Product Name : Pandan Extract Powder
Botanical Name : Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.
Common Name : Pandanus, Toei (Thai Name)
Part Used : Leaves
aerial roots. The plant is sterile, their flowers only very rarely and is propagated by cuttings. The compounds that found in Pandan are Polyphenols, Chlorophyll, Alkaloids etc. and major compound contributing to the characteristic flavor of Pandan is 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP). It is used in cooking as aroma and color in rice, curry, beverage & tea, dessert and other foods. The
leaves are used medicinally in South East Asia to refresh the body, reduce fever, and relieve indigestion and flatulence. The oil of the leaf is described as stimulant and antispasmodic and is effective against headaches, rheumatism, and epilepsy and as a cure for sore throats. Turmeric leaf, pandan leaf and torch ginger flower exhibited phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity
and scavenging activity in both fresh and powdered forms.

Active Ingredients of Pandan Extract

- Maintain the immune system.
- Functional nutrition
- Flavor enhancer
- Dietary supplement