Product Name : White Tea Extract Powder
Botanical Name : Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze
Family Name : THEACEE
Common Name : White tea, Cha – Kow (in Thai)
Part Used : Leave

Active Ingredients of White Tea Extract
Properties & Application
- help the body fresh and healthy. Because the excretion of toxins from the body, stimulate movement.
- Helps digestion and fat solubility.
- Help prevent chronic disease and prevent stomach and can reduce chlorate
- Help prevent against carcinogenesis (Anti carcinogenic).
- Can prevent or reduce obesity. With the absorption of sugars and fats in the small intestine and helps retard aging of the skin.
- Drinking tea or chewing the leaves regularly. To help maintain gum and Prevent tooth decay.
- Skin Whitening, Anti-Oxidant