Sunchoke Extract Powder

Product Name     : Sunchoke Extract Powder

Sunchoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a species of sunflower in family Asteraceae. It is commonly known as Jerusalem arichoke, Sunroot, Sunchoke, Earth apple and also called Kaen-ta-wan in Thailand. Sunchoke is a herbaceous perennial plant, its flowers have yellow color. The tubers have light to dark brown color and look like ginger root. Sunchoke tuber as food is consumed in the form of fresh and cooked such as salad, roasted, steamed, boiled and fried. The main compounds in tuber are Inulin and Fructo-oligosaccharide. These compounds are a group of Polysaccharide. It can’t digest in digestive system; therefore, it is prebiotic substrate for a growth of probiotic bacteria. The Sunchoke has many benefits includes prebiotic, weight control, anti-diabetic, decrease blood lipid and cholesterol, improve immune body and increase absorption of minerals.


Product Name     : Sunchoke Extract Powder

Botanical Name  : Helianthus tuberosus L.

Family Name      : ASTERACEAE

Common Name  : Sunchoke, Jerusalem artichoke, Kaen-ta-wan (in Thai)

Part Used           : Tuber

Sunchoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a species of sunflower in family Asteraceae. It is commonly known as Jerusalem arichoke, Sunroot, Sunchoke, Earth apple and also called Kaen-ta-wan in Thailand. Sunchoke is a herbaceous perennial plant, its flowers have yellow color. The tubers have light to dark brown color and look like ginger root. Sunchoke tuber as food is consumed in the form of fresh and cooked such as salad, roasted, steamed, boiled and fried. The main compounds in tuber are Inulin and Fructo-oligosaccharide. These compounds are a group of Polysaccharide. It can’t digest in digestive system; therefore, it is prebiotic substrate for a growth of probiotic bacteria. The Sunchoke has many benefits includes prebiotic, weight control, anti-diabetic, decrease blood lipid and cholesterol, improve immune body and increase absorption of minerals.

Active Ingredients of Sunchoke Extract


  • Prebiotic
  • Weight control
  • Decrease blood lipid and cholesterol


                This extract is applicable in food supplement, healthy food and functional drink such as soup, cookie, tea, coffee etc.