Litchi Extract Powder

Product Name : Litchi Extract Powder

Litchi chinensis Sonn is a plant of Sapindaceae family and originating in Southern China. In Thailand, it is found in all regions, especially in Northern and Eastern. Litchi is an evergreen shrub or tree, 10-12 m high with broad round-topped crown of glossy green foliage. The fruit has a bright red pericarp surrounding a white pulp and a seed in the centre which the fruit has a sweet and sour blend of flavour juicy, soft and crisp pulp. The fruit pulp is a good source of sugars, vitamin C, and mineral such as phosphorus, potassium etc. Therefore, Litchi is well received by
consumer because of its delicious taste and possible health benefits. Moreover, The litchi fruits is a rich source of phenolic compounds (e.g. Epicatechin) and its extract have been reported as anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


Product Name  : Litchi Extract Powder

Botanical Name : Litchi chinensis Sonn.


Common Name : Litchi, Lychee

Part Used : Pulp

Litchi chinensis Sonn is a plant of Sapindaceae family and originating in Southern China. In Thailand, it is found in all regions, especially in Northern and Eastern. Litchi is an evergreen shrub or tree, 10-12 m high with broad round-topped crown of glossy green foliage. The fruit has a bright red pericarp surrounding a white pulp and a seed in the centre which the fruit has a sweet and sour blend of flavour juicy, soft and crisp pulp. The fruit pulp is a good source of sugars, vitamin C, and mineral such as phosphorus, potassium etc. Therefore, Litchi is well received by
consumer because of its delicious taste and possible health benefits. Moreover, The litchi fruits is a rich source of phenolic compounds (e.g. Epicatechin) and its extract have been reported as anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Active Ingredients of Litchi Extract


Properties & Application
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Ingredients for Beverage such as mix fruits drink, herbal tea etc.