Product Name : Goji Berry Extract Powder
Botanical Name : Lycium barbarum L.
Family Name : SOLANACEAE
Common Name : Wolfberry, Chinese -Wolfberry, Goji berry, Gao-Gee (In Thai)
Part Used : Fruit
lipids, anti-aging, immuno-modulating, ant-icancer, anti-fatigue, and male fertility-facilitating. Many functional components in goji berry fruits including flavonoids, carotenoids and polysaccharides. Carotenoids have been reported the composition including zeaxanthin and lutein which important on the main retina pigments and polysaccharides possess antitumor activity and they can enhance immunity through production of interleukin and antibody.

- Maintains healthy immune function
- Eye treatment
- Anti-oxidant
- Functional food
- Food additive
- Beverage such as mix fruits drink, herbal tea etc.