herbal extract for food supplement
herbal extract for food supplement
Ficus Foveolata Extract Powder
Product Name : Ficus Foveolata Extract Powder Ficus foveolata is found in Thailand also known as Maa-Kra-Tuep-Rong. The botanical characteristics is scandent shrup, leaves are oblong-elliptic, bark brown and fruit globose . The phytochemicals constituents of this plant include flavonoilds, β-Sitosterol and stigmasterol. In traditional of medicine, it use ficus extract for sexual tonic, general tonic or blood tonic, relieves physical exhaustion and backache.
Product Name : Ficus Foveolata Extract Powder Ficus foveolata is found in Thailand also known as Maa-Kra-Tuep-Rong. The botanical characteristics is scandent shrup, leaves are oblong-elliptic, bark brown and fruit globose . The phytochemicals constituents of this plant include flavonoilds, β-Sitosterol and stigmasterol. In traditional of medicine, it use ficus extract for sexual tonic, general tonic or blood tonic, relieves physical exhaustion and backache.
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Fingerroot Extract Powder
Product Name : Fingerroot Extract Powder Fingerroot is rhizome of the plants. It has a tapering shape brown or orange brown color but inside it’s yellow and have a pleasant smell, give a spicy and a bitter taste. It is original from the island of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia and currently grown in Southeast Asia. It is considered both a medicinal and a culinary herb, with various valuable properties. It contains many essential oil which is the base for various aromas and other compounds which are important for use as medicines and food supplements such as 5,7-Dihydroxyflavanone (5,7-DHF), 5,7-Dimethoxyflavone...
Product Name : Fingerroot Extract Powder Fingerroot is rhizome of the plants. It has a tapering shape brown or orange brown color but inside it’s yellow and have a pleasant smell, give a spicy and a bitter taste. It is original from the island of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia and currently grown in Southeast Asia. It is considered both a medicinal and a culinary herb, with various valuable properties. It contains many essential oil which is the base for various aromas and other compounds which are important for use as medicines and food supplements such as 5,7-Dihydroxyflavanone (5,7-DHF), 5,7-Dimethoxyflavone...
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Gac Extract Powder
Product Name : Gac Extract Powder Momordica cochinchimemsis (lour.) Spreng is a plant of Cucurbitaceae family which can be grown in many countries is tropical regions such as Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and China. It has long been used as a food and traditional medicine in East and southeast Asia and may be called by different name such as Fak kao (inThailand), Gac (in Viet Nam), Mak kao (in Laos) and Bhat kerala (in India). In addition, Gac fruit is very popular in Viet Nam because it has been shown to be especially high in beta-carotene and lycopene content. These compounds...
Product Name : Gac Extract Powder Momordica cochinchimemsis (lour.) Spreng is a plant of Cucurbitaceae family which can be grown in many countries is tropical regions such as Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and China. It has long been used as a food and traditional medicine in East and southeast Asia and may be called by different name such as Fak kao (inThailand), Gac (in Viet Nam), Mak kao (in Laos) and Bhat kerala (in India). In addition, Gac fruit is very popular in Viet Nam because it has been shown to be especially high in beta-carotene and lycopene content. These compounds...
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herbal extract for food supplement
Garcinia Extract Powder
Product Name : Garcinia Extract Powder Garcinia is a big-sized perennial plant commonly found in evergreen forests in the Southern region of Thailand. The fruit contains fruiting acids such as Hydroxycitric acid, Tartaric acid, Malic acid and Ascorbic acid that are strong antioxidant activity. The weight gains when the capacity of strong glycogen in the liver and muscles reaches the limit, the additional glucose in converted into fat and stored in the body. (-) - Hydroxycitric acid (-) - HCA] contained in Garcinia extract is a potent inhibitor of ATP lyase, which is the catalyze of the extramitochondrial cleavage. The limitation...
Product Name : Garcinia Extract Powder Garcinia is a big-sized perennial plant commonly found in evergreen forests in the Southern region of Thailand. The fruit contains fruiting acids such as Hydroxycitric acid, Tartaric acid, Malic acid and Ascorbic acid that are strong antioxidant activity. The weight gains when the capacity of strong glycogen in the liver and muscles reaches the limit, the additional glucose in converted into fat and stored in the body. (-) - Hydroxycitric acid (-) - HCA] contained in Garcinia extract is a potent inhibitor of ATP lyase, which is the catalyze of the extramitochondrial cleavage. The limitation...
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Giant Curcuma Extract Powder
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Powder Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Powder Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
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Ginger Extract Powder
Product Name : Ginger Extract Powder Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
Product Name : Ginger Extract Powder Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
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Ginkgo Biloba Extract Powder
Product Name : Ginkgo Biloba Extract Powder Ginkgo or Maidenhair tree is a big-sized perennial deciduous tree, originally came from the Southeastern part of China. It increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters and boosts oxygen levels in the brain, improved short and long-term memory, increased reaction time and improved mental clarity Ginkgo constituents are beneficial for a variety of imbalances and deterioration in the brain and body. Standardized Ginkgo Extract inhibits platelet activity factor (PAF), Excessive PAF can help cause cardiovascular disease, brain damage, hearing disorders and other immune and inflamm atory diseases. Studies have confirmed that ginkgo increases blood flow ...
Product Name : Ginkgo Biloba Extract Powder Ginkgo or Maidenhair tree is a big-sized perennial deciduous tree, originally came from the Southeastern part of China. It increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters and boosts oxygen levels in the brain, improved short and long-term memory, increased reaction time and improved mental clarity Ginkgo constituents are beneficial for a variety of imbalances and deterioration in the brain and body. Standardized Ginkgo Extract inhibits platelet activity factor (PAF), Excessive PAF can help cause cardiovascular disease, brain damage, hearing disorders and other immune and inflamm atory diseases. Studies have confirmed that ginkgo increases blood flow ...
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Ginseng Extract Powder
Product Name : Ginseng Extract Powder Ginseng is a deciduous perennial herb with typical light colored fleshy root, the root is long and slender and sometimes resembles the shape of the human body. The taste of ginseng root is sweet at first but with a bitter aftertaste. The leaves are dark green colored and oval shaped. The main active ingredients of ginseng are ginsenosides. These steroid-like phytochemicals have adaptogenic properties, used for diabetes, migraine, infections, radiation and chemotherapy protection, to aid in sleep, and to stimulate the appetite.
Product Name : Ginseng Extract Powder Ginseng is a deciduous perennial herb with typical light colored fleshy root, the root is long and slender and sometimes resembles the shape of the human body. The taste of ginseng root is sweet at first but with a bitter aftertaste. The leaves are dark green colored and oval shaped. The main active ingredients of ginseng are ginsenosides. These steroid-like phytochemicals have adaptogenic properties, used for diabetes, migraine, infections, radiation and chemotherapy protection, to aid in sleep, and to stimulate the appetite.
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Glycine Max Extract Powder
Product Name : Glycine Max Extract Powder Soy is a leguminous plant, known and used as human food source for 5000 years, first in China, then in the Far East. It is considered to be a source of complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them and at the same time a rich source of fibers, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and also contains isoflavone so it can heal any health...
Product Name : Glycine Max Extract Powder Soy is a leguminous plant, known and used as human food source for 5000 years, first in China, then in the Far East. It is considered to be a source of complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them and at the same time a rich source of fibers, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and also contains isoflavone so it can heal any health...
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Goji Berry Extract Powder
Product Name : Goji Berry Extract Powder Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum), also known as goji berry. Goji berry fruits are 1-2 cm. long, bright orange-red ellipsoid berries of the Solanaceae family. Goji berry fruits have been use a traditional Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years which have functions of nourishes the liver, kidney and brightening the eyes, reducing blood glucose and serum lipids, anti-aging, immuno-modulating, ant-icancer, anti-fatigue, and male fertility-facilitating. Many functional components in goji berry fruits including flavonoids, carotenoids and polysaccharides. Carotenoids have been reported the composition including zeaxanthin and lutein which important on the main retina pigments and...
Product Name : Goji Berry Extract Powder Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum), also known as goji berry. Goji berry fruits are 1-2 cm. long, bright orange-red ellipsoid berries of the Solanaceae family. Goji berry fruits have been use a traditional Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years which have functions of nourishes the liver, kidney and brightening the eyes, reducing blood glucose and serum lipids, anti-aging, immuno-modulating, ant-icancer, anti-fatigue, and male fertility-facilitating. Many functional components in goji berry fruits including flavonoids, carotenoids and polysaccharides. Carotenoids have been reported the composition including zeaxanthin and lutein which important on the main retina pigments and...
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Grape Seed Extract Powder
Product Name : Grape Seed Extract Powder Grape is a climbing shrub indigenous to Europe and Northern region of Asia. It is now cultivated in warm and tropical areas as well. The extract from the grape seed contains main active ingredient of proanthocyanidins (OPCs). OPCs effectively protect collagen matrix of connective tissue, protect against free radical damage, and inhibit collagen damage caused by inflammation and infection. OPCs protect against free-radical damage, suggested to be a major cause of the ageing process. The antioxidant effect is 50 times greater than that of vitamin C and E. OPCs stimulate nitric...
Product Name : Grape Seed Extract Powder Grape is a climbing shrub indigenous to Europe and Northern region of Asia. It is now cultivated in warm and tropical areas as well. The extract from the grape seed contains main active ingredient of proanthocyanidins (OPCs). OPCs effectively protect collagen matrix of connective tissue, protect against free radical damage, and inhibit collagen damage caused by inflammation and infection. OPCs protect against free-radical damage, suggested to be a major cause of the ageing process. The antioxidant effect is 50 times greater than that of vitamin C and E. OPCs stimulate nitric...
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Green Tea Extract Powder
Product Name : Green Tea Extract Powder Green Tea originates from south of China, India, Thailand, and Indochina. Picked up by its leaf, Green Tea is dried through the process of baking or roasting with moderate temperature, to prevent fermentation, caused by an enzyme. Green Tea leaves have the active constituents in Tannins, such as Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (+)-Catechin, (+)-Gallocatechin. Catechins in green tea leaves are though to be the main components which suppress the growth of microorganisms including Streptococcus mutans, caused including dental cavities. The product reportedly is easily dissolved in common solvents used in oral care.
Product Name : Green Tea Extract Powder Green Tea originates from south of China, India, Thailand, and Indochina. Picked up by its leaf, Green Tea is dried through the process of baking or roasting with moderate temperature, to prevent fermentation, caused by an enzyme. Green Tea leaves have the active constituents in Tannins, such as Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (+)-Catechin, (+)-Gallocatechin. Catechins in green tea leaves are though to be the main components which suppress the growth of microorganisms including Streptococcus mutans, caused including dental cavities. The product reportedly is easily dissolved in common solvents used in oral care.
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