Giant Curcuma Extract Liquid
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Liquid Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Liquid Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
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Giant Curcuma Extract Powder
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Powder Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
Product Name : Giant Curcuma Extract Powder Giant curcuma is a zingiberaceous plant found both wild and cultivated in Thailand. The rhizome of this plant can be use for the treatment of the inflammation in postpartum uterine bleeding, emmenagogue., tonic and also choagogue. In Europe, it is also employed in choleretic drug preparations. In the present researches are revealed that xanthorrhizol could be involved in the protective effect on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity (liver damage), and nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), and anti-metastic (mutation antagonist), antitumor, and sedative activities. In cosmetics, It has the anti-inflammatory activity due to diarylheptanoids, such as alnustone and also...
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Ginger Extract Liquid
Product Name : Ginger Extract Liquid Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
Product Name : Ginger Extract Liquid Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
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Ginger Extract Powder
Product Name : Ginger Extract Powder Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
Product Name : Ginger Extract Powder Ginger is an herbaceous root (rhizome) with a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. It consists of 1-2% volatile oils. It is a common tropical and equatorial plant. The mature Ginger has a hot taste due to a high amount of Oleoresins, which are Gingerols and Shogaols. Medically, Ginger is used as a carminative and blood pressure lowering due to its platelet-aggregation inhibiting property. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory actions that can be effective against peptic ulcer, and bile acid secretion, and for serotonin protection, anti-coughing remedy, and migraine treatment. In cosmetics, it is used for...
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Ginkgo Biloba Extract Liquid
Product Name : Ginkgo Biloba Extract Liquid Ginkgo or Maidenhair tree is a big-sized perennial deciduous tree, originally came from the Southeastern part of China. It increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters and boosts oxygen levels in the brain, improved short and long-term memory, increased reaction time and improved mental clarity Ginkgo constituents are beneficial for a variety of imbalances and deterioration in the brain and body. Standardized Ginkgo Extract inhibits platelet activity factor (PAF), Excessive PAF can help cause cardiovascular disease, brain damage, hearing disorders and other immune and inflamm atory diseases. Studies have confirmed that ginkgo increases blood flow ...
Product Name : Ginkgo Biloba Extract Liquid Ginkgo or Maidenhair tree is a big-sized perennial deciduous tree, originally came from the Southeastern part of China. It increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters and boosts oxygen levels in the brain, improved short and long-term memory, increased reaction time and improved mental clarity Ginkgo constituents are beneficial for a variety of imbalances and deterioration in the brain and body. Standardized Ginkgo Extract inhibits platelet activity factor (PAF), Excessive PAF can help cause cardiovascular disease, brain damage, hearing disorders and other immune and inflamm atory diseases. Studies have confirmed that ginkgo increases blood flow ...
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Grape Seed Extract Liquid
Product Name : Grape Seed Extract Liquid Grape is a climbing shrub indigenous to Europe and Northern region of Asia. It is now cultivated in warm and tropical areas as well. The extract from the grape seed contains main active ingredient of proanthocyanidins (OPCs). OPCs effectively protect collagen matrix of connective tissue, protect against free radical damage, and inhibit collagen damage caused by inflammation and infection. OPCs protect against free-radical damage, suggested to be a major cause of the ageing process. The antioxidant effect is 50 times greater than that of vitamin C and E. OPCs stimulate nitric...
Product Name : Grape Seed Extract Liquid Grape is a climbing shrub indigenous to Europe and Northern region of Asia. It is now cultivated in warm and tropical areas as well. The extract from the grape seed contains main active ingredient of proanthocyanidins (OPCs). OPCs effectively protect collagen matrix of connective tissue, protect against free radical damage, and inhibit collagen damage caused by inflammation and infection. OPCs protect against free-radical damage, suggested to be a major cause of the ageing process. The antioxidant effect is 50 times greater than that of vitamin C and E. OPCs stimulate nitric...
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Guava Extract Liquid
Product Name : Guava Extract Liquid Guava is a low evergreen tree or shrub 6 to 25 feet high, with wide - spreading branches and square, downy twigs. It is a tropical and semitropical plant. The flowers are white, incurved petals, 2 or 3 in the leaf axils, they are fragrant, with four to six petals and yellow anthers. Guava is well known for its high amount of vitamin C, 4-10 times higher than that of an orange. The fruit and the leaf contain bitter-tasting substances, such as tannin, and essential oils. The fruit also contains a large number of fibers....
Product Name : Guava Extract Liquid Guava is a low evergreen tree or shrub 6 to 25 feet high, with wide - spreading branches and square, downy twigs. It is a tropical and semitropical plant. The flowers are white, incurved petals, 2 or 3 in the leaf axils, they are fragrant, with four to six petals and yellow anthers. Guava is well known for its high amount of vitamin C, 4-10 times higher than that of an orange. The fruit and the leaf contain bitter-tasting substances, such as tannin, and essential oils. The fruit also contains a large number of fibers....
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Guava Extract Powder
Product Name : Guava Extract Powder Guava is a low evergreen tree or shrub 6 to 25 feet high, with wide - spreading branches and square, downy twigs. It is a tropical and semitropical plant. The flowers are white, incurved petals, 2 or 3 in the leaf axils, they are fragrant, with four to six petals and yellow anthers. Guava is well known for its high amount of vitamin C, 4-10 times higher than that of an orange. The fruit and the leaf contain bitter-tasting substances, such as tannin, and essential oils. The fruit also contains a large number of ...
Product Name : Guava Extract Powder Guava is a low evergreen tree or shrub 6 to 25 feet high, with wide - spreading branches and square, downy twigs. It is a tropical and semitropical plant. The flowers are white, incurved petals, 2 or 3 in the leaf axils, they are fragrant, with four to six petals and yellow anthers. Guava is well known for its high amount of vitamin C, 4-10 times higher than that of an orange. The fruit and the leaf contain bitter-tasting substances, such as tannin, and essential oils. The fruit also contains a large number of ...
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Honey Extract Liquid
Product Name : Honey Extract Liquid Honey is the fluid that possesses high viscously and sweet in taste. It has been obtained from the bee’s products by accumulating the sweet fluid from the pollens. In traditional medicine, honey is used as a moisturizer, an intestinal emollient, a diuretic, and as an antidote. In addition to, it is used as a solvent for a medicine. In research reports, Honey has been useful in the treatment of surgical wounds, burns, and decubitus ulcers, and the antibacterial and antifungal properties. In burns in particular, honey has been found to control wound infection and...
Product Name : Honey Extract Liquid Honey is the fluid that possesses high viscously and sweet in taste. It has been obtained from the bee’s products by accumulating the sweet fluid from the pollens. In traditional medicine, honey is used as a moisturizer, an intestinal emollient, a diuretic, and as an antidote. In addition to, it is used as a solvent for a medicine. In research reports, Honey has been useful in the treatment of surgical wounds, burns, and decubitus ulcers, and the antibacterial and antifungal properties. In burns in particular, honey has been found to control wound infection and...
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Product Name : Innovacan Rich of purified beta-1,3/ 1,6-glucan, extracted from yeast cell walls, fine, free-flowing light-beige powder form, excellent for foundation of dietary supplements and fundamental foods. The present natural product used for improves food texture and also responsible for specific binding with macrophages, thus improving the immune response and providing healthy living.
Product Name : Innovacan Rich of purified beta-1,3/ 1,6-glucan, extracted from yeast cell walls, fine, free-flowing light-beige powder form, excellent for foundation of dietary supplements and fundamental foods. The present natural product used for improves food texture and also responsible for specific binding with macrophages, thus improving the immune response and providing healthy living.
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Lemongrass Extract Liquid
Product Name : Lemongrass Extract Liquid Lemongrass is a long-living herbaceous plant originating from the southern region of India and Sri Lanka. Nowadays, it is widely cultivated in tropical areas worldwide. Lemongrass is used as a food seasoning and an aromatic additive. It possesses digestive and carminative properties because of a high amount of essential oils. It also has a protective property against some types of fungus and bacterium.
Product Name : Lemongrass Extract Liquid Lemongrass is a long-living herbaceous plant originating from the southern region of India and Sri Lanka. Nowadays, it is widely cultivated in tropical areas worldwide. Lemongrass is used as a food seasoning and an aromatic additive. It possesses digestive and carminative properties because of a high amount of essential oils. It also has a protective property against some types of fungus and bacterium.
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Licorice Extract Liquid
Product Name : Licorice Extract Liquid Licorice is native to parts of Asia. It is also known as “sweet roots”, which contains a compound that is roughly 50 times sweeter than sugar. It is a herbaceous perennial, growing to 1 m in height, with pinnate leaves about 7 - 15 centimeters (3-6 in) long, the roots are straight pieces of wrinkled, fibrous wood, which are long and cylindrical (round) and grow horizontally underground and are brown on the outside and yellow on the inside. Licorice is one of the most commonly used herbs in Western and Eastern herbal medicine and...
Product Name : Licorice Extract Liquid Licorice is native to parts of Asia. It is also known as “sweet roots”, which contains a compound that is roughly 50 times sweeter than sugar. It is a herbaceous perennial, growing to 1 m in height, with pinnate leaves about 7 - 15 centimeters (3-6 in) long, the roots are straight pieces of wrinkled, fibrous wood, which are long and cylindrical (round) and grow horizontally underground and are brown on the outside and yellow on the inside. Licorice is one of the most commonly used herbs in Western and Eastern herbal medicine and...
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