and widely utilized in processed through hydrolysis to obtain the low molecular weight peptide. Collagen is widely...
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Blue Pea Extract Powder
Product Name : Blue Pea Extract Powder Blue pea or butterfly pea is a climbing plant originating from Southeast Asia. Nowadays,it is cultivated in all tropical areas, including Thailand. With its blue color, blue pea isused as a food coloring. This color is generated by anthocyanins, such as deacylternatin,ternatins (A1, A2, B1, B2, D1, D2), etc. In traditional medicine, the flower is used as a remedy for hair loss, due to the property of these anthocyanins. This property is effective in stimulation and strength of hair root, in promotion of hair growth, and in prevention of hair loss. In cosmetics,...
Product Name : Blue Pea Extract Powder Blue pea or butterfly pea is a climbing plant originating from Southeast Asia. Nowadays,it is cultivated in all tropical areas, including Thailand. With its blue color, blue pea isused as a food coloring. This color is generated by anthocyanins, such as deacylternatin,ternatins (A1, A2, B1, B2, D1, D2), etc. In traditional medicine, the flower is used as a remedy for hair loss, due to the property of these anthocyanins. This property is effective in stimulation and strength of hair root, in promotion of hair growth, and in prevention of hair loss. In cosmetics,...
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Chinese Jujube Extract Powder
Product Name : Chinese Jujube Extract Powder Zizyphus jujuba Miller is a plant of Rhamnaceae family. It is mainly distributed in the regions of Southeast Asia and Europe. The mature fruit is red purplish-black color, wrinkled and single hard seed, similar to an olive stone. The fruit is high nutrition value such as carbohydrate, reducing sugar, soluble fibre, insoluble fibre, protein, lipid, etc. It has been commonly used as a crude drug in traditional Chinese medicine for the purpose of analepic, palliative, digestive disorders, liver complaints, diabetes, etc. The fruit is known to contain considerable amount of phenolic compounds, including...
Product Name : Chinese Jujube Extract Powder Zizyphus jujuba Miller is a plant of Rhamnaceae family. It is mainly distributed in the regions of Southeast Asia and Europe. The mature fruit is red purplish-black color, wrinkled and single hard seed, similar to an olive stone. The fruit is high nutrition value such as carbohydrate, reducing sugar, soluble fibre, insoluble fibre, protein, lipid, etc. It has been commonly used as a crude drug in traditional Chinese medicine for the purpose of analepic, palliative, digestive disorders, liver complaints, diabetes, etc. The fruit is known to contain considerable amount of phenolic compounds, including...
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White Mulberry Extract Powder
Product Name : White Mulberry Extract Powder White mulberry is a deciduous tree that belongs to the Moraceae family. This plant is widely distributed in Asia and all parts of this plant including roots, fruits, twigs and leaves are of great importance in traditional medicine. This plant has remarkable effects in lowering serum glucose and blood cholesterol levels enabling their use in traditional Chinese herbal and folk medicines. The leaves has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of metabolic disorders. These properties are due to the presence of many bioactive components such as flavonoids, polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, steroids...
Product Name : White Mulberry Extract Powder White mulberry is a deciduous tree that belongs to the Moraceae family. This plant is widely distributed in Asia and all parts of this plant including roots, fruits, twigs and leaves are of great importance in traditional medicine. This plant has remarkable effects in lowering serum glucose and blood cholesterol levels enabling their use in traditional Chinese herbal and folk medicines. The leaves has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of metabolic disorders. These properties are due to the presence of many bioactive components such as flavonoids, polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, steroids...
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Java Tea Extract Powder
Product Name : Java Tea Extract Powder Java tea is also known as Cat's whiskers, Kidney Tea and Yaa Nuat Maeo (in Thai). Java Tea is herbaceous shrub,found mainly throughout South East Asia, which usually grows to a height of no more than 1.5 meter, producing aunique blue to light violet flowers that looks like cat's whiskers. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb,especially in South East Asia to treat diabetes, kidney stones, urinary disorders, high blood pressure. In addition,Java Tea helps relieve pain, caused by arthritis. This herb contains chemical
Product Name : Java Tea Extract Powder Java tea is also known as Cat's whiskers, Kidney Tea and Yaa Nuat Maeo (in Thai). Java Tea is herbaceous shrub,found mainly throughout South East Asia, which usually grows to a height of no more than 1.5 meter, producing aunique blue to light violet flowers that looks like cat's whiskers. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb,especially in South East Asia to treat diabetes, kidney stones, urinary disorders, high blood pressure. In addition,Java Tea helps relieve pain, caused by arthritis. This herb contains chemical
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Grape Seed Extract Powder
Product Name : Grape Seed Extract Powder Grape is a climbing shrub indigenous to Europe and Northern region of Asia. It is now cultivated in warm and tropical areas as well. The extract from the grape seed contains main active ingredient of proanthocyanidins (OPCs). OPCs effectively protect collagen matrix of connective tissue, protect against free radical damage, and inhibit collagen damage caused by inflammation and infection. OPCs protect against free-radical damage, suggested to be a major cause of the ageing process. The antioxidant effect is 50 times greater than that of vitamin C and E. OPCs stimulate nitric...
Product Name : Grape Seed Extract Powder Grape is a climbing shrub indigenous to Europe and Northern region of Asia. It is now cultivated in warm and tropical areas as well. The extract from the grape seed contains main active ingredient of proanthocyanidins (OPCs). OPCs effectively protect collagen matrix of connective tissue, protect against free radical damage, and inhibit collagen damage caused by inflammation and infection. OPCs protect against free-radical damage, suggested to be a major cause of the ageing process. The antioxidant effect is 50 times greater than that of vitamin C and E. OPCs stimulate nitric...
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Green Tea Extract Powder
Product Name : Green Tea Extract Powder Green Tea originates from south of China, India, Thailand, and Indochina. Picked up by its leaf, Green Tea is dried through the process of baking or roasting with moderate temperature, to prevent fermentation, caused by an enzyme. Green Tea leaves have the active constituents in Tannins, such as Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (+)-Catechin, (+)-Gallocatechin. Catechins in green tea leaves are though to be the main components which suppress the growth of microorganisms including Streptococcus mutans, caused including dental cavities. The product reportedly is easily dissolved in common solvents used in oral care.
Product Name : Green Tea Extract Powder Green Tea originates from south of China, India, Thailand, and Indochina. Picked up by its leaf, Green Tea is dried through the process of baking or roasting with moderate temperature, to prevent fermentation, caused by an enzyme. Green Tea leaves have the active constituents in Tannins, such as Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (+)-Catechin, (+)-Gallocatechin. Catechins in green tea leaves are though to be the main components which suppress the growth of microorganisms including Streptococcus mutans, caused including dental cavities. The product reportedly is easily dissolved in common solvents used in oral care.
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Helicteres Isora Extract Powder
Product Name : Helicteres Isora Extract Powder Helicteres isora Linn. is a plant in the Family Sterculiaceae with the common name of East Indian screw tree and Porkabit in Thai. East Indian screw tree is a sub-deciduous shrub or small tree with grey coloured bark. Flowers solitary or in sparse clusters, with red petals turning pale blue when old. Fruits are greenish brown, beaked, cylindrical, and spirally twisted on ripening. The twisted shape of the fruit is what lends most of it names like screw tree. The fruits and bark of Porkabit has been used in traditional medicine in India for...
Product Name : Helicteres Isora Extract Powder Helicteres isora Linn. is a plant in the Family Sterculiaceae with the common name of East Indian screw tree and Porkabit in Thai. East Indian screw tree is a sub-deciduous shrub or small tree with grey coloured bark. Flowers solitary or in sparse clusters, with red petals turning pale blue when old. Fruits are greenish brown, beaked, cylindrical, and spirally twisted on ripening. The twisted shape of the fruit is what lends most of it names like screw tree. The fruits and bark of Porkabit has been used in traditional medicine in India for...
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Holy Basil Dried Powder
Product Name : Holy Basil Dried Powder Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi or Holy basil) belongs to Family Lamiaceae and is cultivated abundantly throughout tropical and semitropical region of India and other Asian countries. It has been widely known for its medicinal value for thousands of years. Different parts of the plant are traditionally used in Ayurveda and Siddha systems for the treatment of diverse ailments like infections, skin diseases, hepatic disorders and as an antidote for snake bite and scorpion sting. Holy basil is an erect, many branched subshrub, 30–60 cm tall with hairy stems and simple opposite green or purple...
Product Name : Holy Basil Dried Powder Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi or Holy basil) belongs to Family Lamiaceae and is cultivated abundantly throughout tropical and semitropical region of India and other Asian countries. It has been widely known for its medicinal value for thousands of years. Different parts of the plant are traditionally used in Ayurveda and Siddha systems for the treatment of diverse ailments like infections, skin diseases, hepatic disorders and as an antidote for snake bite and scorpion sting. Holy basil is an erect, many branched subshrub, 30–60 cm tall with hairy stems and simple opposite green or purple...
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Pandan Extract Powder
Product Name : Pandan Extract Powder Pandanus amaryllifolius is a tropical plant which is known commonly as pandan leaves and is used widely in Southeast Asian cooking as a natural flavoring and used in traditional medicine in Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. The plant is rare in the wild, but is widely cultivated. It is an upright, green plant with fan-shaped sprays of long, narrow, blade-like leaves and woody aerial roots. The plant is sterile, their flowers only very rarely and is propagated by cuttings. The compounds that found in Pandan are Polyphenols, Chlorophyll, Alkaloids etc. and major compound contributing to...
Product Name : Pandan Extract Powder Pandanus amaryllifolius is a tropical plant which is known commonly as pandan leaves and is used widely in Southeast Asian cooking as a natural flavoring and used in traditional medicine in Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. The plant is rare in the wild, but is widely cultivated. It is an upright, green plant with fan-shaped sprays of long, narrow, blade-like leaves and woody aerial roots. The plant is sterile, their flowers only very rarely and is propagated by cuttings. The compounds that found in Pandan are Polyphenols, Chlorophyll, Alkaloids etc. and major compound contributing to...
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Jiaogulan Extract Powder
Product Name : Jiaogulan Extract Powder Jiaogulan is a perennial liana plant, which grows in Asia including China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia. It is a popular herbal tea in China and some Asian countries. Jiaogulan contains a large quantity of saponin glycoside, known also as “gypenosides” that effect on body systems like blood pressure, the reproductive system, the digestive system, the immune system, mental functions and more.
Product Name : Jiaogulan Extract Powder Jiaogulan is a perennial liana plant, which grows in Asia including China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia. It is a popular herbal tea in China and some Asian countries. Jiaogulan contains a large quantity of saponin glycoside, known also as “gypenosides” that effect on body systems like blood pressure, the reproductive system, the digestive system, the immune system, mental functions and more.
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Gac Extract Powder
Product Name : Gac Extract Powder Momordica cochinchimemsis (lour.) Spreng is a plant of Cucurbitaceae family which can be grown in many countries is tropical regions such as Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and China. It has long been used as a food and traditional medicine in East and southeast Asia and may be called by different name such as Fak kao (inThailand), Gac (in Viet Nam), Mak kao (in Laos) and Bhat kerala (in India). In addition, Gac fruit is very popular in Viet Nam because it has been shown to be especially high in beta-carotene and lycopene content. These compounds...
Product Name : Gac Extract Powder Momordica cochinchimemsis (lour.) Spreng is a plant of Cucurbitaceae family which can be grown in many countries is tropical regions such as Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and China. It has long been used as a food and traditional medicine in East and southeast Asia and may be called by different name such as Fak kao (inThailand), Gac (in Viet Nam), Mak kao (in Laos) and Bhat kerala (in India). In addition, Gac fruit is very popular in Viet Nam because it has been shown to be especially high in beta-carotene and lycopene content. These compounds...
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Longan Extract Powder
Product Name : Longan Extract Powder Longan also known as "dragon's eye" due to an ovoid, white eye shaped mark on the pit. It is commonly found in the northern part of Thailand. and is by a wide margin Thailand’s greatest fruit export and considered as a fruit full of vitamins sucrose C, B1, and B2 and glucose, Moreover, Longan Seed Extract contains procyanidin B2 which is a subgroup of proanthocyanidins found in Grape Seed Extract.
Product Name : Longan Extract Powder Longan also known as "dragon's eye" due to an ovoid, white eye shaped mark on the pit. It is commonly found in the northern part of Thailand. and is by a wide margin Thailand’s greatest fruit export and considered as a fruit full of vitamins sucrose C, B1, and B2 and glucose, Moreover, Longan Seed Extract contains procyanidin B2 which is a subgroup of proanthocyanidins found in Grape Seed Extract.
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Morinda Elliptica Extract Powder
Product Name : Morinda Elliptica Extract Powder Morinda elliptica (Yoo-pa) is a evergreen plant from the Rubiaceae family, is a native plant from Thailand. It’s medium-sized tree 4-10 m high, bark is brown and yellow. Wood is yellow, leaves and branches look like Yoo-baan but has long narrow leaves and smaller fruits. This plant has been used in traditional folk medicine for treatment of cholera, diarrhea, piles, headache and to increase appetite.
Product Name : Morinda Elliptica Extract Powder Morinda elliptica (Yoo-pa) is a evergreen plant from the Rubiaceae family, is a native plant from Thailand. It’s medium-sized tree 4-10 m high, bark is brown and yellow. Wood is yellow, leaves and branches look like Yoo-baan but has long narrow leaves and smaller fruits. This plant has been used in traditional folk medicine for treatment of cholera, diarrhea, piles, headache and to increase appetite.
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Moringa Seed Extract Powder
Product Name : Moringa Seed Extract Powder Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) is a tree native to northern Thailand. It is also known as the “miracle tree”. All its parts (leaves, flowers, root, bark, fruits, wood and seeds) are very useful for pharmacological and nutritional properties. It has gained a lot of popularity, due to its remarkable source of nutrition such as vitamin and mineral and many health benefits. As an example, the crushed seeds are known for their very high capacity to purify water. Moreover the active ingredient of natural cationic peptide are many useful for cosmetic product.
Product Name : Moringa Seed Extract Powder Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) is a tree native to northern Thailand. It is also known as the “miracle tree”. All its parts (leaves, flowers, root, bark, fruits, wood and seeds) are very useful for pharmacological and nutritional properties. It has gained a lot of popularity, due to its remarkable source of nutrition such as vitamin and mineral and many health benefits. As an example, the crushed seeds are known for their very high capacity to purify water. Moreover the active ingredient of natural cationic peptide are many useful for cosmetic product.
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Pomegranate Extract Powder
Product Name : Pomegranate Extract Powder Pomegranate is a shrubby plant originating in Southwest Asia. It is widely cultivated for both fruiting and ornamental purposes. In traditional medicine, the Pomegranate fruit hull is used as a diarrheal remedy due to it has the tannin compounds. Moreover, its root and stem barks are used as an anthelmintic remedy due to the content of alkaloid compounds. Nowadays, the researches reports revealed that pomegranate is rice in phenolic compounds including anthocyanidin compounds, delphinidin-3-glucoside, and has the tannin compounds, such as punicalagin, etc.
Product Name : Pomegranate Extract Powder Pomegranate is a shrubby plant originating in Southwest Asia. It is widely cultivated for both fruiting and ornamental purposes. In traditional medicine, the Pomegranate fruit hull is used as a diarrheal remedy due to it has the tannin compounds. Moreover, its root and stem barks are used as an anthelmintic remedy due to the content of alkaloid compounds. Nowadays, the researches reports revealed that pomegranate is rice in phenolic compounds including anthocyanidin compounds, delphinidin-3-glucoside, and has the tannin compounds, such as punicalagin, etc.
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White Tea Extract Powder
Product Name : White Tea Extract Powder What is 'white tea'? Well, just like those other teas, White tea come from the Camellia sinensis plant. But the leaves are picked and harvested before the leaves open fully, when the buds are still covered by fine White hair. Hence the name. White tea is scarcer than the other traditional teas, and quite a bit more expensive. White tea is similar to green tea, in that it's undergone very little processing and no fermentation. But there is a noticeable difference in taste. Most green teas have a distinctive 'grassy' taste to them,...
Product Name : White Tea Extract Powder What is 'white tea'? Well, just like those other teas, White tea come from the Camellia sinensis plant. But the leaves are picked and harvested before the leaves open fully, when the buds are still covered by fine White hair. Hence the name. White tea is scarcer than the other traditional teas, and quite a bit more expensive. White tea is similar to green tea, in that it's undergone very little processing and no fermentation. But there is a noticeable difference in taste. Most green teas have a distinctive 'grassy' taste to them,...
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Abelmoschus esculentus Extract Powder
Product Name : Abelmoschus esculentus Extract Liquid Abelmoschus esculentus or Hibiscus esculentus is a plant in the Family Malvaceae with the common name of Okra and Kajiab-mon or Kajiab-kheow in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India, Africa, Southern European, America and South Asian. Okra is used as vegetables both in the green and dried state. In Asia, okra is typically prepared as traditional medicine as a dietary meal in the treatment of gastric irritations because the fruit has high mucilage content. Pharmacological effects include antidiabetic activity, antioxidant and decreased gastric irritations. In cosmetic used for emollient and moisturizer. The active components of ...
Product Name : Abelmoschus esculentus Extract Liquid Abelmoschus esculentus or Hibiscus esculentus is a plant in the Family Malvaceae with the common name of Okra and Kajiab-mon or Kajiab-kheow in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India, Africa, Southern European, America and South Asian. Okra is used as vegetables both in the green and dried state. In Asia, okra is typically prepared as traditional medicine as a dietary meal in the treatment of gastric irritations because the fruit has high mucilage content. Pharmacological effects include antidiabetic activity, antioxidant and decreased gastric irritations. In cosmetic used for emollient and moisturizer. The active components of ...
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Lemongrass Dried Powder
Product Name : Lemongrass Dried Powder Lemongrass is a long-living herbaceous plant originating from the southern region of India and Sri Lanka. Nowadays, it is widely cultivated in tropical areas worldwide. Lemongrass is used as a food seasoning and an aromatic additive. It possesses digestive and carminative properties because of a high amount of essential oils. It also has a protective property against some types of fungus and bacterium.
Product Name : Lemongrass Dried Powder Lemongrass is a long-living herbaceous plant originating from the southern region of India and Sri Lanka. Nowadays, it is widely cultivated in tropical areas worldwide. Lemongrass is used as a food seasoning and an aromatic additive. It possesses digestive and carminative properties because of a high amount of essential oils. It also has a protective property against some types of fungus and bacterium.
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Apple Extract Powder
Product Name : Apple Extract Powder Malus domestica Borkh is also known as Apples that have been grown for thousands of years in Asia, Europe and werebrought to North America by European colonists. Apple is one of the most widely consumed fruit, it is the good source of phenolic phytochemicals, mineral and dietary fiber. Recent studies have shown that the consumption of apple help to reduced risk of some cancers, cardiovascular disease, asthma and diabetes. In addition, apples have been found to have very strong antioxidant activity, inhibit cancer cell proliferation, decrease lipid oxidation and lower cholesterol.The phytochemical constituents of...
Product Name : Apple Extract Powder Malus domestica Borkh is also known as Apples that have been grown for thousands of years in Asia, Europe and werebrought to North America by European colonists. Apple is one of the most widely consumed fruit, it is the good source of phenolic phytochemicals, mineral and dietary fiber. Recent studies have shown that the consumption of apple help to reduced risk of some cancers, cardiovascular disease, asthma and diabetes. In addition, apples have been found to have very strong antioxidant activity, inhibit cancer cell proliferation, decrease lipid oxidation and lower cholesterol.The phytochemical constituents of...
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Marigold Extract Powder
Product Name : Marigold Extract Powder Marigold traditionally the plant is claimed to treat skin diseases like sores, wounds, burns, ulcers, eczema etc. It has also been used against piles, kidney troubles, muscular pain, boils, carbuncles and earache. In Thailand, Marigold can grown in all area. The yellow or golden - orangeflowers of marigold are contains a large of flavonoids and lutein. Quercetagetin is flavonoid; it show antibacterial properties and Lutein is carotenoid; it acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells against the damage effect of free radicals.
Product Name : Marigold Extract Powder Marigold traditionally the plant is claimed to treat skin diseases like sores, wounds, burns, ulcers, eczema etc. It has also been used against piles, kidney troubles, muscular pain, boils, carbuncles and earache. In Thailand, Marigold can grown in all area. The yellow or golden - orangeflowers of marigold are contains a large of flavonoids and lutein. Quercetagetin is flavonoid; it show antibacterial properties and Lutein is carotenoid; it acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells against the damage effect of free radicals.
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Tiliacora Triandra Extract Powder
Product Name : Tiliacora Triandra Extract Powder Tiliacora triandra is also known as Bai Yanang or Yanang (in Thai). Yanang is a species of flowering plant native to mainland Southeast Asia and used particularly in the cuisines of northeast Thailand and Laos. It is a climbing plant with mostly single, smooth, oval - shaped, deep green leaves and yellowish flowers. In traditional Southeast Asian medicine, it has been used as an herbal medicine for fever relief, alcohol intoxication, anti-inflammation, antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-bacterial. Yanang leaves contain polyphenols, flavonoilds, alkaloids, β-carotene and minerals such as calcium and iron.
Product Name : Tiliacora Triandra Extract Powder Tiliacora triandra is also known as Bai Yanang or Yanang (in Thai). Yanang is a species of flowering plant native to mainland Southeast Asia and used particularly in the cuisines of northeast Thailand and Laos. It is a climbing plant with mostly single, smooth, oval - shaped, deep green leaves and yellowish flowers. In traditional Southeast Asian medicine, it has been used as an herbal medicine for fever relief, alcohol intoxication, anti-inflammation, antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-bacterial. Yanang leaves contain polyphenols, flavonoilds, alkaloids, β-carotene and minerals such as calcium and iron.
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Luo Han Guo Extract Powder
Product Name : Luo Han Guo Extract Powder Siraitia grosvenorii is an herbaceous perennial vine, is native to Southern China and Northern Thailand. This species is well known for its fruit which is commonly called “ Luo Han Guo”. Luo Han Guo is a perennial vine of the Cucurbitaceae family, it is a climbing plant the vine attains a length of 3 to 5 m. The narrow, heart-shaped leaves are 10-20 cm. long. The fruit is round 5-7 cm. in diameters. The fruit of this plant has been used for sweetener because extract from fruit is nearly 300 times sweeter...
Product Name : Luo Han Guo Extract Powder Siraitia grosvenorii is an herbaceous perennial vine, is native to Southern China and Northern Thailand. This species is well known for its fruit which is commonly called “ Luo Han Guo”. Luo Han Guo is a perennial vine of the Cucurbitaceae family, it is a climbing plant the vine attains a length of 3 to 5 m. The narrow, heart-shaped leaves are 10-20 cm. long. The fruit is round 5-7 cm. in diameters. The fruit of this plant has been used for sweetener because extract from fruit is nearly 300 times sweeter...
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Coriander Extract Powder
Product Name : Coriander Extract Powder Coriander is native to Thailand. The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobe at the base of the plant, slender and look like a feather higher on the flowering stems. The flowers are small umbels with white or very pale pink color. All parts of the plant (leaves, seed and root) are edible and most commonly used in cooking. Both the leaves and seeds are rich in volatile essential oils that act mainly on the digestive system, stimulating the appetite and relieving irritation. Moreover, it has been used as a folk medicine in many countries
Product Name : Coriander Extract Powder Coriander is native to Thailand. The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobe at the base of the plant, slender and look like a feather higher on the flowering stems. The flowers are small umbels with white or very pale pink color. All parts of the plant (leaves, seed and root) are edible and most commonly used in cooking. Both the leaves and seeds are rich in volatile essential oils that act mainly on the digestive system, stimulating the appetite and relieving irritation. Moreover, it has been used as a folk medicine in many countries
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Emblic Extract Powder
Product Name : Emblic Extract Powder Emblic (Emblicmyrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree) is a deciduous tree. In Thai traditional medicine, the fruit is used as an anti-tussive and an expectorant. The dried fruit was used as an astringent, an anti-diarrheal, an anti-dysenteric, and a remedy of hemorrhoid. The leaves were used as a remedy of prickly heat. In the research, the dried fruit extract of emblic can produced skin-whitening agent. Moreover, its properties are antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and promote hair growth antioxidant. The active ingredients from the emblic fruit are polyphenolic compounds, such as gallic acid, corilagin, chebulagic...
Product Name : Emblic Extract Powder Emblic (Emblicmyrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree) is a deciduous tree. In Thai traditional medicine, the fruit is used as an anti-tussive and an expectorant. The dried fruit was used as an astringent, an anti-diarrheal, an anti-dysenteric, and a remedy of hemorrhoid. The leaves were used as a remedy of prickly heat. In the research, the dried fruit extract of emblic can produced skin-whitening agent. Moreover, its properties are antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and promote hair growth antioxidant. The active ingredients from the emblic fruit are polyphenolic compounds, such as gallic acid, corilagin, chebulagic...
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Ginger Extract Powder
Product Name : Ginger Extract Powder Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
Product Name : Ginger Extract Powder Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
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Phyllanthus Amarus Extract Powder
Product Name : Phyllanthus Amarus Extract Powder Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. Belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae and found in all regions of Thailand with different local name such as Luk-tai-bai, Ma-kham-pom-din, and Yah-tai-bai-khaow. P. amarus are erect annual herbs, leaves are simple, alternate or opposite, some are leathery, 10 – 60 cm. tall, flowers with 5 white sepals and apical acute anther and the fruits are green capsule. It has long been used as traditional medicine such as treat flu, diabetes, itchiness and jaundice etc. Previous photochemical studies have reported that P. amarus contain lignans (e.g., phyllanthin, niranthin), flavonoids...
Product Name : Phyllanthus Amarus Extract Powder Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. Belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae and found in all regions of Thailand with different local name such as Luk-tai-bai, Ma-kham-pom-din, and Yah-tai-bai-khaow. P. amarus are erect annual herbs, leaves are simple, alternate or opposite, some are leathery, 10 – 60 cm. tall, flowers with 5 white sepals and apical acute anther and the fruits are green capsule. It has long been used as traditional medicine such as treat flu, diabetes, itchiness and jaundice etc. Previous photochemical studies have reported that P. amarus contain lignans (e.g., phyllanthin, niranthin), flavonoids...
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Perilla Extract Powder
Product Name : Perilla Extract Powder Perilla or Beafsteak Plant is a herbaceous plant commonly found in Asia. In Thailand it is well cultivated in the northern region. have 40 times more Calcium than sesame vegetables. Phosphorus than crops up to 20 Times. It is rich in vitamins. Sesame also help relieve discomfort caused by various neurological disorders. Beriberi, such as insomnia, fatigue, aching limbs, loss of appetite, constipation, body aches eyes. Sesame is also an anti-cancer diet. Many scientists say that the substance "sesamol". Available in sesame and prevent cancer. It also causes the body to slow down.
Product Name : Perilla Extract Powder Perilla or Beafsteak Plant is a herbaceous plant commonly found in Asia. In Thailand it is well cultivated in the northern region. have 40 times more Calcium than sesame vegetables. Phosphorus than crops up to 20 Times. It is rich in vitamins. Sesame also help relieve discomfort caused by various neurological disorders. Beriberi, such as insomnia, fatigue, aching limbs, loss of appetite, constipation, body aches eyes. Sesame is also an anti-cancer diet. Many scientists say that the substance "sesamol". Available in sesame and prevent cancer. It also causes the body to slow down.
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Red Cabbage Extract Powder
Product Name : Red Cabbage Extract Powder Red cabbage (Brassica Oleracea L.) is a native vegetable of the Mediterranean region and south-western Europe and can grows in regions all the world. Recently, Red cabbage is interesting vegetable because of its physiological functions and applications. It is rich of anthocyanins, that is component of traditional herbal medicines used by North American, Indians, the Europeans and Chinese. Anthocyanins is natural colour that widely used in food industry. The interest in anthocyanins not only from their coloring properties but also from their beneficial properties, including antioxidant activity, enhancement of sight acuteness, anti -...
Product Name : Red Cabbage Extract Powder Red cabbage (Brassica Oleracea L.) is a native vegetable of the Mediterranean region and south-western Europe and can grows in regions all the world. Recently, Red cabbage is interesting vegetable because of its physiological functions and applications. It is rich of anthocyanins, that is component of traditional herbal medicines used by North American, Indians, the Europeans and Chinese. Anthocyanins is natural colour that widely used in food industry. The interest in anthocyanins not only from their coloring properties but also from their beneficial properties, including antioxidant activity, enhancement of sight acuteness, anti -...
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Litchi Extract Powder
Product Name : Litchi Extract Powder Litchi chinensis Sonn is a plant of Sapindaceae family and originating in Southern China. In Thailand, it is found in all regions, especially in Northern and Eastern. Litchi is an evergreen shrub or tree, 10-12 m high with broad round-topped crown of glossy green foliage. The fruit has a bright red pericarp surrounding a white pulp and a seed in the centre which the fruit has a sweet and sour blend of flavour juicy, soft and crisp pulp. The fruit pulp is a good source of sugars, vitamin C, and mineral such as phosphorus,...
Product Name : Litchi Extract Powder Litchi chinensis Sonn is a plant of Sapindaceae family and originating in Southern China. In Thailand, it is found in all regions, especially in Northern and Eastern. Litchi is an evergreen shrub or tree, 10-12 m high with broad round-topped crown of glossy green foliage. The fruit has a bright red pericarp surrounding a white pulp and a seed in the centre which the fruit has a sweet and sour blend of flavour juicy, soft and crisp pulp. The fruit pulp is a good source of sugars, vitamin C, and mineral such as phosphorus,...
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Mangosteen Extract Powder
Product Name : Mangosteen Extract Powder Mangosteen is THE Queen of the tropical fruits with a sweet and sour taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand and can only be harvested once a year during raining season. In Thailand, Mangosteen is dominantly found in the Eastern and Southern regions. The fruit is 5 - 8 cm in diameter with a thick reddish - purple epicarp ( peel ) covering the aril or pulp which is segmented like that of an orange. The active ingredients in the epicarp of Mangosteen are consisting of more than 40 Xanthones (mainly Mangostins e.g. alpha-,...
Product Name : Mangosteen Extract Powder Mangosteen is THE Queen of the tropical fruits with a sweet and sour taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand and can only be harvested once a year during raining season. In Thailand, Mangosteen is dominantly found in the Eastern and Southern regions. The fruit is 5 - 8 cm in diameter with a thick reddish - purple epicarp ( peel ) covering the aril or pulp which is segmented like that of an orange. The active ingredients in the epicarp of Mangosteen are consisting of more than 40 Xanthones (mainly Mangostins e.g. alpha-,...
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Shallot Extract Powder
Product Name : Shallot Extract Powder Allium ascalonicum is a member of the Alliaceae family. The common name is called shallot andHom-Dang (In Thai). Shallot like onion and garlic, are group in the Allium family. The bulb of shallot has pink to violet light color, it has strong odor and pungent. Shallot are commonly used in cooking, they are used as a condiment in various Asian cuisines. In traditional medicine, the shallots have been used as treatment colds, fever, stuffy nose, decrease acne and reduce scar. The phytochemicals previously reported from shallot include polyphenolic, volatile sulfur compounds and flavonoids such...
Product Name : Shallot Extract Powder Allium ascalonicum is a member of the Alliaceae family. The common name is called shallot andHom-Dang (In Thai). Shallot like onion and garlic, are group in the Allium family. The bulb of shallot has pink to violet light color, it has strong odor and pungent. Shallot are commonly used in cooking, they are used as a condiment in various Asian cuisines. In traditional medicine, the shallots have been used as treatment colds, fever, stuffy nose, decrease acne and reduce scar. The phytochemicals previously reported from shallot include polyphenolic, volatile sulfur compounds and flavonoids such...
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Vernonia Cinerea Extract Powder
Product Name : Vernonia Cinerea Extract Powder Vernonia cinerea Less. is a plant in the Family Asteraceae with the common name of Little iron weed or Ya-dok-khao in Thai. It has a slender stemmed plant, variable in leaf shape with pinkish-purple flowers. It is a perennial herbaceous plant distributed in the tropical regions which are commonly found in South-East Asia and Hawaii. V. cinerea has been documented and recommended in Thai traditional medicine and in other countries for smoking cessation, relief of asthma, cough, fever, malaria, urinary calculi and arthritis. The phytochemicals previously reported from V. cinerea include Polyphenol, Stigmasterol,...
Product Name : Vernonia Cinerea Extract Powder Vernonia cinerea Less. is a plant in the Family Asteraceae with the common name of Little iron weed or Ya-dok-khao in Thai. It has a slender stemmed plant, variable in leaf shape with pinkish-purple flowers. It is a perennial herbaceous plant distributed in the tropical regions which are commonly found in South-East Asia and Hawaii. V. cinerea has been documented and recommended in Thai traditional medicine and in other countries for smoking cessation, relief of asthma, cough, fever, malaria, urinary calculi and arthritis. The phytochemicals previously reported from V. cinerea include Polyphenol, Stigmasterol,...
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Reishi Extract Powder
Product Name : Reishi Extract Powder ( Ling - zhi, Hed-lin - jue ) is well known as the Holly mushroom with its cure - all health benefits. It can only be cultivated in mountainous areas of Asia. In traditional Thai medicine, has long been utilized as a balancing remedy that naturally enhances immune system. β - 1, 3 - D - glucan founded in the fungus has been proven as activator of the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells (WBC) especially macrophage, lymphocyte, NK cell therefore lower the risk of cancer, diuretic, bronchitis, and immune...
Product Name : Reishi Extract Powder ( Ling - zhi, Hed-lin - jue ) is well known as the Holly mushroom with its cure - all health benefits. It can only be cultivated in mountainous areas of Asia. In traditional Thai medicine, has long been utilized as a balancing remedy that naturally enhances immune system. β - 1, 3 - D - glucan founded in the fungus has been proven as activator of the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells (WBC) especially macrophage, lymphocyte, NK cell therefore lower the risk of cancer, diuretic, bronchitis, and immune...
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Acanthus Extract Powder
Product Name : Acanthus Extract Powder Acanthus ilicifolius Linn is a plant in the Family Ac anthaceae with the common name of Sea holly and Nguag-plaa-moa in Thai. It grows as an erect, spreading or scrambling shrubby herb, up to 1.5 m tall, usually with a great many stems. Its leaves are dark green, stiff, with sharp spines at the end of each deep lobe. Flowers are blue, purple or white, and occur in spikes terminal on the branches. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice Indian and Chinese medicine, the plant is used in the...
Product Name : Acanthus Extract Powder Acanthus ilicifolius Linn is a plant in the Family Ac anthaceae with the common name of Sea holly and Nguag-plaa-moa in Thai. It grows as an erect, spreading or scrambling shrubby herb, up to 1.5 m tall, usually with a great many stems. Its leaves are dark green, stiff, with sharp spines at the end of each deep lobe. Flowers are blue, purple or white, and occur in spikes terminal on the branches. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice Indian and Chinese medicine, the plant is used in the...
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Cinnamomum Porrectum Extract Powder
Product Name : Cinnamomun porrectum Extract Powder Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.) Kosterm., (common name Thep Taro), is a rare medicinal and aromatic tree mostly distributed throughout southern Thailand such as Phang Nga, Krabi, Trang and Pattalung. It is traditionally used for heart tonic, decrease colic, carminative, antipyretic and flavoring food. Cinnamomum porrectumshould be developed as a source of medicinal extracts which related using of Thai traditional medicine for health care products such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.The main compound are Polyphenols andEssential oilssuch as Safrole, Elemicin, Eucalyptol, Terpinelo, etc.
Product Name : Cinnamomun porrectum Extract Powder Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.) Kosterm., (common name Thep Taro), is a rare medicinal and aromatic tree mostly distributed throughout southern Thailand such as Phang Nga, Krabi, Trang and Pattalung. It is traditionally used for heart tonic, decrease colic, carminative, antipyretic and flavoring food. Cinnamomum porrectumshould be developed as a source of medicinal extracts which related using of Thai traditional medicine for health care products such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.The main compound are Polyphenols andEssential oilssuch as Safrole, Elemicin, Eucalyptol, Terpinelo, etc.
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Chrysanthemum Extract Powder
Product Name : Chrysanthemum Extract Powder Chrysanthemum indicum is a herb common in Asia. It been one of the principal herbs in traditional Chinese medicinesince the ancient times. It reaches to a height of about 40 cms. The leaves are alternates and about 7 cms.Chrysanthemum gives out a mild fragrance, which most traditional medicine uses as a mild laxative, anti-bacterial, and Inflammatory. As mostly will be used in beverages.
Product Name : Chrysanthemum Extract Powder Chrysanthemum indicum is a herb common in Asia. It been one of the principal herbs in traditional Chinese medicinesince the ancient times. It reaches to a height of about 40 cms. The leaves are alternates and about 7 cms.Chrysanthemum gives out a mild fragrance, which most traditional medicine uses as a mild laxative, anti-bacterial, and Inflammatory. As mostly will be used in beverages.
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Coccinia Grandis Extract Powder
Product Name : Coccinia grandis Extract Powder Coccinia grandis L. J. Voigt or Coccinia indica or Cocinia cordifolia is a plant in the Family Cucurbitaceae with the common name of Ivy gourd and Tum lung in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India Tropical Africa, Australia and other tropical countries. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice of Bangladesh as well as Indian medicine. Coccinia grandis is an climbing shrub with white flower. Every part of the plant exhibit pharmacological activities, and is annual employed for treating various human ailments. Pharmacological effects include hypoglycemic activity, anti-oxidant, anti-inflam matory, antibacterial...
Product Name : Coccinia grandis Extract Powder Coccinia grandis L. J. Voigt or Coccinia indica or Cocinia cordifolia is a plant in the Family Cucurbitaceae with the common name of Ivy gourd and Tum lung in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India Tropical Africa, Australia and other tropical countries. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice of Bangladesh as well as Indian medicine. Coccinia grandis is an climbing shrub with white flower. Every part of the plant exhibit pharmacological activities, and is annual employed for treating various human ailments. Pharmacological effects include hypoglycemic activity, anti-oxidant, anti-inflam matory, antibacterial...
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Piper Chaba Extract Liquid
Product Name : Piper Chaba Extract Liquid Piper chaba Hunter is a plant of Piperaceae family. It has various locally names such as pepper, long pepper, java long pepper and Dee plee(in Thailand). The dried fruit are extensively use for spices of foods because it has aroma and spicy flavor. In Thai traditional medicine, the dried mature unripe fruits of this plant (10-12 fruits were boiled 10-15 minutes in water) are used to reduce gas, improving appetite, carminative and antidiarrheal. There has been many reported on composition of the dried fruits are including essential oils and alkaloid compounds (eg. Piperine)....
Product Name : Piper Chaba Extract Liquid Piper chaba Hunter is a plant of Piperaceae family. It has various locally names such as pepper, long pepper, java long pepper and Dee plee(in Thailand). The dried fruit are extensively use for spices of foods because it has aroma and spicy flavor. In Thai traditional medicine, the dried mature unripe fruits of this plant (10-12 fruits were boiled 10-15 minutes in water) are used to reduce gas, improving appetite, carminative and antidiarrheal. There has been many reported on composition of the dried fruits are including essential oils and alkaloid compounds (eg. Piperine)....
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Caesalpinia Sappan Extract Powder
Product Name : Caesalpinia sappan Extract Powder Caesalpinia sappan is known as Sappanwood, Sappan Tree, Brazilwood and Fang (in Thai). Sappanwood is a well-known medicinal plant belonging to the Leguminosae family, distributed and cultivated in Southeast Asia as well as in Africa and America. It is a small to medium size, shrubby tree, 4-8 m tall, trunk up to 14 cm in diameter and heartwood is orange and red color. Fang is also used as herbal medicine for anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The use of heartwood as a coloring agent for beverage, food, garment and cosmetics. The chemical...
Product Name : Caesalpinia sappan Extract Powder Caesalpinia sappan is known as Sappanwood, Sappan Tree, Brazilwood and Fang (in Thai). Sappanwood is a well-known medicinal plant belonging to the Leguminosae family, distributed and cultivated in Southeast Asia as well as in Africa and America. It is a small to medium size, shrubby tree, 4-8 m tall, trunk up to 14 cm in diameter and heartwood is orange and red color. Fang is also used as herbal medicine for anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The use of heartwood as a coloring agent for beverage, food, garment and cosmetics. The chemical...
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Antidesma Extract Powder
Product Name : Antidesma Extract Powder Antidesma bunius is also known as Mamao Luang or Mao Luang ( in Thai ). Mamao Luang, a kind of medicinal fruit trees could be found in most of dipterocarp forested areas in Northeast Thailand. The small oval shape of fruit when ripe has an attractive bright red. Some people in Thailand used the fruits when ripe as a medicinal plant. Nowadays, Mamao Luang fruits have been used as a raw material for making tasty jelly jam, drinking juices, juice concentrate and wine. It has been advocated that juices derived from ripe fruits could...
Product Name : Antidesma Extract Powder Antidesma bunius is also known as Mamao Luang or Mao Luang ( in Thai ). Mamao Luang, a kind of medicinal fruit trees could be found in most of dipterocarp forested areas in Northeast Thailand. The small oval shape of fruit when ripe has an attractive bright red. Some people in Thailand used the fruits when ripe as a medicinal plant. Nowadays, Mamao Luang fruits have been used as a raw material for making tasty jelly jam, drinking juices, juice concentrate and wine. It has been advocated that juices derived from ripe fruits could...
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Honey Extract Powder
Product Name : Honey Extract Powder Honey is the fluid that possesses high viscously and sweet in taste. It has been obtained from the bee’s products by accumulating the sweet fluid from the pollens. In traditional medicine, honey is used as a moisturizer, an intestinal emollient, a diuretic, and as an antidote. In addition to, it is used as a solvent for a medicine. In research reports, Honey has been useful in the treatment of surgical wounds, burns, and decubitus ulcers, and the antibacterial and antifungal properties. In burns in particular, honey has been found to control wound infection and...
Product Name : Honey Extract Powder Honey is the fluid that possesses high viscously and sweet in taste. It has been obtained from the bee’s products by accumulating the sweet fluid from the pollens. In traditional medicine, honey is used as a moisturizer, an intestinal emollient, a diuretic, and as an antidote. In addition to, it is used as a solvent for a medicine. In research reports, Honey has been useful in the treatment of surgical wounds, burns, and decubitus ulcers, and the antibacterial and antifungal properties. In burns in particular, honey has been found to control wound infection and...
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Soy Protein Extract Powder
Product Name : Soy Protein Extract Powder Soy is a leguminous plant, known and used as human food source for 5000 years. It s considered to be a source of complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them and at the same time a rich source of fibers, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and also contains phytoestrogens. Soy protein is a protein that is isolaled from soybean. that used in variety...
Product Name : Soy Protein Extract Powder Soy is a leguminous plant, known and used as human food source for 5000 years. It s considered to be a source of complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them and at the same time a rich source of fibers, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and also contains phytoestrogens. Soy protein is a protein that is isolaled from soybean. that used in variety...
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Dong Quai Extract Powder
Product Name : Dong Quai Extract Powder The roots of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels, known as Dong Quai, which has a purple stem and white umbrella-shaped flowers. This plant is typically found in Asia. Dong Quai is one of the most important Chinese herbs that has been used in traditional medicine. The most prominent benefit of Dong Quai is used to treat menstrual problems, such as menstrual pain and scanty menstruation. Pharmacological effects include anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The active components of Dong Quai includ Ferulic acid, Polysaccharides and Phenolic compounds.
Product Name : Dong Quai Extract Powder The roots of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels, known as Dong Quai, which has a purple stem and white umbrella-shaped flowers. This plant is typically found in Asia. Dong Quai is one of the most important Chinese herbs that has been used in traditional medicine. The most prominent benefit of Dong Quai is used to treat menstrual problems, such as menstrual pain and scanty menstruation. Pharmacological effects include anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The active components of Dong Quai includ Ferulic acid, Polysaccharides and Phenolic compounds.
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Glycine Max Extract Powder
Product Name : Glycine Max Extract Powder Soy is a leguminous plant, known and used as human food source for 5000 years, first in China, then in the Far East. It is considered to be a source of complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them and at the same time a rich source of fibers, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and also contains isoflavone so it can heal any health...
Product Name : Glycine Max Extract Powder Soy is a leguminous plant, known and used as human food source for 5000 years, first in China, then in the Far East. It is considered to be a source of complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them and at the same time a rich source of fibers, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and also contains isoflavone so it can heal any health...
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Mucuna Pruriens Extract Powder
Product Name : Mucuna Pruriens Extract Powder Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. is a plant in the family Fabaceae, it is commonly known as Velvet bean and Ma-mui (in Thai). The Velvet bean is an annual climbing legume it has white to dark purple flowers. The pods of Velvet bean contain seeds, the pods are covered with hairs that are readily dislodged and can cause intense irritation to the skin. The velvet beans have been used in traditional medicine for Parkinson’s disease, nervous disorders and management of male fertility such as increase semen volume, sperm count and sperm motility. The pharmacologically...
Product Name : Mucuna Pruriens Extract Powder Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. is a plant in the family Fabaceae, it is commonly known as Velvet bean and Ma-mui (in Thai). The Velvet bean is an annual climbing legume it has white to dark purple flowers. The pods of Velvet bean contain seeds, the pods are covered with hairs that are readily dislodged and can cause intense irritation to the skin. The velvet beans have been used in traditional medicine for Parkinson’s disease, nervous disorders and management of male fertility such as increase semen volume, sperm count and sperm motility. The pharmacologically...
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Honey Extract Powder
Product Name : Honey Extract Powder Honey is the fluid that possesses high viscously and sweet in taste. It has been obtained from the bee’s products by accumulating the sweet fluid from the pollens. In traditional medicine, honey is used as a moisturizer, an intestinal emollient, a diuretic, and as an antidote. In addition to, it is used as a solvent for a medicine. In research reports, Honey has been useful in the treatment of surgical wounds, burns, and decubitus ulcers, and the antibacterial and antifungal properties. In burns in particular, honey has been found to control wound infection and...
Product Name : Honey Extract Powder Honey is the fluid that possesses high viscously and sweet in taste. It has been obtained from the bee’s products by accumulating the sweet fluid from the pollens. In traditional medicine, honey is used as a moisturizer, an intestinal emollient, a diuretic, and as an antidote. In addition to, it is used as a solvent for a medicine. In research reports, Honey has been useful in the treatment of surgical wounds, burns, and decubitus ulcers, and the antibacterial and antifungal properties. In burns in particular, honey has been found to control wound infection and...
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Mung Bean Extract Powder
Product Name : Mung Bean Extract Powder Mung bean also known as green bean, Tua-Kheaw (in Thai). The beans are small, which is green with the husk, and yellow when dehusked. The bean is a rich source of protein, fiber, fatty acids, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, beta-carotene, folic acid, calcium, phosphor, irons and isoflavones. Because of mung beans also contain high in fiber, low in saturated fat, low in sodium, and contain no cholesterol. They are useful for immune system, metabolism, heart and other organs by protect against free radicals and diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
Product Name : Mung Bean Extract Powder Mung bean also known as green bean, Tua-Kheaw (in Thai). The beans are small, which is green with the husk, and yellow when dehusked. The bean is a rich source of protein, fiber, fatty acids, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, beta-carotene, folic acid, calcium, phosphor, irons and isoflavones. Because of mung beans also contain high in fiber, low in saturated fat, low in sodium, and contain no cholesterol. They are useful for immune system, metabolism, heart and other organs by protect against free radicals and diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
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Lime Extract Powder
Product Name : Lime Extract Powder Lime is a shrubby tree with a globose fruit, 2.55 cm in diameter (1-2 inch), that is yellow when ripe but usually picked green commercially. It is smaller has a higher acidity, a stronger aroma and a good source of vitamin C. Limes are grown all year round and are usually smaller and sweeter than lemons. It is a very common ingredient in Thai dishes and many varieties of pickles are made. It is also considered to have nutritional and medical properties too.
Product Name : Lime Extract Powder Lime is a shrubby tree with a globose fruit, 2.55 cm in diameter (1-2 inch), that is yellow when ripe but usually picked green commercially. It is smaller has a higher acidity, a stronger aroma and a good source of vitamin C. Limes are grown all year round and are usually smaller and sweeter than lemons. It is a very common ingredient in Thai dishes and many varieties of pickles are made. It is also considered to have nutritional and medical properties too.
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Spirulina Extract Powder
Product Name : Spirulina Extract Powder Spirulina is a type of blue-green micro-algae that forms spiral filaments or chains that led to its descriptive name. Nature’s Way Spirulina is farmed in environmentally controlled ponds specially constructed for this purpose. Spirulina is known by its high nutritional value and considered as one of the most complete natural sources of proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It is a dietary supplement that contains 65 % protein in its dried state. The present paper analyzes the potential of spirulina in the prevention and treatment of neuropathies on the basis of its main constituents and ...
Product Name : Spirulina Extract Powder Spirulina is a type of blue-green micro-algae that forms spiral filaments or chains that led to its descriptive name. Nature’s Way Spirulina is farmed in environmentally controlled ponds specially constructed for this purpose. Spirulina is known by its high nutritional value and considered as one of the most complete natural sources of proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It is a dietary supplement that contains 65 % protein in its dried state. The present paper analyzes the potential of spirulina in the prevention and treatment of neuropathies on the basis of its main constituents and ...
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Soy Protein Extract Powder
Product Name : Soy Protein Extract Powder Soy is a leguminous plant, known and used as human food source for 5000 years. It s considered to be a source of complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them and at the same time a rich source of fibers, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and also contains phytoestrogens. Soy protein is a protein that is isolaled from soybean. that used in variety...
Product Name : Soy Protein Extract Powder Soy is a leguminous plant, known and used as human food source for 5000 years. It s considered to be a source of complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them and at the same time a rich source of fibers, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and also contains phytoestrogens. Soy protein is a protein that is isolaled from soybean. that used in variety...
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Yoghurt Powder
Product Name : White Tea Extract Liquid Yoghurt is a dairy product which originated centuries ago in Bulgaria. Yoghurt is made by fermenting milk with bacteria such as Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and other member of Lactobacillus genus. The milk sugar or lactose is fermented by these bacteria into lactic acid which causes the characteristic an acidic condition, sour and curd form. In addition, the bacteria used to make yoghurt called Lactic acid bacteria (LAB). For many centuries are believed that fermented milk is beneficial for health because the variety nutritional composition of yoghurt such as Protein, carbohydrate, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin...
Product Name : White Tea Extract Liquid Yoghurt is a dairy product which originated centuries ago in Bulgaria. Yoghurt is made by fermenting milk with bacteria such as Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and other member of Lactobacillus genus. The milk sugar or lactose is fermented by these bacteria into lactic acid which causes the characteristic an acidic condition, sour and curd form. In addition, the bacteria used to make yoghurt called Lactic acid bacteria (LAB). For many centuries are believed that fermented milk is beneficial for health because the variety nutritional composition of yoghurt such as Protein, carbohydrate, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin...
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Coix Lacryma Extract Powder
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
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Brewer’s Yeast Extract Powder
BREWER YEAST is a product resulting from the fermentation of beer brewing : ㆍHigh protein value (> 40%); ㆍExcellent amino acid profile; ㆍHigh B-vitamin levels. In addition to its nutritional properties, Brewcell is an outstanding flavoring agent and it is especially recommended for Premium
BREWER YEAST is a product resulting from the fermentation of beer brewing : ㆍHigh protein value (> 40%); ㆍExcellent amino acid profile; ㆍHigh B-vitamin levels. In addition to its nutritional properties, Brewcell is an outstanding flavoring agent and it is especially recommended for Premium
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Cassia siamea Extract Powder
Product Name : Cassia Siamea also known as Cassod Tree, Khee-lek (in Thai). The leaves even-pinnate, young leaves covered with greenish brown and flowers have yellow color. It is a medicinal plant popularly used in Thailand. The fresh young flowers and young leaves have been used as vegetables in Thailand. They can be prepared as food by cooking with coconut milk, curry paste and cooked as a curry which is used as a mild laxative and sleeping aid. The young leaves contain barakol. That can depress central nervous system, help to relieve of stress and sleep easy.
Product Name : Cassia Siamea also known as Cassod Tree, Khee-lek (in Thai). The leaves even-pinnate, young leaves covered with greenish brown and flowers have yellow color. It is a medicinal plant popularly used in Thailand. The fresh young flowers and young leaves have been used as vegetables in Thailand. They can be prepared as food by cooking with coconut milk, curry paste and cooked as a curry which is used as a mild laxative and sleeping aid. The young leaves contain barakol. That can depress central nervous system, help to relieve of stress and sleep easy.
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Chinese Jujube Extract Powder
Product Name : Chinese Jujube Extract Powder Zizyphus jujuba Miller is a plant of Rhamnaceae family. It is mainly distributed in the regions of Southeast Asia and Europe. The mature fruit is red purplish-black color, wrinkled and single hard seed, similar to an olive stone. The fruit is high nutrition value such as carbohydrate, reducing sugar, soluble fibre, insoluble fibre, protein, lipid, etc. It has been commonly used as a crude drug in traditional Chinese medicine for the purpose of analepic, palliative, digestive disorders, liver complaints, diabetes, etc. The fruit is known to contain considerable amount of phenolic compounds, including...
Product Name : Chinese Jujube Extract Powder Zizyphus jujuba Miller is a plant of Rhamnaceae family. It is mainly distributed in the regions of Southeast Asia and Europe. The mature fruit is red purplish-black color, wrinkled and single hard seed, similar to an olive stone. The fruit is high nutrition value such as carbohydrate, reducing sugar, soluble fibre, insoluble fibre, protein, lipid, etc. It has been commonly used as a crude drug in traditional Chinese medicine for the purpose of analepic, palliative, digestive disorders, liver complaints, diabetes, etc. The fruit is known to contain considerable amount of phenolic compounds, including...
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Du-Zhong Extract Powder
Product Name : Du-Zhong Extract Powder Du-Zhong or Hardy rubber tree is a large deciduous tree that is native to the central region of China. Its cortex has been used as a crude drug named Eucommiae. The bark has been used in natural medicine, with the Chinese name Du-Zhong. Recently, tea made from the leaf has been consumed as a health tonic in China, Korea and Japan. The pharmaceutical effects of Du-Zhong are closely related to protein metabolism, especially that of collagen. It is well known that during the aging process, collagen and non-collagenous protein metabolism is depressed....
Product Name : Du-Zhong Extract Powder Du-Zhong or Hardy rubber tree is a large deciduous tree that is native to the central region of China. Its cortex has been used as a crude drug named Eucommiae. The bark has been used in natural medicine, with the Chinese name Du-Zhong. Recently, tea made from the leaf has been consumed as a health tonic in China, Korea and Japan. The pharmaceutical effects of Du-Zhong are closely related to protein metabolism, especially that of collagen. It is well known that during the aging process, collagen and non-collagenous protein metabolism is depressed....
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Emblic Extract Powder
Product Name : Emblic Extract Powder Emblic (Emblicmyrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree) is a deciduous tree. In Thai traditional medicine, the fruit is used as an anti-tussive and an expectorant. The dried fruit was used as an astringent, an anti-diarrheal, an anti-dysenteric, and a remedy of hemorrhoid. The leaves were used as a remedy of prickly heat. In the research, the dried fruit extract of emblic can produced skin-whitening agent. Moreover, its properties are antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and promote hair growth antioxidant. The active ingredients from the emblic fruit are polyphenolic compounds, such as gallic acid, corilagin, chebulagic...
Product Name : Emblic Extract Powder Emblic (Emblicmyrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree) is a deciduous tree. In Thai traditional medicine, the fruit is used as an anti-tussive and an expectorant. The dried fruit was used as an astringent, an anti-diarrheal, an anti-dysenteric, and a remedy of hemorrhoid. The leaves were used as a remedy of prickly heat. In the research, the dried fruit extract of emblic can produced skin-whitening agent. Moreover, its properties are antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and promote hair growth antioxidant. The active ingredients from the emblic fruit are polyphenolic compounds, such as gallic acid, corilagin, chebulagic...
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Ginger Extract Powder
Product Name : Ginger Extract Powder Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
Product Name : Ginger Extract Powder Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
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Phyllanthus Amarus Extract Powder
Product Name : Phyllanthus Amarus Extract Powder Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. Belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae and found in all regions of Thailand with different local name such as Luk-tai-bai, Ma-kham-pom-din, and Yah-tai-bai-khaow. P. amarus are erect annual herbs, leaves are simple, alternate or opposite, some are leathery, 10 – 60 cm. tall, flowers with 5 white sepals and apical acute anther and the fruits are green capsule. It has long been used as traditional medicine such as treat flu, diabetes, itchiness and jaundice etc. Previous photochemical studies have reported that P. amarus contain lignans (e.g., phyllanthin, niranthin), flavonoids...
Product Name : Phyllanthus Amarus Extract Powder Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. Belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae and found in all regions of Thailand with different local name such as Luk-tai-bai, Ma-kham-pom-din, and Yah-tai-bai-khaow. P. amarus are erect annual herbs, leaves are simple, alternate or opposite, some are leathery, 10 – 60 cm. tall, flowers with 5 white sepals and apical acute anther and the fruits are green capsule. It has long been used as traditional medicine such as treat flu, diabetes, itchiness and jaundice etc. Previous photochemical studies have reported that P. amarus contain lignans (e.g., phyllanthin, niranthin), flavonoids...
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Phaya-yo Extract Powder
Product Name : Phaya-yo Extract Powder Phaya-yo is a shrub 1 - 3 m high with pubescent branches. Leaves are simple, opposite, narrowly elliptic oblong or lanceolate. Flowers are in dense cymes at the top of the branches with bright red, native to tropical Asia and often cultivated. It is an herbaceous plant cultivated for medicinal purposes caused by flavonoids (such as vitexin) and steroids (such as lupeol, betulin and β-sitosterol).
Product Name : Phaya-yo Extract Powder Phaya-yo is a shrub 1 - 3 m high with pubescent branches. Leaves are simple, opposite, narrowly elliptic oblong or lanceolate. Flowers are in dense cymes at the top of the branches with bright red, native to tropical Asia and often cultivated. It is an herbaceous plant cultivated for medicinal purposes caused by flavonoids (such as vitexin) and steroids (such as lupeol, betulin and β-sitosterol).
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Perilla Extract Powder
Product Name : Perilla Extract Powder Perilla or Beafsteak Plant is a herbaceous plant commonly found in Asia. In Thailand it is well cultivated in the northern region. have 40 times more Calcium than sesame vegetables. Phosphorus than crops up to 20 Times. It is rich in vitamins. Sesame also help relieve discomfort caused by various neurological disorders. Beriberi, such as insomnia, fatigue, aching limbs, loss of appetite, constipation, body aches eyes. Sesame is also an anti-cancer diet. Many scientists say that the substance "sesamol". Available in sesame and prevent cancer. It also causes the body to slow down.
Product Name : Perilla Extract Powder Perilla or Beafsteak Plant is a herbaceous plant commonly found in Asia. In Thailand it is well cultivated in the northern region. have 40 times more Calcium than sesame vegetables. Phosphorus than crops up to 20 Times. It is rich in vitamins. Sesame also help relieve discomfort caused by various neurological disorders. Beriberi, such as insomnia, fatigue, aching limbs, loss of appetite, constipation, body aches eyes. Sesame is also an anti-cancer diet. Many scientists say that the substance "sesamol". Available in sesame and prevent cancer. It also causes the body to slow down.
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Licorice Extract Powder
Product Name : Licorice Extract Powder Licorice is native to parts of Asia. It is also known as “sweet roots”, which contains a compound that is roughly 50 times sweeter than sugar. It is a herbaceous perennial, growing to 1 m in height, with pinnate leaves about 7 - 15 centimeters (3-6 in) long, the roots are straight pieces of wrinkled, fibrous wood, which are long and cylindrical (round) and grow horizontally underground and are brown on the outside and yellow on the inside. Licorice is one of the most commonly used herbs in Western and Eastern herbal medicine and...
Product Name : Licorice Extract Powder Licorice is native to parts of Asia. It is also known as “sweet roots”, which contains a compound that is roughly 50 times sweeter than sugar. It is a herbaceous perennial, growing to 1 m in height, with pinnate leaves about 7 - 15 centimeters (3-6 in) long, the roots are straight pieces of wrinkled, fibrous wood, which are long and cylindrical (round) and grow horizontally underground and are brown on the outside and yellow on the inside. Licorice is one of the most commonly used herbs in Western and Eastern herbal medicine and...
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Turmeric Extract Powder
Product Name : Turmeric Extract Powder Turmeric is a tropical herbaceous root (rhizome). It is yellowish orange in col or and has pleasant aroma. It is a tropical plant that grows well in sunlight and slightly hot weather. Turmeric originates in India and Southeast Asian countries. Medically, it is both used as an anti-peptic ulcer and as an anti-inflammatory agents. In cosmetics, it is both used as an antioxidant and as a medicine for slowing down hair growth. The active ingredients are mostly curcuminoids such as curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin, etc.
Product Name : Turmeric Extract Powder Turmeric is a tropical herbaceous root (rhizome). It is yellowish orange in col or and has pleasant aroma. It is a tropical plant that grows well in sunlight and slightly hot weather. Turmeric originates in India and Southeast Asian countries. Medically, it is both used as an anti-peptic ulcer and as an anti-inflammatory agents. In cosmetics, it is both used as an antioxidant and as a medicine for slowing down hair growth. The active ingredients are mostly curcuminoids such as curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin, etc.
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Tomato Extract Powder
Product Name : Tomato Extract Powder Tomato is an erbaceouse annual plant, originating in Peru and Ecuader and spread through the world. Medical research has found that Lycopene, the red-colored carotenoid in ripe Tomato fruit skins, has an antioxidant property. It is, therefore, used in cosmetics such as anti-acne products for sensitive skin. It can also be used in shampoo and hair conditioner to increase hair reflection. It is also used in skin care products such as nourishing cream, etc.
Product Name : Tomato Extract Powder Tomato is an erbaceouse annual plant, originating in Peru and Ecuader and spread through the world. Medical research has found that Lycopene, the red-colored carotenoid in ripe Tomato fruit skins, has an antioxidant property. It is, therefore, used in cosmetics such as anti-acne products for sensitive skin. It can also be used in shampoo and hair conditioner to increase hair reflection. It is also used in skin care products such as nourishing cream, etc.
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Thunbergia Laurifolia Extract Powder
Product Name : Thunbergia Laurifolia Extract Powder Thunbergia laurifolia Linn. is known in Thai as “Rang Jeud” is a vine widely distributed in Southeast Asia belonging to the larger family of Acanthaceae. Rang Jeud is a shrub with small oblong or ovate leaves and bluish-purple flowers. It can be divided into three types designated by flower color white, yellow, or purple. Purple varieties are believed to possess compounds that deliver health benefits particularly from materials of the stem, root and leaves. It has been commonly used as antipyretic and antidote in Thai traditional medicine for many years. Treatment of alcoholism...
Product Name : Thunbergia Laurifolia Extract Powder Thunbergia laurifolia Linn. is known in Thai as “Rang Jeud” is a vine widely distributed in Southeast Asia belonging to the larger family of Acanthaceae. Rang Jeud is a shrub with small oblong or ovate leaves and bluish-purple flowers. It can be divided into three types designated by flower color white, yellow, or purple. Purple varieties are believed to possess compounds that deliver health benefits particularly from materials of the stem, root and leaves. It has been commonly used as antipyretic and antidote in Thai traditional medicine for many years. Treatment of alcoholism...
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Solanum Trilobatum Extract Powder
Product Name : Solanum Trilobatum Extract Powder Ma-waeng-khruea (Solanum trilobatum Linn.) is a thorny creeper plant, originated in the tropical and subtropical in Central America, South America, America and Southeast Asia. The stem and leaves are dark green with white spiky thorns, flower have purple petals and anther are bright yellow and unripe fruit are green with longitudinal lines and red when ripe. In Thailand, Ma-waeng-khruea is most famous herb for treating cough and expectorant because the fruit extract are contain saponin. Now, Ma-waeng are developed as a drugs by The Government Pharmaceutical Organization for use as a cough, expectorant...
Product Name : Solanum Trilobatum Extract Powder Ma-waeng-khruea (Solanum trilobatum Linn.) is a thorny creeper plant, originated in the tropical and subtropical in Central America, South America, America and Southeast Asia. The stem and leaves are dark green with white spiky thorns, flower have purple petals and anther are bright yellow and unripe fruit are green with longitudinal lines and red when ripe. In Thailand, Ma-waeng-khruea is most famous herb for treating cough and expectorant because the fruit extract are contain saponin. Now, Ma-waeng are developed as a drugs by The Government Pharmaceutical Organization for use as a cough, expectorant...
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Safflower Extract Powder
Product Name : Safflower Extract Powder Safflower is a herbaceous plant that grows in the Northern region of Thailand. Thai traditional medicine used it for blood nourishment, relieving pain on the skin, decreasing blood lipid, and prevent plugged blood vessel. The active ingredient of Safflower is Carhamin, which is yellow in color, and is safe for consumption. The seed is used as an expectorant, a remedy for skin diseases, edema, uterus pain after birth, and emmenagogue. Also it has certain oils, which is the best grade of vegetable oils. Due to its content of high unsaturated fatty acids up to 90%,...
Product Name : Safflower Extract Powder Safflower is a herbaceous plant that grows in the Northern region of Thailand. Thai traditional medicine used it for blood nourishment, relieving pain on the skin, decreasing blood lipid, and prevent plugged blood vessel. The active ingredient of Safflower is Carhamin, which is yellow in color, and is safe for consumption. The seed is used as an expectorant, a remedy for skin diseases, edema, uterus pain after birth, and emmenagogue. Also it has certain oils, which is the best grade of vegetable oils. Due to its content of high unsaturated fatty acids up to 90%,...
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Red Cabbage Extract Powder
Product Name : Red Cabbage Extract Powder Red cabbage (Brassica Oleracea L.) is a native vegetable of the Mediterranean region and south-western Europe and can grows in regions all the world. Recently, Red cabbage is interesting vegetable because of its physiological functions and applications. It is rich of anthocyanins, that is component of traditional herbal medicines used by North American, Indians, the Europeans and Chinese. Anthocyanins is natural colour that widely used in food industry. The interest in anthocyanins not only from their coloring properties but also from their beneficial properties, including antioxidant activity, enhancement of sight acuteness, anti -...
Product Name : Red Cabbage Extract Powder Red cabbage (Brassica Oleracea L.) is a native vegetable of the Mediterranean region and south-western Europe and can grows in regions all the world. Recently, Red cabbage is interesting vegetable because of its physiological functions and applications. It is rich of anthocyanins, that is component of traditional herbal medicines used by North American, Indians, the Europeans and Chinese. Anthocyanins is natural colour that widely used in food industry. The interest in anthocyanins not only from their coloring properties but also from their beneficial properties, including antioxidant activity, enhancement of sight acuteness, anti -...
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Plukaow Extract powder
Product Name : Plukaow Extract Powder Used aerial parts of the herb. Used in formulas of herbal aroma and this herbal quitting formula. Main chemical components : Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Essentral oil as Quercetin, Aristolactam B, Methyl nonyl ketone it acts on the lung channel. The pungent flavour dissolves boils. It has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxicating, dissolving boils and draining pus. It used to treat abscesses in both internal organs and external infections. It is always an important medicine for treating pulmonary abscess because the herb is mainly acting in lung. In addition, it is able to clear...
Product Name : Plukaow Extract Powder Used aerial parts of the herb. Used in formulas of herbal aroma and this herbal quitting formula. Main chemical components : Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Essentral oil as Quercetin, Aristolactam B, Methyl nonyl ketone it acts on the lung channel. The pungent flavour dissolves boils. It has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxicating, dissolving boils and draining pus. It used to treat abscesses in both internal organs and external infections. It is always an important medicine for treating pulmonary abscess because the herb is mainly acting in lung. In addition, it is able to clear...
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Fingerroot Extract Powder
Product Name : Fingerroot Extract Powder Fingerroot is rhizome of the plants. It has a tapering shape brown or orange brown color but inside it’s yellow and have a pleasant smell, give a spicy and a bitter taste. It is original from the island of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia and currently grown in Southeast Asia. It is considered both a medicinal and a culinary herb, with various valuable properties. It contains many essential oil which is the base for various aromas and other compounds which are important for use as medicines and food supplements such as 5,7-Dihydroxyflavanone (5,7-DHF), 5,7-Dimethoxyflavone...
Product Name : Fingerroot Extract Powder Fingerroot is rhizome of the plants. It has a tapering shape brown or orange brown color but inside it’s yellow and have a pleasant smell, give a spicy and a bitter taste. It is original from the island of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia and currently grown in Southeast Asia. It is considered both a medicinal and a culinary herb, with various valuable properties. It contains many essential oil which is the base for various aromas and other compounds which are important for use as medicines and food supplements such as 5,7-Dihydroxyflavanone (5,7-DHF), 5,7-Dimethoxyflavone...
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Litchi Extract Powder
Product Name : Litchi Extract Powder Litchi chinensis Sonn is a plant of Sapindaceae family and originating in Southern China. In Thailand, it is found in all regions, especially in Northern and Eastern. Litchi is an evergreen shrub or tree, 10-12 m high with broad round-topped crown of glossy green foliage. The fruit has a bright red pericarp surrounding a white pulp and a seed in the centre which the fruit has a sweet and sour blend of flavour juicy, soft and crisp pulp. The fruit pulp is a good source of sugars, vitamin C, and mineral such as phosphorus,...
Product Name : Litchi Extract Powder Litchi chinensis Sonn is a plant of Sapindaceae family and originating in Southern China. In Thailand, it is found in all regions, especially in Northern and Eastern. Litchi is an evergreen shrub or tree, 10-12 m high with broad round-topped crown of glossy green foliage. The fruit has a bright red pericarp surrounding a white pulp and a seed in the centre which the fruit has a sweet and sour blend of flavour juicy, soft and crisp pulp. The fruit pulp is a good source of sugars, vitamin C, and mineral such as phosphorus,...
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Mangosteen Extract Powder
Product Name : Mangosteen Extract Powder Mangosteen is THE Queen of the tropical fruits with a sweet and sour taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand and can only be harvested once a year during raining season. In Thailand, Mangosteen is dominantly found in the Eastern and Southern regions. The fruit is 5 - 8 cm in diameter with a thick reddish - purple epicarp ( peel ) covering the aril or pulp which is segmented like that of an orange. The active ingredients in the epicarp of Mangosteen are consisting of more than 40 Xanthones (mainly Mangostins e.g. alpha-,...
Product Name : Mangosteen Extract Powder Mangosteen is THE Queen of the tropical fruits with a sweet and sour taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand and can only be harvested once a year during raining season. In Thailand, Mangosteen is dominantly found in the Eastern and Southern regions. The fruit is 5 - 8 cm in diameter with a thick reddish - purple epicarp ( peel ) covering the aril or pulp which is segmented like that of an orange. The active ingredients in the epicarp of Mangosteen are consisting of more than 40 Xanthones (mainly Mangostins e.g. alpha-,...
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Shallot Extract Powder
Product Name : Shallot Extract Powder Allium ascalonicum is a member of the Alliaceae family. The common name is called shallot andHom-Dang (In Thai). Shallot like onion and garlic, are group in the Allium family. The bulb of shallot has pink to violet light color, it has strong odor and pungent. Shallot are commonly used in cooking, they are used as a condiment in various Asian cuisines. In traditional medicine, the shallots have been used as treatment colds, fever, stuffy nose, decrease acne and reduce scar. The phytochemicals previously reported from shallot include polyphenolic, volatile sulfur compounds and flavonoids such...
Product Name : Shallot Extract Powder Allium ascalonicum is a member of the Alliaceae family. The common name is called shallot andHom-Dang (In Thai). Shallot like onion and garlic, are group in the Allium family. The bulb of shallot has pink to violet light color, it has strong odor and pungent. Shallot are commonly used in cooking, they are used as a condiment in various Asian cuisines. In traditional medicine, the shallots have been used as treatment colds, fever, stuffy nose, decrease acne and reduce scar. The phytochemicals previously reported from shallot include polyphenolic, volatile sulfur compounds and flavonoids such...
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Vernonia Cinerea Extract Powder
Product Name : Vernonia Cinerea Extract Powder Vernonia cinerea Less. is a plant in the Family Asteraceae with the common name of Little iron weed or Ya-dok-khao in Thai. It has a slender stemmed plant, variable in leaf shape with pinkish-purple flowers. It is a perennial herbaceous plant distributed in the tropical regions which are commonly found in South-East Asia and Hawaii. V. cinerea has been documented and recommended in Thai traditional medicine and in other countries for smoking cessation, relief of asthma, cough, fever, malaria, urinary calculi and arthritis. The phytochemicals previously reported from V. cinerea include Polyphenol, Stigmasterol,...
Product Name : Vernonia Cinerea Extract Powder Vernonia cinerea Less. is a plant in the Family Asteraceae with the common name of Little iron weed or Ya-dok-khao in Thai. It has a slender stemmed plant, variable in leaf shape with pinkish-purple flowers. It is a perennial herbaceous plant distributed in the tropical regions which are commonly found in South-East Asia and Hawaii. V. cinerea has been documented and recommended in Thai traditional medicine and in other countries for smoking cessation, relief of asthma, cough, fever, malaria, urinary calculi and arthritis. The phytochemicals previously reported from V. cinerea include Polyphenol, Stigmasterol,...
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Reishi Extract Powder
Product Name : Reishi Extract Powder ( Ling - zhi, Hed-lin - jue ) is well known as the Holly mushroom with its cure - all health benefits. It can only be cultivated in mountainous areas of Asia. In traditional Thai medicine, has long been utilized as a balancing remedy that naturally enhances immune system. β - 1, 3 - D - glucan founded in the fungus has been proven as activator of the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells (WBC) especially macrophage, lymphocyte, NK cell therefore lower the risk of cancer, diuretic, bronchitis, and immune...
Product Name : Reishi Extract Powder ( Ling - zhi, Hed-lin - jue ) is well known as the Holly mushroom with its cure - all health benefits. It can only be cultivated in mountainous areas of Asia. In traditional Thai medicine, has long been utilized as a balancing remedy that naturally enhances immune system. β - 1, 3 - D - glucan founded in the fungus has been proven as activator of the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells (WBC) especially macrophage, lymphocyte, NK cell therefore lower the risk of cancer, diuretic, bronchitis, and immune...
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Plai Extract Powder
Product Name : Plai Extract Powder Plai extract is herbaceous plant that consists of big rhizome.It is consider as the same family as Ginger. The aerial parts usually die in summer and winter then regrows in the raining season. It was originally found in Southeast Asia. In traditional medicine, it Plai extract was utilized as treatment to relieve minor pain and ache due to the present of essential oils such as Curcumin. Curcumin is an effective ingredient Plai extract for anti-inflammation, arthritis treatment, and pain relief. It functions by numbing the nerve ending that resulted in pain and strain alleviation....
Product Name : Plai Extract Powder Plai extract is herbaceous plant that consists of big rhizome.It is consider as the same family as Ginger. The aerial parts usually die in summer and winter then regrows in the raining season. It was originally found in Southeast Asia. In traditional medicine, it Plai extract was utilized as treatment to relieve minor pain and ache due to the present of essential oils such as Curcumin. Curcumin is an effective ingredient Plai extract for anti-inflammation, arthritis treatment, and pain relief. It functions by numbing the nerve ending that resulted in pain and strain alleviation....
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Acanthus Extract Powder
Product Name : Acanthus Extract Powder Acanthus ilicifolius Linn is a plant in the Family Ac anthaceae with the common name of Sea holly and Nguag-plaa-moa in Thai. It grows as an erect, spreading or scrambling shrubby herb, up to 1.5 m tall, usually with a great many stems. Its leaves are dark green, stiff, with sharp spines at the end of each deep lobe. Flowers are blue, purple or white, and occur in spikes terminal on the branches. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice Indian and Chinese medicine, the plant is used in the...
Product Name : Acanthus Extract Powder Acanthus ilicifolius Linn is a plant in the Family Ac anthaceae with the common name of Sea holly and Nguag-plaa-moa in Thai. It grows as an erect, spreading or scrambling shrubby herb, up to 1.5 m tall, usually with a great many stems. Its leaves are dark green, stiff, with sharp spines at the end of each deep lobe. Flowers are blue, purple or white, and occur in spikes terminal on the branches. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice Indian and Chinese medicine, the plant is used in the...
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Cinnamomum Porrectum Extract Powder
Product Name : Cinnamomun porrectum Extract Powder Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.) Kosterm., (common name Thep Taro), is a rare medicinal and aromatic tree mostly distributed throughout southern Thailand such as Phang Nga, Krabi, Trang and Pattalung. It is traditionally used for heart tonic, decrease colic, carminative, antipyretic and flavoring food. Cinnamomum porrectumshould be developed as a source of medicinal extracts which related using of Thai traditional medicine for health care products such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.The main compound are Polyphenols andEssential oilssuch as Safrole, Elemicin, Eucalyptol, Terpinelo, etc.
Product Name : Cinnamomun porrectum Extract Powder Cinnamomum porrectum (Roxb.) Kosterm., (common name Thep Taro), is a rare medicinal and aromatic tree mostly distributed throughout southern Thailand such as Phang Nga, Krabi, Trang and Pattalung. It is traditionally used for heart tonic, decrease colic, carminative, antipyretic and flavoring food. Cinnamomum porrectumshould be developed as a source of medicinal extracts which related using of Thai traditional medicine for health care products such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.The main compound are Polyphenols andEssential oilssuch as Safrole, Elemicin, Eucalyptol, Terpinelo, etc.
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Chrysanthemum Extract Powder
Product Name : Chrysanthemum Extract Powder Chrysanthemum indicum is a herb common in Asia. It been one of the principal herbs in traditional Chinese medicinesince the ancient times. It reaches to a height of about 40 cms. The leaves are alternates and about 7 cms.Chrysanthemum gives out a mild fragrance, which most traditional medicine uses as a mild laxative, anti-bacterial, and Inflammatory. As mostly will be used in beverages.
Product Name : Chrysanthemum Extract Powder Chrysanthemum indicum is a herb common in Asia. It been one of the principal herbs in traditional Chinese medicinesince the ancient times. It reaches to a height of about 40 cms. The leaves are alternates and about 7 cms.Chrysanthemum gives out a mild fragrance, which most traditional medicine uses as a mild laxative, anti-bacterial, and Inflammatory. As mostly will be used in beverages.
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Andrographis Extract Powder
Product Name : Andrographis Paniculata Extract Powder Andrographis is a plant native to India and Sri Lanka. All parts have a bitter taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand. It grows up to a height of 30-110 cm in moist shady places with glabrous leaves and white flowers with rose-purple spots on the petals. Its leaves usage is popular in Scandinavian countries as a cold and influenza remedy and used traditionally in Ayurvedic Thai and Chinese medicine to treat fever associated with infectious diseases.
Product Name : Andrographis Paniculata Extract Powder Andrographis is a plant native to India and Sri Lanka. All parts have a bitter taste. It is widely cultivated in Thailand. It grows up to a height of 30-110 cm in moist shady places with glabrous leaves and white flowers with rose-purple spots on the petals. Its leaves usage is popular in Scandinavian countries as a cold and influenza remedy and used traditionally in Ayurvedic Thai and Chinese medicine to treat fever associated with infectious diseases.
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Coccinia Grandis Extract Powder
Product Name : Coccinia grandis Extract Powder Coccinia grandis L. J. Voigt or Coccinia indica or Cocinia cordifolia is a plant in the Family Cucurbitaceae with the common name of Ivy gourd and Tum lung in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India Tropical Africa, Australia and other tropical countries. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice of Bangladesh as well as Indian medicine. Coccinia grandis is an climbing shrub with white flower. Every part of the plant exhibit pharmacological activities, and is annual employed for treating various human ailments. Pharmacological effects include hypoglycemic activity, anti-oxidant, anti-inflam matory, antibacterial...
Product Name : Coccinia grandis Extract Powder Coccinia grandis L. J. Voigt or Coccinia indica or Cocinia cordifolia is a plant in the Family Cucurbitaceae with the common name of Ivy gourd and Tum lung in Thai. It grows wildly throughout India Tropical Africa, Australia and other tropical countries. It is one of the medicinal herbs in the traditional practice of Bangladesh as well as Indian medicine. Coccinia grandis is an climbing shrub with white flower. Every part of the plant exhibit pharmacological activities, and is annual employed for treating various human ailments. Pharmacological effects include hypoglycemic activity, anti-oxidant, anti-inflam matory, antibacterial...
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Centella asiatica Extract Powder
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder Gotu-kola - Centella asiatica (Asiatic pennywort) is a type of tropical weed that is commonly found in Asia, Australia, and Africa. It has long been used for wound healing and as an energy stimulant, especially for children. Reportedly, it can stimulate blood circulation by eliminating plaque from vascular walls. Gotu-kola contains asiaticoside, indocentonic acid, hydrocotylin, vellarin, tannin (9%), essential oils, and vitamin C. The active ingredients found in gotu-kola are asiaticoside and madecassoside. They have a detergent action and fat (which covers bacillus) solubility. The bacillus can cause leprosy and tuberculosis and herpes virus....
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder Gotu-kola - Centella asiatica (Asiatic pennywort) is a type of tropical weed that is commonly found in Asia, Australia, and Africa. It has long been used for wound healing and as an energy stimulant, especially for children. Reportedly, it can stimulate blood circulation by eliminating plaque from vascular walls. Gotu-kola contains asiaticoside, indocentonic acid, hydrocotylin, vellarin, tannin (9%), essential oils, and vitamin C. The active ingredients found in gotu-kola are asiaticoside and madecassoside. They have a detergent action and fat (which covers bacillus) solubility. The bacillus can cause leprosy and tuberculosis and herpes virus....
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Piper Chaba Extract Liquid
Product Name : Piper Chaba Extract Liquid Piper chaba Hunter is a plant of Piperaceae family. It has various locally names such as pepper, long pepper, java long pepper and Dee plee(in Thailand). The dried fruit are extensively use for spices of foods because it has aroma and spicy flavor. In Thai traditional medicine, the dried mature unripe fruits of this plant (10-12 fruits were boiled 10-15 minutes in water) are used to reduce gas, improving appetite, carminative and antidiarrheal. There has been many reported on composition of the dried fruits are including essential oils and alkaloid compounds (eg. Piperine)....
Product Name : Piper Chaba Extract Liquid Piper chaba Hunter is a plant of Piperaceae family. It has various locally names such as pepper, long pepper, java long pepper and Dee plee(in Thailand). The dried fruit are extensively use for spices of foods because it has aroma and spicy flavor. In Thai traditional medicine, the dried mature unripe fruits of this plant (10-12 fruits were boiled 10-15 minutes in water) are used to reduce gas, improving appetite, carminative and antidiarrheal. There has been many reported on composition of the dried fruits are including essential oils and alkaloid compounds (eg. Piperine)....
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Caesalpinia Sappan Extract Powder
Product Name : Caesalpinia sappan Extract Powder Caesalpinia sappan is known as Sappanwood, Sappan Tree, Brazilwood and Fang (in Thai). Sappanwood is a well-known medicinal plant belonging to the Leguminosae family, distributed and cultivated in Southeast Asia as well as in Africa and America. It is a small to medium size, shrubby tree, 4-8 m tall, trunk up to 14 cm in diameter and heartwood is orange and red color. Fang is also used as herbal medicine for anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The use of heartwood as a coloring agent for beverage, food, garment and cosmetics. The chemical...
Product Name : Caesalpinia sappan Extract Powder Caesalpinia sappan is known as Sappanwood, Sappan Tree, Brazilwood and Fang (in Thai). Sappanwood is a well-known medicinal plant belonging to the Leguminosae family, distributed and cultivated in Southeast Asia as well as in Africa and America. It is a small to medium size, shrubby tree, 4-8 m tall, trunk up to 14 cm in diameter and heartwood is orange and red color. Fang is also used as herbal medicine for anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The use of heartwood as a coloring agent for beverage, food, garment and cosmetics. The chemical...
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Antidesma Extract Powder
Product Name : Antidesma Extract Powder Antidesma bunius is also known as Mamao Luang or Mao Luang ( in Thai ). Mamao Luang, a kind of medicinal fruit trees could be found in most of dipterocarp forested areas in Northeast Thailand. The small oval shape of fruit when ripe has an attractive bright red. Some people in Thailand used the fruits when ripe as a medicinal plant. Nowadays, Mamao Luang fruits have been used as a raw material for making tasty jelly jam, drinking juices, juice concentrate and wine. It has been advocated that juices derived from ripe fruits could...
Product Name : Antidesma Extract Powder Antidesma bunius is also known as Mamao Luang or Mao Luang ( in Thai ). Mamao Luang, a kind of medicinal fruit trees could be found in most of dipterocarp forested areas in Northeast Thailand. The small oval shape of fruit when ripe has an attractive bright red. Some people in Thailand used the fruits when ripe as a medicinal plant. Nowadays, Mamao Luang fruits have been used as a raw material for making tasty jelly jam, drinking juices, juice concentrate and wine. It has been advocated that juices derived from ripe fruits could...
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Aloe vera Extract Powder
Product Name : Aloe vera Extract Powder Aloe vera is a long-living herbaceous plant that is popularly grown as an ornamental and herbal plant. In traditional Thai medicine, the extract from yellowish resin is used as a remedy for swelling and inflammation caused by burns, scalds, sunburn and insect bites. In addition, Aloe vera can be used as an astringent and emollient. The most used part of Aloe vera is gel which contains polysaccharide and glucomannan. These two substances are mainly used for emolliency, protection against UV rays, and moisturization. The most commonly used products are aftersun cream and liquid...
Product Name : Aloe vera Extract Powder Aloe vera is a long-living herbaceous plant that is popularly grown as an ornamental and herbal plant. In traditional Thai medicine, the extract from yellowish resin is used as a remedy for swelling and inflammation caused by burns, scalds, sunburn and insect bites. In addition, Aloe vera can be used as an astringent and emollient. The most used part of Aloe vera is gel which contains polysaccharide and glucomannan. These two substances are mainly used for emolliency, protection against UV rays, and moisturization. The most commonly used products are aftersun cream and liquid...
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Acacia Concinna Extract Powder
Product Name : Acacia Concinna Extract Liquid Acacia concinna is a tree native to Asia. The plant is a prickly, scandent vine shrub occurring in Asia's tropical jungles. It is found in disturbed forests, in meadows and along rivers. The fruit looks like a pod and resembles the Tamarind fruit pod. The leaves have a sour taste, sort of like Tamarind pulp. In South India, the leaves are used to make Chutney. Thai people believe it to be an auspicious plant that brings luck and happiness. The plant is now cultivated commercially to meet the high demand in hair care and...
Product Name : Acacia Concinna Extract Liquid Acacia concinna is a tree native to Asia. The plant is a prickly, scandent vine shrub occurring in Asia's tropical jungles. It is found in disturbed forests, in meadows and along rivers. The fruit looks like a pod and resembles the Tamarind fruit pod. The leaves have a sour taste, sort of like Tamarind pulp. In South India, the leaves are used to make Chutney. Thai people believe it to be an auspicious plant that brings luck and happiness. The plant is now cultivated commercially to meet the high demand in hair care and...
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Cinnamon Extract Powder
Product Name : Cinnamon Extract Powder Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka and India, growing in tropical forest to an altitude of 1,500 ft. (500 m.). It has a long history of use in India and was first used medicinally in Egypt and parts of Europe for about 500 BC. It has a very thin, smooth bark with a light - yellowish brown color and a highly fragrant aroma. The distinctive odor and flavor of cinnamon is due to Cinnamaldehyde, the major oily constituent of cinnamon bark. Cinnamon bark is widely used as a spice, it is principally employed in cookery...
Product Name : Cinnamon Extract Powder Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka and India, growing in tropical forest to an altitude of 1,500 ft. (500 m.). It has a long history of use in India and was first used medicinally in Egypt and parts of Europe for about 500 BC. It has a very thin, smooth bark with a light - yellowish brown color and a highly fragrant aroma. The distinctive odor and flavor of cinnamon is due to Cinnamaldehyde, the major oily constituent of cinnamon bark. Cinnamon bark is widely used as a spice, it is principally employed in cookery...
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Coix Lacryma Extract Powder
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
Product Name : Centella asiatica Extract Powder The Job’tear also known as Dua i or Luk dueai (in Thai). Each seed of the plant is produced individually, enclosed in a tear-shaped shell that is naturally a pale grey color. Job's tear is commonly used in Asia as food and medicine. It is also popularly used as a traditional herb to treat diuretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hypoglycemic and weight control. In China, it is one the most popular herbs used in the diet therapy for stiff joints. Coix is an important source of polysaccharide, protein, fiber and vitamin B1. Nowadays, it’s used...
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Dong Quai Extract Powder
Product Name : Dong Quai Extract Powder The roots of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels, known as Dong Quai, which has a purple stem and white umbrella-shaped flowers. This plant is typically found in Asia. Dong Quai is one of the most important Chinese herbs that has been used in traditional medicine. The most prominent benefit of Dong Quai is used to treat menstrual problems, such as menstrual pain and scanty menstruation. Pharmacological effects include anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The active components of Dong Quai includ Ferulic acid, Polysaccharides and Phenolic compounds.
Product Name : Dong Quai Extract Powder The roots of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels, known as Dong Quai, which has a purple stem and white umbrella-shaped flowers. This plant is typically found in Asia. Dong Quai is one of the most important Chinese herbs that has been used in traditional medicine. The most prominent benefit of Dong Quai is used to treat menstrual problems, such as menstrual pain and scanty menstruation. Pharmacological effects include anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune system improvement. The active components of Dong Quai includ Ferulic acid, Polysaccharides and Phenolic compounds.
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Guava Extract Powder
Product Name : Guava Extract Powder Guava is a low evergreen tree or shrub 6 to 25 feet high, with wide - spreading branches and square, downy twigs. It is a tropical and semitropical plant. The flowers are white, incurved petals, 2 or 3 in the leaf axils, they are fragrant, with four to six petals and yellow anthers. Guava is well known for its high amount of vitamin C, 4-10 times higher than that of an orange. The fruit and the leaf contain bitter-tasting substances, such as tannin, and essential oils. The fruit also contains a large number of ...
Product Name : Guava Extract Powder Guava is a low evergreen tree or shrub 6 to 25 feet high, with wide - spreading branches and square, downy twigs. It is a tropical and semitropical plant. The flowers are white, incurved petals, 2 or 3 in the leaf axils, they are fragrant, with four to six petals and yellow anthers. Guava is well known for its high amount of vitamin C, 4-10 times higher than that of an orange. The fruit and the leaf contain bitter-tasting substances, such as tannin, and essential oils. The fruit also contains a large number of ...
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Giant Curcuma Extract Powder
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Powder Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Powder Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
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Product Name : Innovacan Rich of purified beta-1,3/ 1,6-glucan, extracted from yeast cell walls, fine, free-flowing light-beige powder form, excellent for foundation of dietary supplements and fundamental foods. The present natural product used for improves food texture and also responsible for specific binding with macrophages, thus improving the immune response and providing healthy living.
Product Name : Innovacan Rich of purified beta-1,3/ 1,6-glucan, extracted from yeast cell walls, fine, free-flowing light-beige powder form, excellent for foundation of dietary supplements and fundamental foods. The present natural product used for improves food texture and also responsible for specific binding with macrophages, thus improving the immune response and providing healthy living.
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